Unreal Engine - Under the Witch [v2024-11-26] [NumericGazer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A 5-star femdom game with amazing voice work and animation, a must-play for any fan of femdom. The game has a focus on feet which in my opinion is not bad at all; because I have a foot fetish. I have read some people complain about this, but the fact is they're part of the vocal minority and do not represent how the wider fanbase feels. What makes Under the witch stand out from the herd of Femdom games is not only the unique models but also the actual effort that was put into creating a world and lewd scenarios. You're not reading a wall of text with a vague image describing something, you're watching a fully rendered interactive movie with fully voiced mistresses! The bar for 3d femdom games has been raised and a new standard set. If you like this game after playing I highly recommend supporting the developer by either buying the steam version or supporting on Patreon.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    If you play ToT first, you can see how easy this game is. As a tip, if you get full iron armor set, a spear and parrying dagger, with some just guard skills, you can quickly beat Alice. But I kinda understand why people complain. However, the models and scenes are just too hot, quite good game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Had to update the review from the 1st releaso unto 0.2.0 since the next character is in development and hopefully the previous ones (or at least herba) aren´t going to have anymore stuff at least for a while.
    Gameplay is kinda decent, used to be good but since nothing has been improved from the OG release can only see it more as a failure; you go see a character, start a fight and inevitably lose since thats kinda the gig of the game, by losing you get exp and some H scenes until you´re high enough or save enough potions and beat the enemy. Main problem here is that there´s 1 enemy and the OG one that was pretty much done but was taken away for some reason and maybe will be re-added latter on, there´s also the fact that there´re only 2 skills besides basic attack: block and basically strong attack this just makes the game a waiting simulator until you´re of level high enough to beat the only enemy in turn...and there´s some small open world for some reason.
    H scenes: I´ll divide this on 2 sections and I´ll add the dealer since even though on the current dev build you cant fight her you can on the watered down version on dlsite or if you still have older versions saved.
    1) Dealer and Sister: both have kinda a hourglass figure, both have femdom scenes but each one has their own style, for the dealer is more of the so called "reverse-rape" where she blowjbs, handjbs or humps everything you have to defeat you happening most of this scenes on combat meanwhile the sister is more of a humiliation style where most scenes happen after the battle and their focus is on feet licking, thigh humping, facesitting and the like. Both are pretty good in general both on design and on quality of H scenes, they have a good quantity and have dialogue to accompany thats been voice acted so thats still a huge bonus compared to 90% of other h games between the 2 they have around 20 different scenes and their respective sections since in the case of dealer each one is separated on 3 or more mini-scenes.
    2) Herba: a gypsy witch that sells stuff but as a witch is always hunting any chance she has to succ both your money and whats inside your pants therefore she has no combat but herself she has around 20 scenes alone.
    The main problem with the game right now are 2 points: the wasted time (and increased PC memory needed) used on making an open world which took around half a year to do but there´s basically nothing in there I mean there´s a lake, a couple of cabins and a little hill with a cave but there´s no real reason for them to exist since you can only pick up rocks and twigs to sell to the merchant...that´s IT. Personally I would have had no problem if the whole world of the game was like the one of Girl Beat Hero where you just go to small locations and fight the enemies where the good part is developed heck even a selection screen where they let you choose who you want to fight and progress the game through dialogues pre and post fighting would have been more than enough with the quality of content the 1st release had.
    The 2nd problem is Herba, as stated above she has around 20 scenes herself alone which translates to a whole year and a bit more where on each update we had nothing but Herba on every single update, now her design is between chubby to fat so from the beggining many didn´t liked her but personally I don´t mind it that much, what disgusts me is the fact that so much content has been focused on her when not only she´s the most boring character but also since the dev let the patreon completely choose the content at some point there were month after month of feet-feet-armpit-feet-french kissing(?idk why thats a scene) and then they just went nuts with a farts and piss drinking update and shit like that, at some point I thought I was going to see scat and guro on the tags of this game at which that point I would just give it a round 0 and be done with it.
    A new hope: starting on July ´22 the dev has decided to start working on the next chapter being the 2nd one it´s shown a new witch (with once again a very nice design) that from the looks and what it´s been said the model is almost complete and hopefully on a couple of months we´ll start seeing her on updates by which time we´ll be on route again for this to being the hope of being an actually good femdom game that´ll be completed since at the very least I can say the dev has been constant on the updates since almost every month a new update has been released which means the dev is actually working (unlike many other games around here) I just hope the dev puts the pants up and choose a better selection of scenes and don´t waste another half year making more empty scenarios or get someone to work on that stuff and him/her to actually focus on the important matters.
    I´ll keep my hopes up so far since the dev has shown to care about the project and has been pretty much constant and open about the work being done but since his hands are tied to the patreon I´m giving the game a 3/5 for a still promising future but a cloudy one that might turn into a grim dark one.
    See ya in a year (which might be the time it takes you to read this gibberish of a review)
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This didn't have anything I was looking for, but it sure had loads of stuff I never wanted. The game presents as having options to all sorts of content, but all paths lead to gross-out not limited to farting, urination, excrement, and worse. If that's your thing...have a blast I guess.

    Oh yeah. Winning gets you absolutely zero content.

    And as many other players have mentioned winning is 100% RNG on not getting hit with insta-loss attacks.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    An absolute slog to playthrough. This game has the same problem a whole lot of real games have where they look absolutely amazing, but have nothing to back it up. This is all shine, no substance. This game just hates you for playing it, and you'll hate it right back. The reward is never worth the amount of time and unfun struggle you put in to get anywhere. Even navigating through the very start of the game is a chore, and the gameplay itself just makes it worse. The pay off just isn't worth it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 160661

    Quality like none other, any fan of femdom will find this to be a sure-fire fap. Normally I'm not a fan of 3d games but this nails it. They also give you the angles you always dreamed of. There are some fetishes in here that some may not like but they are 100% avoidable.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    crazy hard, i drink hp and sp like crazy, beat most of alice's health, she stole my hp potion, drink it to restore hp, next time she drinks again and alice is full of blood , very annoying, when you win the battle, the reward is just ONLY FOOTJOB, it's a waste of time. Annoying game, boring content, far behind the old version of fighting witches. I've never played a hentai game that made me so angry
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    graphic wise the game looks great, good voice acting, characters look beautiful. Gameplay combat wise on however the game is trash and extremely frustrating as there are no tutorial or guild so what ever, mechanics in fighting that are completely hidden, fights are completely RNG and the main fight of the game has constant instant kill moves, that if you fuck up just 1 quick time event you are dead. There is no skill involved
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    It has been a whole 3 years since this game is produced and developed.We saw lots of improvements have been made for the animations,envinronment especially the graphics(which are fantastic by the way)but what we didn't see it much was the h-contents during the battles.Now I am not saying there is no h scenes during the battle. For instance there are moves during the battle with the alice such as facesitting footjob,headscissor,headlock,and one with the feet(I don't remember its name) but thats it.Rest of the h scenes plays after the battle.And there are some h contents with herba(btw she is the witch for those who don't know her)This sometimes makes me question myself like''Am I playing a h game or just watching high quality porn stuff''The reason I am saying this is obviously 3 years of time period which the game is developed and still there is nowhere enough of h content which are produced for the battles.You may ask ''is it really important for those h animations only appear in battles?''Look I am not saying there shouldn't be h contents which are not in battles but for the love of god put some effort in there too like it has been soo long since I followed this game and the only new contents are some h animations which you interact with characters and do some certain things to activate the h content.Btw about characters did you know there are only two female characters in this game after 3 YEARS!Fortunately creator finally realized this and finally put a goal which is about adding new characters every 2 months.Now that is pretty neat!For example creator shared a new character's picture and she is a succubus (I CAN'T WAIT TO BE DOMINATED BY HER HEHE:love:)You can find the picture of her in his latest post in the patreon btw.

    In conclusion:This game has enormous potential to be the greatest h game out there but of course if it will include more characters,more h-content(especially in battles),and more variety in terms of gameplay(After all we are only clicking the mouse 1 to choose a move we want to do in battles so the moves must be various like adding new special attacks or dodge options etc...
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Normally I would love games that are unique and somewhat different from normal games.

    Sadly this one only great feature as for now is the graphic. Absolutely stunning, let me tell ya, if there was grass detection and more animations on the flora, it would been 10/10 on graphics.

    But, the gameplay is probably the worst I have had in a long time. You are supposed to lose, and not like in Elden ring where legit skills and even a level 1 player can defeat the final boss, by constantly dodging and knowing every single pattern. No but instead this is almost completely rng.

    You supposed to fight your sister who is waaay stronger then you. How strong you ask? Well three of her ultimate moves on shot you, even when you level up a lot, she also becomes stronger. And I have no clue how defending, dodging even works because there is no tutorial. I quickly noticed that if I spam the mouse button while she attacks, I can SOMETIMES block and dodge, first I thought it was timing when the screen flashes, but nope. I have no clue what indication on these "events"

    Secondly, if you lose two times in a row without playing a tiring minigame, the game just ends. Also there is no other enemy currently in the game. After 3 years of development I was expecting at least some mini mobs that you can easily defeat to earn exp, instead of constantly being defeated.

    Thirdly, a lot of fetishes. Which is alright, but waaaay to forced. Legit even when PAYING someone to have your way with them, you still are the submissive one.

    Anyway, I will change my rating maybe once this game has gotten plenty of updates or at least a tutorial on combat mechanics and indictation added.

    PS also I might be crazy, but I am 100% sure I got her to 0% hp two times and she still survived.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    super game! beautiful legs, fingers. I don't need anything else. updates about once a month, but the game is quite beautiful, the potential is huge! good voice acting, the characters are very top-end, excellent textures. advise!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    wtf this is like a 1st percentile game in terms of quality.
    The models are nice, the fetish content is good. You can change the models clothes during an active cut scene which is hilarious, the giggle physics are good. 10/10
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't know what to say about this game. It looked so damn promising at the beginning until it involved mc's sister and the fatty shopkeeper or whatever shes called. Obviously creator has a thing for thick thighs and booties which is perfectly fine since a lot of people do too but the recent content is just dogsh*t, it's just not fun enough
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    for foot fetish chads with proper computers only, normies need not apply.

    There is no sex in this game, there is no maledom. If you want that move on. Filled with feet content that you can not avoid. If you do not like feet move on. The game looks great but runs like shite so if you can't play modern games on your pc well this thing will chug. The combat is the standard dull turn based combat you find in porn games with the not so lovely addition of qte's which can be annoying to deal with and require constant focus during the fight but the animations for fighting and the special holds and so on are polished. most of all this has some of the best feet content I have seen. So much variety in the feet scenes and the animation is top notch
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I liked the first iteration of the game. The one you faced the dealer instead of Alice. Not only because I liked her appearance much more, but the scenes were also much better.

    One other problem with newer versions is that there is now a pointless/boring free roam mode (and buggy! many CTD). But the fighting and leveling mechanics didn't improve significantly.

    - The niche fetishes are not my thing. Maybe it's yours, who knows?
    - Graphics and animations are decent

    - Shallow gameplay
    - The lack of free camera on sex scenes is a major flaw
    - No character customizability
    - The niche fetishes are not my thing. Maybe it's yours, who knows?
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Despite the game having a few flaws, it is by far better than most of the Hentai games you'll find on the web. This game was developed with UE4 bringing you the best visuals and graphics with a smooth framerate. You play as the main character who will fight against the witches who kidnap weak males to milk their sperm and they'll use seductive techniques against you.

    The minor issues I find and this one will be subjective; most of the fetish you'll see involves with a foot fetish, making it roughly 60-70 percent compared to other fetishes you see combined. Another flaw would be the main character who doesn't have his own voice actor, doesn't show much personality and seem to submit easily, rarely showing little to no resistance and his appearance isn't well designed. It would be ideal to customize your own character.

    This game at its current developing stage takes a 9/10.

    Edit: This game will end up with 90% of having foot scenes. Not a fan of foot content, this game isn't made to satisfy everyone except for those that love feet. 2/10
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR Game is decent quality.

    As with most games as of late, you'll seed developers milking as much money as possible. Won't say that's a bad thing, but it certainly isn't a good thing either. It makes people come to websites like F95Zone before even attempting to support a Developer. This game follows that same path of money milking. For $12,000/month you get about 0-3 posts a month on Patreon. So the group has very limited communication. They also did a content overhaul a year or 2 ago and still haven't caught up completely in terms of scenes. In fact, they removed those original scenes from the game entirely (idky devs do this... just keep the scenes as bonus content or something).

    Graphic wise the game is quite amazing. It's extremely beautiful with my settings on max, but the "world" as you'd call it is quite empty. There's a house, a cabin, and a cave. That's it. The world-building could use a lot more work, especially with the amount the group is being paid.

    Content/Scenes wise the game is somewhat lacking. There's not much in terms of sexual content. This is sad because this game is literally about you being dominated. For a game about sexual domination, the amount of time the game has been in development, & the amount of money they make to essentially do this full time is quite lacking. Any developer attempting to not milk this game would have (easily) 4-5 times the sexual content as well as an actual story.

    Story is essentially non-existent. The quests are small and not very informative. All I gathered is that his family hunts witches, but you're essentially some pissant that is useless.

    Real tags for the game are (currently): 3DCG, Female domination, Animated, Fantasy, Reverse Rape, Footjob, Assjob, Farting, Urination (it's not visible but you pee into someone's mouth), Oral sex, Anal sex, Blowjob, Masturbation, Humiliation, Handjob, Turn-based combat, Incest.

    All in all the game is just "Good". It's not a 1 star nor is it a 5 star. Some of the people that reviewed the game are whining about female domination & footjobs. Those people are morons and should have their ratings removed. The game clearly states not just from the title & images, but also the genre & description & patreon that this game is a FEMALE DOMINATION GAME. Foot worshipping is common in Female Domination irl. Maybe try being a submissive man and trying out Femdom irl before whining about something you think shouldn't be in a female domination game.

    This game is not meant for Dominant Men (Only switch's & Subs).
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Game only for foot fetish nerds don't install if you don't like that fetish come back in 5yrs
    Ok okay that's too much, already the 5 star reviews I think it's abused and the tags don't match or finally no longer at all.
    To start
    If you're attracted by the images and you installed the game for that forget about it it was the version 1.4 of the game under the witch and it was already terrible but not that much the quality was great and the game concept was awesome but the problem was already the fetish THE FOOT FETISH the only scene not foot fetish there was was a blowjob a cowgirl ride and boobjob and the rest of the time was some domination and foot fetish but it was okay at least not absurd like now in this version I was paying on patreon before the version 2.0 because I thought there would be more things and not only that thing pissing me off and then of course there was a
    a nerd army of foot fandom who keep voting for shits content like foot fetish and then this version came out at first i was like I'm gonna play a bit and see how it was then saw that all in the game was now a fucking foot fetish world for these foot fetish assholes nerds like wtf (I hate that fetish) and plus there aren't a single scene where it isnt that fetish of course the only not foot scene there are is a blowjob from hiba or idk the name don't remember but that's all so the tags are falls plus what piss me of its the game got so much potentiel but are ruined by that fetish army and even the creator don't even listen to patreons who are paying high amounts and don't want these fetish anyomre so anyway this messae gettings too longs if you're not a fetish nerds this game not for you come back in like 5 years laters maybe it will be less worse than now
    Ps: Si t'es fr ca me facilite encore plus la tache pour expliquer ce jeu est remplie de fetish de pieds et rien d'autre ne l'install pas reviens en 2024 ou 2026 bg
    Another ps: When you defeat the girl named Alice you don't even have a scene well in the version that i'm writting so don't waste your time, idk why but i'm sure when there will be a scene it will be a foot fetish scene lmao
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    i know its not finished. but it is femdom game if you just purely want to game over all the time. don't see a way to defeat Alice legitimately. I'll wait until more features and progression is implemented. otherwise, if you like just purely game over with her feet 95% of the time. then by all means go for it. otherwise wait until it is finished.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    [V0.2.0 ver09]

    This is the closest to a triple A adult game that i've seen.
    I must say that i'm not a fan of the kinks that the game presents (Fem dom, slave, humilliation, smelly feet...) but i understand that the project is conceived to be that way. even so, it is so well done that you end up accepting it.

    Graphicaly it's one of the best that you will find. the models are SUPER HOT, the scenes are very good visually, although above all i am excited about what is going to be added in the future (because there is no vaginal sex yet).

    Beign the game that it is it comes as a surprise that the updates are this often ( 1 month or so),of course this is also a bonus. Not so much content at the moment unless you really like those kinks, in which case you will enjoy it already. I, even tho i enjoyed it, am more excited about what will come than for what it is now.

    I hope that in the future they will open paths for those who do not enjoy beign a slave too much. I'm not saying that this type of content should be deleted or something like that, but add the possibility to choose how the MC behaves ( I just want to defeat Alice and see how the MC dominates her now, it would be fabulous, and i'm sure that i am not the only one who wish this!).

    Little more to say. A gem