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Jan 23, 2021
so I end up hacking the dam save file and I unlocked all the things one by one now here is the final results


here what I have unlocked so far.

1- I can sleep in her bed room and have sex with her
2- I can massage her thighs in the morning and abuse her after
3- I can blackmail her all day around the house and and have sex with her in every room ( including pussy SEX )
4- I can abuse her next to the pool
5- I fk her while taking shower

I think I have unlocked everything but I'm not sure if I should keep playing or is the game over now ? is there is anything else to unlock ?


Mar 13, 2019
I change this toy
for this
:Dyou can in a personal:devilish:
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Jul 28, 2017
"shallow grinding" should be a genre for cases like this one
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Sep 3, 2019
Some one have Walk-through of this game I'm Stuck. My Affinity with her is in 40 and Uncle tell me to sleep at the Guess Room cause he think there is something wrong with the girl and want me to investigate but there no change no Event I dunno what else to do. The affinity is cap on 40 so I can't raise it anymore HALP!!


Oct 23, 2017
Some one have Walk-through of this game I'm Stuck. My Affinity with her is in 40 and Uncle tell me to sleep at the Guess Room cause he think there is something wrong with the girl and want me to investigate but there no change no Event I dunno what else to do. The affinity is cap on 40 so I can't raise it anymore HALP!!

did you check the shed to get the ladder? you gotta watch the uncle's sex scene


Jun 18, 2020
Since I played this few weeks ago, I will write down whatever I can recall.
Thanks to mirrorofpain1234

small walkthrough/guide i got when i bought
the game
For those that need help with the game.
To summarize/reorganize the walkthrough.

Dom 20: Kitchen at 12 o'clock
- Releases Garden Construction Quest

Dom 40: Talk to your uncle when he is smoking at the pool
- 1st Mission: bodybuilding equipment in the shed.
- 2nd Mission to clean the rooftop: take ladder from shed > place ladder at backyard > Early morning go up the ladder for event (uncle sex with aunt)

Dom 60 (releases blackmail): Keep working with Uncle in the office until release the quest of "spying your aunt" & get key to bathroom + enable you to sleep in guest room.
- 1st Blackmail event: Early morning go to Master Bedroom for aunt phone call event.
- 2nd Blackmail event: Do at least 10x abuse action on Aunt. Go to living room > book shelf for the envelope.

Dom 80: Sex in bed in the warehouse/shed
- 3rd Blackmail event: Keep abusing your aunt and always sleep in the shed. She will ask for your help to hide photos in exchange.

Dom 100: Sex in Master bedroom
- Final confrontation with Uncle in the office > then meet aunt in the master bedroom

To increase Dom level
- Keep helping your aunt in various places (Master Bedroom, kitchen, living room. guest room, office, bathroom) at different timeslot.

Game over
- 3 days without doing House task (water plants infront of house, clean the pool)

To release massage quest
- Early morning go to Master room to talk to aunt, release the quest to learn massage > Go to Guest Room to interact with computer 3x to learn Massage.
*Note: interacting with computer every 1 time will deplete players energy to 0 regardless of your max energy value.

I have also included the save for 1st day with 900 Stam and various event from Dom 80 where MC gets lad.
Dom 20 to 60 has not much event except if you want to see your uncle screwed your aunt (in Dom 40). :cautious:
After Dom 80, basically you can have sex with your aunt.

Full save. Hope this helps

Save 1 - Day 1 with 900 Stam
Save 2 - Sleep at shed event
Save 3 - Office Confrontation event -> 100 Dom Event
Save 4 - Bedroom event (after Office Confrontation)
Save 5 - Daily activities (not sure is there any more event after 100 Dom Event)
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Oct 25, 2020
i have her at level 52 and there's nothing new i can do
i can put sunscreen everywhere except the breast
and the morning massages i can only do in the shoulders
already so the scene of the uncle and her fucking and can acess the bathroom but she kicks me out
what else do i have to do?
and all i can get from the uncle is this
View attachment 2794907
im stuck in lvl 40 XD
1.00 star(s) 2 Votes