You don't have weird taste, it's the market dynamics at work here. A number of reasons combined IMO:
1) The market for straight forward porn game is larger than the one for real visual novels with sex in the first place.
2) Proper AVNs take time to build up and cannot generate revenue as fast as pure sex games, so many developers tank due to financial constraints after a while.
3) More interactive games beyond AVN like sandbox, adventure, RPG, resource management etc. require sophistication and calibration that most developers cannot handle. Starting is easy, but once the programming complications come in many are unable to proceed.
4) Costs much less in $$$ and time to develop pure sex games i.e. no need to spend much time writing, proof reading, testing, coming up with setting and customized renders etc. Just look at the new Daz3D games popping out everyday - pick up a few available assets, slap them with generic animations and do up a few simple lines porn story and one is good to go.
Nora is the only Inceton game that has a more solid story beyond just a MC going around lusting for sex, so it's going to end up costing more and needing time for a fanbase to build up.
Proof please.
1) Everywhere I look the only really financially successful devs are making games where sex isn't even secondary, it tertiary. This dev for example, they're not killing it bc they make sex games, they're killing it bc they've got like 12 games going at any given time. This is a STUDIO churning out visually outdated content en masse. And they likely aren't even paying a living wage.
2) High quality sex animations are significantly harder to produce. Maybe back in the days of Inside Jennifer, this dev was producing high quality animations, now they're at the bottom. Those scenes are by far the most expensive/time consuming and easy to completely fuck up.
3) In a some cases people trying to use Ren Py would be significantly better off using URE or Unity. It's really not significantly more complex, especially if you're spending on a more in-depth tool kit. It's just those engines do have a not insignificant upfront cost. I'd highly suggest you look at the interview with Nate Purkeypile on Youtube where he discusses going from being an art lead to solo developing his own game and how simple it was for him in URE compared to what it takes in proprietary engines. And it's not bc those tools aren't available in those engines, it's that they're not allowed to use those tools bc bureaucracy.
4) Not if it's actually done right, which is why most pure porn games struggle to make $300 a month on Patreon. Kinetic novels make jack shit and that's what you're describing as being the "successful" games. They're not. They piss people off as much as NTR when they aren't labeled.
The entire point of a porn GAME is the interactivity. What you're saying people want from porn games is... lol fucking porn. That's WAAAAAY more widely available. The internet's a fucking thing. The vast majority of it is quite literally porn. Maybe some people still prefer old school Playboys, but most people don't. Even just looking through the threads of the most successful VN's and you see people ridiculing others for being able to get off to those games bc that's not why they're successful.
You can very easily and quickly disprove everything you're claiming with a quick search w/o leaving this website. Search VN's, popularity, rating, views, reactions, etc and you're going through several pages of story driven VN's before you get to any popular porn focused VN.