the render looks good
is there gonna be animation?
I would love to include animations in the game, the problem is that animations require a really good computer to be realistically feasible. Right now I'm still working on a pretty average laptop, so it's not really possible. But yes, when I save enough money to buy a good computer, I'll work on adding animations to the game
There is an error which causes the rollback to change directions ... and you cannot always fix it.
Do you mean the table tennis match? If yes, here's an explanation:
If you meant something else, then please provide some information, you're the first person to report an error.
I'm enjoying it so far. If I had one piece of advice for the dev it would be to zoom out a bit. I feel like I'm 1 foot away from everyone I'm talking to.
Thank you! Yes, I'll work on that. Sometimes I have to zoom in a bit so that my laptop doesn't have to render more of the scene. That's also why I usually render the characters individually, even if the MC is talking to several characters at once.
Well this is a gem, loved the 1st episode. my only complaints (2) some scenes are wayy to bright. And based on the update title, releases are cut in half? but i feel like Episode 2 part 1 had barely even started.
How often are the updates?
Thank you! This is a special situation with Episode 2, the next episodes won't be split in half. Basically, because of some real-life stuff I couldn't get as much work done as I hoped to and I wouldn't have the whole Episode 2 ready anytime soon. I made a poll on my Patreon, asking if people would prefer me to release half of the episode now, or release it all at once later. More people voted for the split release, so that's why I released it like that. Episode 2 Part 2 should be ready in July, it will be bigger than Part 1. And after that, the plan is to release a new big update every 3 months