Hey guys! I'm glad you're enjoying the new episode. If you really like it please consider supporting us which, depending on the tier, may give you access to the walkthrough, extras or full versions (extra scenes, recorded girl sounds) and the official android version.
Just wanted to comment on some questions:
- no, we didn't change the game engine, we just made a technical and graphical update in Episode 4
- yes, it is possible to have a playthrough called Quiet Life Simulator

- as someone noted there is
a lot of sexual stuff available, that's why we added the gallery so you can check your progress
- don't freak out about points (for example with the condom); and don't try rigging the variables

some stuff is only available if some other stuff happens and if you want to explore everything you really should take the bad stuff along with the good as the game was definitely meant for multiple playthroughs
- for those who don't know (because you're not following us on Patreon), Episode 4 ends in a huge branching. Episode 5 will be more than double in size, will lead off into two separate situations and can even lead to a game end. So make sure to have a save from early in Episode 4
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Anyway, have fun everyone!