Wow that brings it from a slight bump to a nosedive, just add ntr already ffs this is already horrible enough.
This is ironic since UTW starts out as a mildly hardcore femdom game and has close to no intention with extreme fetish stuff, so its supposed to be all youuuuu scat-lovers to bother other AAA games instead of picking the most loved(by the vanilla femdom people) one .
ToT already has a hardcore premise with literal ballbusting at the start and they mellow out towards the end. + have you even been to ToT thread? jessica has been a giga controversy that causes the fucking thread to be locked wdym "i dont see tot getting this much complaints"??
Yeah man its kinda sad. The 0.1 loop of "press play to fight dealer" is much simpler and focuses on the important bits (combat and tempations), then he starts to overscope with all the "open world exploration" stuff. Chapter 1(alice/herba) environments was so fucking underused it makes no difference than if its just a button to fight the witch.
Well sure, u can stay vanilla all you want, NO femdom lover should be moving away... you gotta chilll, even if this game stayed vanilla or more extreme like gore(not my thing) ill just skip it, im not picky and as long as i can toggle it out its fine, and like what RedAISkye have already mentioned + it is what it is. Its common sense to not eat dishes that you dont like, and in utw u can by filtering. Unless youre a spoilt brat. Close to No intention is craaazy, you probably shouldve left this thread when alice started pissin, that is enough clue and literally the beginning, apart from the witch playtest. Tot started off almost the same, with extreme fetish, theres piss scenes, scarlett first mistress and alice in the beginning.
"Most loved by vanilla femdom ones" That sounds funny, untrue? and selfish. Who wouldnt love this game of this quality? thus the complaints :/
In tot, yes "fat jessica" makes up most of the complaints, they are mad cuz... they cant filter jessica weight.. So for that I believe it is valid.
I do get what you mean, literally by ratio yes i have forgotten and overseen those jessica comments and pages. However, in this case they are avoidable.
In japan these fetishes are very common in femdom, the creator is in japan, quite obvious he is going their style. Lets just stop. It's meaningless, he will cook whatever he wants, dont like it? maybe TOGGLE or LEAVE.