VN - Ren'Py - UFO [Ch.3 v0.6.7] [17MOONKEYS]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    UFO 0.6.7
    A game with a universe of potential with a time-skip and body aging transformation concept, I love the Star Trek inspired combination interstellar sci-fi and quick-witted humour.
    Here is my review and rating of this game taking in account of the following factors after playing 0.6.7 version.

    Gameplay and Mechanics
    As this is a visual novel there isnt much to say in this department, but there is a not a lack of, but absence dialogue options, only choice you get to make is in futa options.
    Absolutely 0 options make the game too linear.

    A story with a great potential both universe building and narrative depth , but restricted by one dimensional. It is humourous and easygoing with Ivan the cat, dialogue is straightforward but predictable.

    Very shallow characters, basically and literally sexdolls with a mouth. Ivan, the cat, surprisingly has more character than any one else, which is both amusing and sad.

    Graphics and Sound
    Amazing graphics and model designs, which perfectly suit the breeding milk cow and overly bimbofied sexbots.
    No animations is a major setback.
    Sound design is nothing special, and the moaning sounds are ear shattering, a lot of room for improvement in this department.

    Replay Value
    The game's replay value is currently low due to its limited content and lack of impactful choices

    Personal Opinion
    • Unique concept with potential
    • Breeding cow models
    • Futa content, for those with a broader mind

    • Too linear, no real player agency
    • No Animations
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Penumbral Evanescence

    Review as of Ch.3. v0.6.7

    Overall, I believe UFO is quite a promising AVN experience.


    + The renders are very erotically pleasing and the proportions of the MILFs are rendered very well.

    + The plot (while oftentimes zany, whimsical, 4th wall-breaking, and comical to say the least) is quite entertaining to read through. Being an avid fan of the Sci-Fi genre, I felt that the whole 'UFO' abduction angle and sex-bot characterizations were portrayed in a very comical (albeit) amusingly entertaining way.

    + The choice of music in the game is quite fitting. I personally love the title screen theme and think it fits the overall theme of 'UFO' very well.


    - While the plot is written in an intentionally amusing way, there isn't much substance to it, and is quite predictable in many ways. Obviously, not expecting a huge epic story or whatnot, but the narrative seemed a bit too cliche/predictable at many points in the story.

    - Some of the sexual sounds/moans to me came off as a bit too repetitive. If there were some variations in the sexual moans, I think that would make the sex scenes a lot more pleasing to listen/play through.


    If you are looking for a funny/out-there kind of game with various sci-fi innuendos and hot sexy/thicc ASF MILFY characters, then UFO will hit a lot of those pleasure points for you. Overall, would highly recommend a playthrough of this game in its current state and looking forward to more updates (y)
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    There are some smoking hot thick broads in this. Dev knows how to craft a 5 star milf for sure. Unfortunately the story and writing come off as pure gibberish, even for a porn game things just kind of happen at random. Also they need to be more clear on how futa/trans heavy this game is, as in you cant avoid it and will be exposed to it pretty frequently. No offense to those of yall who are into that, I hope you have a great time with this game, but personally speaking thats something I cant work with. Gorgeous models wound up just being a tease.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed it. Crisp renders. I was hooked with the sci-fi setting. And the LI who's essentially the last woman in the universe made her quite appealing to me. Taking advantage of the environment and using the anti-gravity to your advantage makes some stellar scenes. Not into futa or atleast this game was my first exposure to it, but I laughed and kept an open mind.

    One thing I do love is that this game makes me feel like I'm about to do some sandbox, like I have to point and click around. A character may tell me to take this, do that, go here, but the story is quite linear and I don't have to go through all that hassle, like I can just enjoy the story. Looking forward to more.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Here are my thoughts, and yes it IS an honest review. Doing this from memory since I ripped it out of my system quite a while ago.

    Story concept is pretty good. MC gets abducted by aliens and cryo stasis takes him (ha ha) to a time where there is only 1 other human
    The models (non futa) are good. They actually look like moms, not some half baked idea that an 18 year old with big tits and wide hips are MILFs. Just wish more were portrayed with shaved pussies.
    The cat being a corrupting force is funny

    Developer seems to think when you click "No" to a kink it means they need to force you to deal with it happening anyway. "No I don't want it." Dev probably: "Too bad, here's some Rohypnol so you won't remember anything, but I'll talk about raping you in front of your face tomorrow. Don't worry about it." If you can't tell, this pissed me off the most.
    Model variety is damn near non-existent. Your choices are voluptuous woman or voluptuous futa, which if you could get rid of futa content, I wouldn't have a problem with. Maybe a wish for more shaved pussies?
    No animations.
    Kinetic novel (the only reason to click a choice is to move on with the story, you click any decision, 99% of your choices have NO impact)
    No menu option to turn off kinks.
    Missing tags which I think is inexcusable
    Release schedule vs content released sucks (probably not dev's fault, but this is an honest review so it goes in the cons)
    Political content isn't welcomed especially since I don't like either faction, nor the option to join space pirates which is probably the better choice between the other 2 factions.
    I'd rather MC walk around naked than running around in women's clothes or that onesie.
    MC is a sub, extremely rarely takes control of situations, yet he's got the confidence to aim for toppling a whole tyrannical government. Really.
    Sex scenes are uninteresting meaning that everything from angles to content is just boring.
    MC is supposed to be smart and dorky. Yet both of his working brain cells are competing for 3rd place. He (loosely termed) just does whatever whoever spoke to him last wants, no matter how dumb it is.

    To all you futa lovers out there, this review isn't meant to offend or be targeted. I just find that content absolutely repulsive, especially when I wasn't expecting to read about it afterwards.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game. Sadly not too much content for a kinetic novel type game. Took me a bit over an hour to reach the current end. Like the sci-fi setting and the story, but it felt a bit rushed at some points. I feel like there were some missed opportunities for world building and bonding between the characters during the space traveling and the MCs personality also switched up pretty fast in the 3rd chapter. The renders are all really good and the characters are hot. All in all I'd say 3,5 - 4 stars with potential for more.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    It´s really bad.

    The game feels very confused and not thought out in any way.

    The story is bad and boring.

    The dialogue and writting are horrendous, and no fun to read at all.

    The music is very generic sci-fi and there are segments where there is no music at all for way too long.

    The models look meh, they aren´t generic but they aren´t good either.

    The sex scenes are extremly boring and all kinda feel the same, some were also way too short, and no animations, and the moans don´t sound good.

    The UI with the character profiles in the bottom left look very weird and cheap it would kinda fit for the sex dolls but not the humans.

    And there is very little content and I kinda doubt it will ever be finished.

    Wouldn´t recommend.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review of Ch.3 v0.6.7)

    This is for me one of the best AVNs with a sci-fi setting. A kid wakes up in a spaceship and learns that centuries have passed and he's the last human alive in a galaxy now ruled by an evil queen. He contacts a resistance faction and becomes the key to gain control of the spaceship and ultimately overthrow the queen and set free her army of sexbots.

    Gameplay only lasts an hour or so but it's chock full of funny moments, references to sci-fi movies, thicc women and possibly the hottest futa girl ever, which IMO also has the best scenes to date. Futa content is skippable if that's not your thing.

    There are no (real) animations but renders are great and there's no time for boredom. This is the best and most complete game from 17MOONKEYS to date.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deep Spirit

    What I liked:
    -The idea with the talking cat-trickster was great.
    - The general atmosphere was relaxed and not very serious, although the topic of saving the universe was raised.
    - Sexual scenes were quite fapable, and they were quite often.
    - I liked the plot too, simple, easy, and there was even a plot twist.

    What I wanted to add\change:
    - I would like even more content, but I believe that the developer will fix this over time.
    - I would like more nonlinearity. I like games where you can make choices.
    You can play and relax. In general, it takes about a couple of hours if the reading speed is high.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    The art is fantastic and the story seems to keep me interested. Some of the renders look amazing. Not really into the Futa side but from what I've seen you're able to skip it without missing any story. It would be a 5 for me if it had a little bit of some animations in the (limited) sex scenes so far. The girls are too good looking to not have some animation/movement in the scenes.
    Looking forward to the updates and best of luck to MOONKEYS
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's not a game, but a real novel. Very bright visuals. The author of this all came up with a good plot and at the same time did a very good job of how everything should look and feel. Personally, I don't have much of a fetish for futanari, but some of the components are interesting to me. And here he has made everything so attractive that I can't wait for the next update every time to see the continuation of the fascinating combination of story and delicious corresponding images.
    This is why I can recommend it not only for fans of futanari fetish.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Cool game, very unique. Good renders, stunning Li's (Galaxina <3).
    I would like to see option male on futa only, without futa on male.
    Not many sex scenes.
    Music/SFX is ok.
    Content wise, not much content, its a shame.

    More frequent updates with more content and you ll be golden :)
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I cracked myself several times with this game because, it has such a goofy vibe, even that weird soundtrack helps in that aspect. The renders are great, the story is dumb but that´s why it is so unique and funny, and the talking addictive cat is the one of best overall characters in the game.

    What could improve in this game are the animations, because I think there´s noe of that in here. Better variety of music and sound effects could help a lot. Also, the pacing of the game has space to slow down, sometimes things start to move very quickly and the characters don´t react so well.

    But as a Futanari, chubby girls and comedy fan that I am, this game was made for people like me.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Another novella from a studio that I like.

    Even though at this stage the Alpha version is very short, but unique features can be traced:
    1. The drawing is excellent!
    2. Humor!
    3. Non-linear plot
    4. Other languages
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Some of the best renders I've seen, awesome kinks, and quality script. One of the very very few "games" I actually look forward to seeing updates on. Not one to give many fxxxs about any porn games but... its just that good!
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    Vivat Imperatoris

    Warning: You will be cucked and fucked in the ass without any ability to stop it!

    Milk Fetish
    The graphics aren't bad

    - sometimes absolutley terrible and lazy writing (you haven't seen your grandma for years and she just fucks you and tells you she loves you (ok where were you then?), a random woman just decided to be your mother because you sucked her tits? Not as a fetish but like she was really his mom?! Why not just take the real one?)
    - TONS of (real-life) politics, which is an absolute boner killer!
    - decisions where they don't matter but when you should have a decision its missing
    - your "mom" is constantly a bitch and gives you nothing and isn't related to you, why does MC still play along?
    - a lot of models aren't sexy, but just fat with ugly faces. That doesn't mean there can't be women with curves (Mow Cow is sexy) but a lot of them just aren't
    - why does the MC need to be humiliated constantly? Cum on the face, cucked, fucked in the ass, etc.?
    - it gets way too dorky (Mandalorian, Star Trek, ...)
    - it's a dick/penis/cock not a "mega" clit, stop it please its really cringe
    - MC gets feminized (must wear women's clothes), but Sissification tag is missing!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is such a great game, everything from the story to the graphics and each of the LI are great. My only disapointment is the long development of it but I feel like it is necessary for this game to continue to be great.
    A must play - 10/10
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Dr. Lewdwig

    [Not a review but an impression based on v0.6.0. Subject to change]

    A rare experience. Do not miss out.

    A bit more context:
    This ain't a review as it seems there are ways to go still until this VN is completed. So, these are just my current thoughts. You be the judge if they are positive or negative.

    I had never played any of this dev's previous works. So, coming to this I had no expectations but I'm always open to new experiences:

    * A few seconds in, I was elated to see there are devs out there who understand men like THICC physiques. Combine that with actually beautiful face models and you have *mwah* the chef's kiss.

    * Usually, the story in adult VNs are just there to push the scenes. This time, I found myself caring for it, even though it is light-hearted and mostly goofy. This is rare.

    * In general, most renders are pleasing to look at with vibrant colors. Normal ones and sex scenes.
    The dev understands what a sexy shot looks like. He knows his angles.

    * I found this game to be mostly tease. It's like 70% tease and only 30% squeeze. Depending on your preference you may or may not like this ratio.

    * The game has one full-on 'futa on male' penetration scene. I had no problem with it. Your mileage may vary.

    * IMO, the game slightly suffers from erotic oscillations due to a contrived narrative.
    What do these array of fancy words mean? MC and other actors of the story have been walking around naked and edging for 2 chapters. But then something in the plot happens and MC is told it's inappropriate to walk around naked or see the naked body of others.
    This soft reset, albeit lore-friendly, may feel forced. It's like switching to baseball channel mid-orgasm. (I'm adding this because the dev requested honest feedback).

    * (This one is a bit meta) The game has been in development for 2 years. Considering it doesn't feature high-frame animations, it's a bit thin on the content. That is, until you realize the dev has also working on a few other projects.
    It's not my place to tell others what's best for them. I also understand that sometimes you are requested by your paying customers to makes things that you can't fit into a single project.
    But, as a fellow creative person myself who tried many times in the past to make multiple things at once and has failed, I can only voice my worry for the dev and his works. And I wouldn't have said this if this game didn't have awesome potential or I didn't care.
    But this is my opinion. Everybody is different, of course.

    If I have to guess, this game is made by someone who alludes to atheism since they pushed Dawkins' work somewhere in the game. But as someone who believes in God and the judgement day, I pray the dev goes to heaven for these THICC ASS delicious models.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a flawed masterpiece. The porn is fantastic and very erotic, full of rare kinks such as lactation, mother son incest with a dominant mother, and other treats. Felt like a breath of fresh air.

    The problem lies in that there is no choice offered. All of the choices offered were basically do you want to see this scene or not. I think the author should allow non harem routes so that MC ends with one girl. The game could also benefit from better erotic outfits. Sometimes the women wear shit like shorts that look like a pajamas that are utterly unatractive.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    The story seems superficial to me, the appearance of the characters leaves a lot to be desired, having an unattractive form from many points of view, the transition of the scenes inadequate. In short, this game leaves a lot to be desired, I personally played it all the way through and I didn't like it.