Others - Triumphant Tactics [v0.1] [Node]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Da Bob

    Alright,Played the Entire Demo,there are 2 Attributes i had no clue what they meant for sure Wlv and Blv i believe (Weapon Level?) Anyways overall Feedback: The Levels feel somewhat to big and with a Lot of Dead Space (the First level was a Slog without using the filler Cavaliers) ,and the enemy quality is so comically low that its actually hard to even lose a character without getting Crit,a few times,to the point that you just move your units into the enemy and wait for them all to suicide,it doesn’t help that besides the handful of Red Units in the last map,every single enemy is completely Passive and doesn’t move unless you are in their Range,leading to even more of the slow feeling; Into the Non Gameplay Feedback,there is a lot of Minor Typos and missplaced words,after the single base event we have the Armor Knight girl Skill dissapeared,the Neko Girl description never changed,and the scenes felt too ….dry? Its hard to describe but they were both to quick to get to their end,while leading to no big pay-off in neither H Side or the actual character or plot one ,Overall i’d say there are decent bones in here somewhere,but they are buried a bit deep