welp finaly got around to trying this game for the first time, and the story and dialog is amazing, world and lore is interesting, and alltho there is a lot of writing, the conversations are not boring fluff filler nonsense, something that a lot of game devs seam to struggle with ( characters having dialogue that feels forced, even when just having a bit of banter between them it ussualy feels cringy, but in this game it's actually great, the discutions in the dialogue feels like something natural )
outside of the 2 cases where the game ask's me about a decision because of a missed proper tag, i did encouter only 1 bug-ish
in the codex with lady izumi after you
other than that i would say that people would probably want to set the options in the preference>extras to: sex scene style set to loop and sex scenes set to paused , it will make thous scenes to flow better, but none the less the sex scenes are unfortunatly among the weak sides of this game (and from what i read the same goes for his other games, witch i am going to try out now that i see how good this dev game content is)
1 more thing (question) regarding the dev
Talothral , is there by any chance a map of how this world, of how it should look and where the places are? tbh i don't know if you have a plan on how it should look or if it's just something you come up with as time goes by, but i would rly like to look at a map showing where cityes are, ofc showing the distance is not as important but more to the point of :
"all the characters have an idea in what direction a city and it's neghboring villages are, expect the reader who is lost and has no tool to find out in what direction the world and the people of the world are"
you have something similar in the codex when it comes to money and weights, so throwing a map there would be rly cool.
i would say however that in some conversation imo you went a bit overboard with the prices of some herbs, remember, by your own rules most common folk might see 1 gold sovereign there entire life, so when some herbs cost a few hundread sovereigns or nights spent here and there at inns cost crowns (witch makes a few visits = 1 sovereign) than it kind of busts the economy of the characters a bit ( the 2 highest coin dominations should be used spearingly and for special important high end expenses esepcialy the sovereign domination, otherwise it makes the money in the game feel unimportant especialy the 3 lower denominations, witch you don't want to do since trade seams to be an important aspect of the economy in your story and world) ofc the MC is not some1 common, but to many people of the world talk in sovereigns when it comes to prices for supplyes or herbs or general expenses witch is a bit... overboard for me.
oh and by the way, can you give them a pillow when they sleep in bed? they look really fucking unconfortable when they sleep, breaks my emersion dam it! for other might be breaking the 4th wall when telling a story, for me, the imersion breaking happened when there was no pillow in the bed, the horror of it !