I wish the farm job was more common.. doing that to earn money should be something you could do like every day.. for some reason after 2-3 times the option is just gone for me.
In general, i do like the direction you are going with this.. just a few things.
1. all the main route chars need a proper introduction, the 3 at home has, and Riley has. but Kendra and the other family doesnt have anything, you just jump straight in.. some intro would help forming a bond with them more.
2. youre picking rather popular models as baseline, especially for the female cast. So its confusing to my why you choose to mix actresses when picking what vids and images to show for the different scenes.
The girls should have more then large enough portfolio that you can just stick to 1 actress and take clips from her alone for each character. It takes you a out of the immersion when Alexis jump between Lisa Ann, Julia Ann and umm.. 2 other actresses i dont have on top of my head.