A critical error has occurred. Please create a bug report on the forums
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Please include what you did before the error and a screen-shot or copy-paste of the error message below: ``` Version: 0.9.123-BACKER-ELECTRON#5816 Message: Potential erroneous button configuration detected. Button 'Disarm' specifies a tooltip header 'Disarm the bomb. Remember: you want to shut it down, not set it off...' but no body! Stack:
TiTSException: Potential erroneous button configuration detected. Button 'Disarm' specifies a tooltip header 'Disarm the bomb. Remember: you want to shut it down, not set it off...' but no body!
at h (tits://titsapp/main.7721800a.js:1:10052651)
at e.value (tits://titsapp/main.7721800a.js:1:18110166)
at Object. (tits://titsapp/content_tarkus.4f11955e.js:1:4968497)
at tits://titsapp/main.7721800a.js:1:12611364
at tits://titsapp/main.7721800a.js:1:10932035
at Object.We (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:529236)
at $e (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:529390)
at tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:547593
at Or (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:547687)
at Rr (tits://titsapp/vendors.d1a9244d.js:1:548101)
Translation not active.; Hash mismatches; may indicate a section of the save has been edited: None (10:47:51.972) (Core) info: GameState postLoad()
(10:47:53.756) (Serialization) info: Setting gameloading marker false
(10:47:57.149) (Combat) info: Beginning combat with Kaska.
(10:47:57.152) (UserInterface) info: Pushing
"Main Text" to UI state stack, replacing with "Combat".
(10:48:01.883) (UserInterface) info: Popping UI State back to MainText...
(10:48:01.883) (UserInterface) info: Popping from
"Combat" and setting
"Main Text" as active state.
(10:48:01.900) (Creature) info: New key item applied to Seira: Kaska's Detonator
(10:48:02.755) (Combat) warning: Combat successfully cleaned up combat container.
(10:48:05.204) (UserInterface) fatal: Potential erroneous button configuration detected. Button 'Disarm' specifies a tooltip header 'Disarm the bomb. Remember: you want to shut it down, not set it off...' but no body! ```