Unity - TwoSides Reboot [v0.038] [GreonoGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game. I cant comment on the rewrites as I only played this version but its one of the best games I have played lately.
    I replayed it 5times now and discovered new scenes each time,
    I hope the developer keeps concentrating on adding new content. I will go support it for sure if this keeps up. More sister stuff please!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    If I could give a 4.5, I would, but alas, due to the site limitations, I can't. I don't think I have saw everything that the game has to offer due to personal tastes, but I really liked what I saw. There were some minor bugs ( such as repeating scenes ), but nothing that gravely impacted gameplay, they're the reason I won't give the full rating, but I believe they're easily fixable. I saw that this is the third full attempt by the dev at making this game, hopefully they can get past the 0.3 versions wall.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Situations are nice and thought out, i really like the game.

    But it has one big flaw it's really overly ambitious with too many characters and story threads that lead no where because there are so much of them it will take a decade to flesh them all out.

    The scope is just too big, it feels like 2/3 games all pushed into one. Don't get me wrong most of the story threads i find interesting but the sheer amount of time it's going to take to flesh those out is just not reasonable.

    This also shows in the current game ,a lot of options are there they just aren't made so you can't select them. I really dislike this you are moving past choices and the story moves on, and if you keep saves you probably won't see those choices.

    so tl/dr: ambitious game that seems too ambitious.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting game. I like the like and dislike mechanics. The models while all looking distinct from one another are pretty basic. Most of the time its fine but a few look pretty bad. The dialogue while ok isn't too engaging or interesting to read, Sad to see yet another game with black women I have to totally avoid because I'm beyond sick of interracial in every single game personally. The sounds all seem pretty low quality along with being stupidly loud besides the phone ring which is somehow hd and sounds like its in my actual house. The one song you hear most of the game loops badly.

    The biggest issue, besides the whole white mc/black ppl thing, is the stupid amounts of canonically underage characters in this game. I get it we play fast and loose with age in the nsfw realm but come on. The mc sister is underage, her friend has to be as well, you have their friends, along with both of his aunts maid's children who are both even younger than the mc's sister.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    A well-crafted game, but not my idea of fun. (reviewed v0.036A Fix 1)

    I will admit up front that I didn't get particularly far into TwoSides before closing the game and deciding not to return. The introductory scenes set up an interesting plot, with characters that seem to have some character and hint in the direction of having interesting stories.

    Then I hit the wall. TwoSides has a stat system that tracks your relationships with different characters on different axes. Points are gained through selecting the right dialog choices, some of which are gated behind which specific skill(s) you have decided to invest in.

    All fine and normal for this kind of game until I hit the first interactions in the game where these stats are checked. Both times the "good" branch was gated behind having got an effectively perfect score selecting the right options in advance. There wasn't even a consolation branch for getting close, it was just "Did you not read the developer's mind and anticipate exactly what combination of stats was going to be required of you to progress with this character? Sorry, you lose."

    At this point the intended gameplay of TwoSides became clear: the developer wants you to be repeatedly backtracking through scenes to get precisely the right mix of points (once the game has later revealed what that mix is), probably having to maintain half a dozen different save games as the choices become more complex, and this just isn't fun.

    However much potential there is in a game's art, story, and characters, if progressing through them is gated behind tedious gameplay, it's not a good game.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I'd say it's pretty hard to be a global review of the game so far (0.035 Fix 2 - Which is around the end of Day 3) but I'll try my best.

    TwoSides Reboot Remaster Remake Enhanced IMAX Edition™️ is an interesting game that let you a lot of options on how you interact with the world around you, even if you're just at day 3 and you still haven't figured out how or why you're not using a rape drug but somehow can use a heavy dose of copium on a random girl and be able to fuck her and cheat on her "friend-with-benefit"... Right.

    Okay maybe it's not as original as it would seems because the dad is dead and every girl in town can't stop thinking about your dick ; but the world ! The world building is very satisfying ! I wish we could take some more time to visit places we already have instead of moving around from places to places (but it's probably because the game is still at day 3)

    The renders are somewhat good, it's definitely unique in a good way, the dev probably wanted to make it unique with the help of a shader and indeed it does make a good appeal, though it might look as if DAZ and HoneySelect had a baby. You can also count on the good usage of sound effects (although I'd say put some background music on the beach when approaching the bar, and some background generic music when watching a movie like in The Sims)

    The main downside is the content that is protected by stat checks, so you have to use cheats to see most of the content, and sometimes you have to "rewind time" (fancy name for save before any choice and load after) to see everything.

    The lack of walkthrough removes a star from my rating because it is very, very painful to check every option of the menu to see a variation of content.

    Keep going dev, but please no more remake.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    That's a really good one!

    The story is interesting and promising.
    The gameplay is satisfying.
    Characters and interactions feel very realistic and immersive.
    You have REAL options that affect the behaviour of characters as well as the scenes you get and how they work out.
    Dialogs are interesting, no need to skip unlike in many other games (textspeed/transitions could be a little bit faster though).
    Cheatmode and hint-system for the dialogs are integrated per default - very comfortable, best practice!
    The UI and the free-roaming is well executed.
    Since it's an relative early state there are not much scenes (for me) so far, but what's already there is good stuff :)
    The models are lovely and the art-style is pleasant.
    Nothing here is bad - everything is good.

    The only downside is the reasonable doubt, that the sheer amount of different options is to complex in the end - and leads to an abandoned game. I hope that won't happen.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    There are couple of games on this site that allow so many REAL choices. People and interactions look more real than usual. I really like the idea that not every single girl is mine so getting actual sex scene it feels so much better and immersive.
    I hope this time game will be finished.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed what I played, the variety in the content was a standout in comparable games. The characters were good, found myself getting annoyed by a butler in question. Looking forward to more content, the overall game length was a tad short as of this release.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    That is a very intersting continuation of the story from 2018. New catchy graphics and visuals, new ideas! There are some bugs and inconvinience, though the community is very active and caring. I hope it will not be abandoned like the old releases. Catchy and aspiring!
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Juliana Checo

    I love this game, without a doubt one of the best I've ever played, the story is very good. The characters are charismatic, each with their own personality, which offers multiple gameplay options. ((((
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I remember when this first came out, not ever had i been more excited about a game. Sadly, this designer has a tendency to abandon his games.

    But the things he does make, and this remake is fantastic and will be a gem if finished.
    The characters are great, lots of good variety
    Gameplay is fine, simple... but i enjoy it and the puzzle nature of it.
    Animations are mostly very good.
    Overall i am enjoying playing this game
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is directed towards [v0.03 Fix 2] which is the latest version posted in the site

    Oh man, what a gem I have found and this is just the beginning.. where to start

    .- World-building and story:

    I am a person that seeks for games that take into consideration good world-building, storywriting and mechanics first and foremost, and then having the porn as a bonus.. and I have to say, this game has not disappointed in any of those.

    World-building and storywriting up until now are very very good. It is commendable that Greono is putting a lot of effort and emphasis into making a story that is fun, engaging, and believable. The vast cast of characters all seem different and unique, although the corruption aspect of the game is hinted at pretty early on with that new drug that's going around as well as certain characters exhibiting morally questionable behavior, the first one we see that is on the deep-end of that stuff already
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    There's nothing resembling the typical trope in NSFW games of girls losing their minds from day one or acting in a way that is unnatural and cringe. The corruption aspect of this game, should you want to pursue it, takes time to develop as it should and it's not reflected on the characters immediately.

    Interactions between the characters are pretty good too.

    It is very well done and it honestly brings me joy to see so much emphasis on this. It motivates me to play the game

    I do have to say though, I have found some typo errors throughout some of the dialogues, the one that comes to mind at the moment is when
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    There are other minor language errors sprinkled throughout, but those are just polish concerns.

    There are also a few plot holes, such as
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    .- Gameplay:

    There's nothing technically innovating when it comes to this game, it is a CYOA type of game where you basically choose the type of life you want your character to have.

    But what is commendable about this is that it truly allows you to shape the character the way you would want to.

    Do you want to be gay? Straight? Swing both ways? There's a route or series of routes you can choose to do so for each option. Likewise for being submissive or dominant.

    There are literally so many different things you can do that I just love it, this is another factor that motivates me to continue playing the game.

    Also the fact that there are skillchecks which sometimes are necessary should you want to pursue a specific option. Being more fit, smarter, more creative.. to try and get away with different situations, it's a really complete game in this regard too.

    .- Artwork and sexual scenes:

    Starting with the UI, I think it is pretty nicely designed. It isn't obstructive to the player or anything, it has pretty nice colors.

    It seems as though the Quests tab and Secrets tab hasn't been developed at the moment there, and the Experiences tab remains a blank slate thus far too.

    There also seems to be an issue with certain characters profiles in the Character's tab either not unlocking, or their profiles not working.

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    Gameplay tab is very useful and appreciated, as it explains briefly and concisely what each of the attributes and skills do and how they would be able to affect your gameplay.

    Characters are very expressive, which is always welcome, as it brings a lot of life to them and makes them seem more real.

    As for sex scenes, I only got.. three of them in total perhaps? But from what I've seen, they are very well done. Firstly, the writing for them is done pretty well, it enhances the scene a lot, and the animations for them when they have it are also pretty well done.

    They are very smooth, I honestly appreciate the fact that there are no sex sound effects as that would potentially ruin the scene.. seeing the characters expressions throughout is already enough for me, nice ejaculation visuals.. bonus points for being copious too

    The characters I've fooled around with were pretty endowed too, which I also like..
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    It could be a good idea to make different characters have different sizes, to add a bit more variety to the mix, but I wouldn't mind if they remain pretty endowed either hehe.

    .- Sound effects:

    Currently, there aren't a whole lot of them, but the few existing themes for the different ambiences are good and add to the immersion of the game.

    Overall, a very good game right from the start which shows a lot of promise. I will keep a close eye on it, kudos to the dev for the hard effort put into making this a reality.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this is the most promising game on this site right now. Even this early in development it's already a pretty good game albeit obviously still somewhat light on content. I'm giving my vote of trust to the dev and hope he keeps churning out updates(so far he's proven a hardworking fella).
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I will give the game a high rating in advance, as it has a huge potential, I hope that dev will not abandon this game and maybe a little more frequent updates will be released.
    What did I like?
    - Huge variability in the passage, many dialogs can lead to completely different events.
    - Great Tags for the game, there is basically almost everything, add dating sim, maybe swing or NTR, since the prerequisites are there.
    - So far not a bad plot, nothing supernatural, but it'll do.
    Good luck with the development, I think it will come in handy)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    1) Graphics = unique, i liked the rendering style of this game it makes this game different from others.

    2) Gameplay = simple and engaging, thats what i liked in this game i wasnt bored throughout my play. bonus for adding cheats made my life easier.

    3) story = the story atm is being fleshed out but i did enjoy the developments in the story as of .02.1

    4) audio = adequate, could have some improvements in the future.

    5) characters = this is the most important aspect of the game atleast to me, the characters in this game has personality and progression of their personality based on your choices, but its too early to tell.

    6) animation =animation is somewhat satifactory ( fap worthy), controls when animations is being played must have a trigger button on the keyboard or atleast have some trigger buttons on the keyboard.

    Man this game is good, one of the games that i enjoyed sandbox wise.

    atm this game lacks content but so far the content available for you to play is about building connections with the characters, there are some scenes but is limited to side characters atm.

    the only downside of this game is it has history of abandonment though this is the first time i've played it and the game has alot of branches in which the dev will consider which branches should he go for and the characters will get bigger as theres alot of characters not yet introduced yet they're in the game such as aunt, mom etc.

    this game is worthy of support, considering support in near future.
    Godspeed to the dev
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Looks good so far, the writings good and the characters are nice. I like the different ways you can play and approach each character. Also, the whole pill thing is interesting. However, this game seems to be extremely sandbox heavy. I think some of the sandbox navigation sections could be cut down significantly. Do I really need to fish around and actually use the elevator to go upstairs and then pick which room is mine? Do I really need to keep going back and talking to the same lady to uncover new areas to explore? This type of sandbox can very quickly become a burden, and it's already started to. Also, this is absolutely going to be a game where a walkthrough is needed because the navigations are a nightmare. I also don't entirely know what the points are going to do between characters. Am i going to end up screwing myself over by forming friendships between certain characters? I'd like to know what exactly is going on. Also, I think the clarity of dialogue choices could be simplified a bit. Overall, it's pretty promising, but has the potential to become a sandbox nightmare so be cautious.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on v0.02.1:

    Greono, the guy who never has figured out where to take this game. What is this? His third remake now? He has tried different engines, different styles (animated or just still pictures) and now he has changed the models to be a bit simpler, but guess what? This might be his winning ticket. While I really liked some of the models in his old version so do I have to say that I think he is onto something here, they are simpler yes but still manages to keep them good looking. Story has changed, it still starts the same but you get into the action of the story much faster this time around, but in a logical way, maybe a bit fast for some. Imho I think it is moving at just the right phase so far. He has tried his hand on some light open world parts that I feel work rather nicely, easy to navigate and very easy to know where to go. A few mini-games that was simple to understand and can be done one-handed *wink-wink* . A respectable amount of kinky scenes for being such a early build that leaves me wanting more and music/sound effects that don't feel out of place. If I have to bring up a negative point so would it have to be the point system, it is a bit much but luckily he has added a cheat system that makes it easy to follow the paths you want to.

    All in all so am I impressed with Greono, I have followed TwoSides since the first version way back and loved those. I wont lie and say I wasnt a bit skeptical to the style he is going for with this reboot but for now it seems like I was wrong. Going to be interesting to follow this one.

    NOTE: In the options menu you can add a "Locked content" and "Cheat menu" code. Will have to be re-added with each update but should be found as a spoiler in the OP.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    At the time, I wrote a review for one of the abandoned versions which clearly showed the ambitions of the project. I gave it 5 stars of encouragement. Today, many years later, the ambitions remain the same. Maybe much less with the Patreon restrictions. Like many, I have serious doubts about the outcome of the project even if the author tries to reassure in the thread of the discussion.

    I think that if the project succeeds, it will not be for many years. For the moment, I would be careful not to financially support this project and it will rather come in the form of "rewards" when we get closer to a finished game.

    But again, if the promises are fulfilled, it promises to be a great game with many choices, consequences, directions. The challenge is great, the author's desire after this fourth attempt demonstrates that he wants to do something with this idea that has been in gestation for "too" long. It remains to be seen whether the energy, motivation and love of the project will be enough to achieve something.

    However, I remain a little suspicious of the author's "a little too present" insistence on receiving financial support, that this new version is only a showcase to try to raise as much money as possible and then, a once again, abandon the project. The question remains legitimate and it is up to the author in several months to demonstrate the opposite by the result. Like No man's sky ;-)

    For now, the review is written with version v0.02. No real scenes and many are blocked based on starting skill choice. The scenes are mainly foreplay scenes, but they are quality. There are cheat codes that I strongly advise you to use. Without it, most of the content will simply be inaccessible.

    I therefore give a 4 star encouragement and if the promises are kept, there is no doubt that we will go to 5 stars :) . But it is very possible that we will also drop to 2 stars. Time will tell.

    For those who are curious to access the other versions:
    + https://thef95zone.info/threads/two-sides-v0-02-greonogames.3244/
    (This version was redone several times and even went up to v0.07 before going back to v0.02. with removal of a lot of content related I think to patreon tolerance.).
    + https://thef95zone.info/threads/two-sides-redone-v0-03-fix-2-greonogames.32915/
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne

    what can i say, this was an expected but delightful return of one of the most unique games there is here. however, i am still untrusting to whether this developer is gonna burn out quickly like the numerous other times, and this is gonna be YET AGAIN another abandoned remaster of this game.. i hope this time is different, as this game could be something beautiful, but time will tell.


    1. Unique take, allowing the player to do exactly as they wish, gay, straight, bi, male or female MC. its upto you

    2. a diverse cast, quite limited right now, but i hope if this game doesnt get dropped like several times before, then i can imagine we'll get a really thoroughly diverse cast of characters.

    3. The game is alot more fledged out than previous versions, with some RPG mechanics that change up gameplay, to which can drastically change how you approach situations, and what you can get from it.

    4. the models have improved alot. now i cant speak too much on this matter, as i didnt get a single sex scene in the two hours i played. got a sleep groping scene with the sister, and some masturbation scenes with the mc, and some kissing scenes. so i cant comment too much on the models themselves, from the genitals and so on.

    5. The animations are ten folds better and more refined. to which i am actively looking forward to hopefully seeing this game fully fledged out and finished.


    1. Seems sex scenes MAY be locked behind paywalls, which further segregates the player base, and the experience is sliced into pieces of the pie, but the question is, what size slice are you getting? im personally not a fan at all of this style, as it means im not experiencing the full game. i have zero issues paying to experience a game.. but i cannot justify taking the risk at this present moment in time to pay money for this development, for it to likely be abandoned again. now i hope it doesnt, as i loved this game. but its been MANY MANY MANY years, and not once has it progressed or been finished. this build has several improvements, and is all for it the better version. however, with experiencing no sex scenes, and the ones available being locked behind a wall. it makes me question whether this game is gonna flop due to it, or whether its going to be abandoned. time will tell.

    2. lack of trust in the developer. he has created a unique game. but has yet to finish it. and is known to never finish a project, and asks for money, despite never finishing what people pay for. not slating the guy, i dont know him in order to do so. but the practices of the developers past is not exactly biding well with trust. but time will tell if he actually finishes the game people truly love, and maybe then he will earn the trust and respect of his fans back?

    3. the perk system. now i get what theyre trying to do. but i chose the fighter build, and i missed out on tons of content due to it. meaning the dialogue options were greyed out, and meant i couldnt do anything. and some options were even requiring two perks, to which i wasnt given the option of two, nor the opportunity to learn them either. so maybe its a system not quite fledged out? or is it designed specifically to block out free to play people, forcing them to pay to actually play the game as intended? no clue. i hope its the prior.


    This game has a long history thats not exactly shined a trust worthy light onto the developer. however, we also cannot deny that this game is unique in its premise and foundation, and what its trying to do. with a range of sexuality options, and kink options at your disposal, and i love that, and thats what made me fall in love with the original build. this seems to of refined alot of the issues with the older build, bettering ALMOST everything in every way. sure it has some flaws, some red flags, and it looks somewhats promising. however, i need to see more sexual content, and a regular update schedule to properly regain trust, and review it fairly. as i experienced alot of story in this build, but basically next to nothing sex wise that expands or even shows the basic systems of the male and female changing, the gay stuff, the bi stuff, incest etc. so time shall tell. will this amazingly unique game get abandoned again? or will we finally see it finished? or will the developer doom his game before it even kicks off again, by locking everything behind paywalls? i really need more time to see more content arrive, so i can appropriately review. so for now ill rate it a neutral 3/5 for lack of content. time shall tell

    edit: the developer has been extremely kind and transparent and honest, we had a conversation through dms, and i had tested the latest build. now although content wise in my playthrough i still didnt get anymore sex scenes. and tons of bugs that stopped me accessing them. the fact the developer himself initiated a conversation, and had me test a build i hugely respect. now i wont review the latest build i have access to, as i feel it needs more time to cook. i however will await the newer builds, and continue to bug report. and the developer knows where i am if he needs someone to find them too. the current build however does give you access to all skills and such, allowing you to take full advantage of the perk system it has, and allows you to converse how you wish to, as well as approach situations how you want without restriction. and from my understanding is set up this way to avoid patreon striking the developers down due to certain types of content in the game. so i say give it time, let it cook. but youve gotta respect the transparency of the dev