Yes. This IS the same game, and why a reboot? Well for a few reasons. Number one it was never Abandoned, it was put on the side to start Oath of Loyalty with a partnership (Hooli).... when came time to come back to it (as we are finishing part 1 of OOL) I decided that it needed a complete make over. The graphics, the story the characters... AND most importantly, something you guys will never see...the back end of things. It's completely overhauled. The original game was a freaking mess to maintain. Also, if you don't thinkt he renders look better now, you need to have your eyes adjusted, buy some glasses, I don't know lol.
There will be a harem route, most probably won't satisfy everyone.... but hey if you're not satisfied, go make your own damn game. The theme and story and fetishes will stay the same so expect the same themes to come back... this is a dark drama/comedy story so.... look forward to the return of our very bestest of the all friends SAL!
Hope everyone enjoys and supports us.