- Aug 24, 2017
- 3,273
- 3,937
Anime character with some very nice thighs you can search up Rin Tohsaka's thighs and you'll get some good resultsWho is she?
... she's literally just a generic anime girl. NBDAnime character with some very nice thighs you can search up Rin Tohsaka's thighs and you'll get some good results
I'll admit I really do appreciate your insights,but it's still lacking. You fail to see this from a kings/emperor/tyrant POV and also fail to consider the racial and cultural differences in said world which is a VERY BIG deal in world building but often overlooked or underplayed by many writers.A mental exercise I like to do when I'm enjoying a story is try and predict the ending. The obvious one is "Dark lord wins, his adversary is defeated, evil blue haired lady is r@ped until she likes it, the day is saved, our antihero and his chosen consort and his harem retire to a fortress of evil somewhere to have lots of hot sex, the end." And that is a good goal. But so far this game has avoided being quite that straightforward. The goal is obvious but the best way to get there is less so.
Like, I'm pretty sure decisions on who to favor and who to ignore are going to play into the ending somehow. If you've got zero campatability with a character, is it possible that at a moment of truth, she betrays you? I'm imagining something like the suicide mission at the end of Mass Effect, where deploying your allies with a sense of their strengths and weaknesses and also how high their approval ratings are determine who lives and who dies in the last mission. Maybe that's aiming a little high. But some sort of climax where you show how far you've come and how well you understand your allies would be a perfect capstone on the game.
Also, the Main Character himself is at some point going to need to decide what he wants. While he has an enemy to fight, his goal is obvious. But does he actually WANT to be a benevolent king ruling over a peaceful countryside where everyone carries on their lives unmolested? Even if he does, is he going to be allowed to? I LOVED the inclusion of the farmboy in chapter 6, who exists to finally put a face on the suffering the Dark Lord's forces inflict on the little people. Will that boy ever forgive or forget? Does the Dark Lord have any right to expect him to? Or are the Dark Lord's enemies right, and his victory will do nothing but bring more pain and suffering to the world as his forces pillage and murder until everyone is dead or enslaved. Does he really just want to stomp on necks until there are no more necks to stomp on? It doesn't look like it, but if he had the choice of killing EVERYONE, everyone including his enemies, but leaving himself all alone in the world, would he take it? Will he be satisfied with the fall of the Matriarchy or will he always be looking for somewhere new to conquer? Can he stop the darkness inside of him from devouring everything he cares about? Or will this wind up being a "what's good for me is good for the world" situation where he confuses his own self interest with the good of the nation?
Thing I love about the farmboy - he shows how tyrants plant the seeds of their own downfall. When you rule by fear, sooner or later someone is going to just get sick of being afraid and decide to do something about it. Not today or tomorrow, but eventually. Somewhere out there is the person who is destined to destroy the monster. What if the fate of the villain is always to fall, and rise, and fall again, over and over? He cannot win but he refuses to die, so he will just be doomed to repeat the cycle over and over?
There's also a saying - you can survive your enemies, it's your friends who will get you in the end. Maybe the one who is going to destroy him is right under his nose, learning from him.
Terry Pratchett once wrote that if a man ever has you completely at his mercy, hope he's evil. An evil man will draw out the death, and make it last as long as possible, giving you a chance. A Good man will kill you with barely a word. The Dark Lord is lucky that the Matriarch is so evil. The problem with being a villain is sooner or later you're going to be up against someone Good and then you're REALLY screwed.
Naa you gotta read the Visual Novel to understand but thats irrelevant on this thread... she's literally just a generic anime girl. NBD
Org right now "Minecraft damage sound"
thank you. now we just need someone to make a compressed version
It is exactly the kings/emperor/tyrant POV that interests me. The game seems to be casting doubt on how "dark" the Dark Lord's rule actually was, especially in comparison to the repressive theocracy that replaced him. What sort of king is he going to be? Should the reader actually be on board with his quest to regain what he lost, overthrow the Matriarchy and rule the world? Is that actually going to be good for anyone except him? Why he wanted to rule the world seems to be linked to the circumstances of his birth, some cult seems to have created him in order to enact their vengeance, but does this mean he's doomed to be a tool or can he take control of his destiny somehow? The game should get deeper into the WHY of his character. Why does he want what he wants? What will he do with ultimate power once he achieves it? Is this a vision we as the readers endorse or should we be hoping some force that's NOT worse then he is (as the Saint is portrayed as being) somehow stops him?I'll admit I really do appreciate your insights,but it's still lacking. You fail to see this from a kings/emperor/tyrant POV and also fail to consider the racial and cultural differences in said world which is a VERY BIG deal in world building but often overlooked or underplayed by many writers.
I actually did some research into real harems (the Turkish Sultan's harem specifically) and it turns out a lot of the sexiest things we believe about them were pretty much all made up by white travel writers who were confronted with a place they weren't allowed to go, because the harem was closed to all men, and got huffy about being told no. So they let their imaginations run wild with all the debauched shinanigans they imagined those dirty sultans and their dirty concubines must get up to behind closed doors away from the eyes of the civilized (white) world. These imagininings often got published as fact and they were very popular. Hey, it was the Victorian era.Starting with the harem, a ruler of a nation life is anything but peaceful and so their will always be some new challenge or adversaries either in the form of a person or an insurmountable task, now the harem isn't to just sate the king's libido but also to hold him closer to his people and to give him counsel and aid for a kings power not only comes from himself but from those who follow and carry out his will.
Ok I promise I'm going to shut up about the Turkish harem soon, but it was actually to avoid this that the harem was concieved of in the first place. The early Ottomans had seen kingdoms torn apart by powerful families, and they thought that by eliminating the rank of "queen" and ensuring royal heirs would be borne by slave girls with no families, the Sultan would eliminate a possible threat to his power. All this actually ended up doing tho is make the MOTHER of the Sultan into the most powerful woman in the palace, meaning the girls would conspire against each other to put their own son on the throne... and remember, all the losers had to watch their boys get killed. No prizes for second place. One cunning woman was able to save her son by convincing his brother that he was mad, and thus no threat to his rule. This prince was severely handicapped, terrified of daylight, obsessed with fur (had his room covered in it), could not wash or feed himself, and had the mental capacity of a 6 or 7 year old. The sultan spared him and then promptly died while out on campaign, leaving no children. The mad prince was now sultan, but being unable to do anything, his mother effectively became the ruler of the kingdom. This situation wound up ending tragically for all involved, but the fact remains that the harem system definitely had it's downsides and there are times when a queen from a powerful family could simplify things considerably.Usually the most powerful clans/family force the king(directly or indirectly) to marry their daughters so they are both given security, it's like signing a contract that would usually benefit both.
I'm pretty sure that's true no matter who the person is. And the idea that your friends, family, wives, consort etc won't ever try to lie or manipulate you if they think they stand to gain from it is patently false. What powerful people need is someone who can tell them harsh truths and question their logic when they see they are about to make a mistake. Abusive people don't spare the ones closest to them, and just look at the news lately to see what happens when "telling the boss what he wants to hear" will get you further then telling him the truth.Now in the eyes of a tyrant he won't be able to see or understand all the difficulties of his people but his friends and family could as a result they will speak with him and try to make him understand, had this been a normal villager or minister their is always the suspicion of him trying to sugarcoat or manipulate him but his trusted friends, family, wives, consort etc wouldn't dare or wouldn't do it too much so as to lose his trust forever if caught.
I don't know, the most represented group in the Dark Lord's castle right now is orcs and goblins and he doesn't seem overly concerned with their well being. He doesn't like Elves at all, except when he can corrupt them, and if he has opinions about humans or dwarves, he hasn't gone into detail about them. I agree that he's going to need someone in his ear who can actually understand what the people need and how to keep the kingdom running, and of course we'd hope his companions could advocate for their own people, but he hasn't exactly sat down and like asked his elf princess how he could possibly get more elves on his side. And the "corruption" offered by demons like Lili seems to be magical, it doesn't depend on talking someone into changing their beliefs.When an empire/kingdom is large this problem is even greater so the importance of his consorts/wives is of utmost importance for they are the sole things that make him grounded with his people and considering this in fantasy the importance is x10 or x100. Each of his allies and friends dictate which race would be favored as they will be represented in his inner circle and those not will be very unfortunate.
Were they not? I don't think we've ever had that clarified. We know he collected taxes and sometimes demanded girls as tribute. I have a hard time believing sending a daughter off to be a sex slave to a tyrant was everyone's favorite part of living under the Dark Lord's rule. I think this is a topic we need more information about, especially as his power grows and we see what life under his "protection" is really like, especially for the little guy.Now as for ruling a nation is concerned, his people weren't in any horrible condition before when they were under him
Constant competition can also sap your strength and prevent your culture from advancing as it should. Competition is what eventually destroys empires. There's a saying you can survive your enemies, it's your friends who will get you in the end. An attack from an unprotected place is what kills giants.for any nation to be on it's toes and prosper it always needs competition, The Chinese Empire is a perfect example of a declining dynasty, they were ahead of their times compared to medieval Europe but peace robed them of their strength and hundreds of years later, they were easily smacked by the British and had Hong kong taken from them.
if the farm boy or any wastrel that comes to him just because his/her loved ones were killed well cry me a river, B!#ch, his family could have already died from starvation, bandits, orcs or the matriarcy.
Well, maybe. The dark lord sure makes it sound like the Matriarchy struck first. We don't know yet if that was actually the case. We also don't know why it was so easy for them to recruit the dwarves and elves to their side, when the arguments the saint would've been making seem focused on the immorality of life under the Dark Lord, and I can't see elves or dwarves really caring about that. I think we need to learn more about how he really rose to power the first time, who he hurt that he might've thought was beneath his notice, and who out there still holds a grudge.Now taking into consideration that this is a fantasy setting with many different race we need to know for a fact their will be stereotypical views, here we see Orcs are bad guys simply because they are orcs and also they are hotblooded. Is a lion bad simply beacause he's strong and eats wildebeest, deers etc ? is it wrong that he kills other predators on enroching his hunting grounds and taking his prey ? The answer is NO ! that's his nature something he's hardwired for and he's not in the wrong same way your skin is different from someone else or that you don't want someone to eat your entire food when your hungry, a common tactic for people to attack another is by dehumanizing and shaming one and making you be the hero so as to justify your cause. That is probably what the elves, dwarves and humans did when attacking the tyrant to take his territories or facing his conquest.
That makes sense tho. The origins of a rape fetish are generally rooted in the desire to enjoy sex without the burden and baggage of figuring out how to consent to it. Rin is someone who has never in her life ever "enjoyed" sex, so the only relief she gets comes when she's being assaulted. The more blatant the assault, the more she gets off. Which... loaded gun to be playing with especially considering real life victims are out there trying desperately to convince people to see their assaults as acts of violence, NOT acts of sex, and that you can get off while being raped and it doesn't make it less traumatic, but this is an H game, I don't think anyone wants a deep explorations of the burden of trauma.Kind of sucks that Rin can go all "fuck me use me like sow" when orc rapes her but doesn't really say stuff like that with main character during sex even after all those chapters. Feels like random orc got more out of her in 5 minutes than main character did in all that time spent during the game.
Maybe yes, maybe no. I dont really care about reasoning to be honest. Games like this are supposed to make you feel good. Instead Rins content makes me feel kinda inferior to some orc and it makes interactions with her much less enjoyable compared to rest of the main cast.That makes sense tho. The origins of a rape fetish are generally rooted in the desire to enjoy sex without the burden and baggage of figuring out how to consent to it. Rin is someone who has never in her life ever "enjoyed" sex, so the only relief she gets comes when she's being assaulted. The more blatant the assault, the more she gets off. Which... loaded gun to be playing with especially considering real life victims are out there trying desperately to convince people to see their assaults as acts of violence, NOT acts of sex, and that you can get off while being raped and it doesn't make it less traumatic, but this is an H game, I don't think anyone wants a deep explorations of the burden of trauma.
Maybe Rin had a harder time getting off with OC because she actually wants sex with the Dark Lord but cannot conceive of a scenario where saying "yes" to him wouldn't be deeply shameful and humiliating. I don't know. She's got complicated feelings towards him right now.
Eh, that sort of "breed me like a sow" stuff just strikes me as bad porn writing.... no offense, I mean I know this is porn, but nobody actually talks like that, no matter how hard they're getting off. I know it's a cartoon, and I know it's supposed to make it obvious that Rin has a mascochistic side and a rape fetish, but for me it's just too on the nose and gross. Her second scene, with the Dark Lord, is much more "realistic" so to speak.I am a simple guy and if a girl I like can go "breed me like a sow" with other guy but not with "me" it makes me feel bad.![]()