As the writer of Returning to Mia, I wish I could say that was true, but no, it definitely had to with Lust Theory "ending".
Stop being modest, man. Telling the truth doesn't make anyone sound arrogant, narcissistic, or whatever. The two Mia games you wrote are their best ones so far. Since you left the team they're struggling a lot in the story department, and it's ridiculous bullshit like Shackbang and Passion on Display that only prove my point... these guys know how to make good renders and gorgeous women, but lack creativity in the storytelling department, and don't get me started on their idiotic, wimpy MCs.
The only promising games they have so far are Lust Bound and maybe, a big maybe, Lust Theory S3, but I bet they somehow gonna fuck things up there too real soon. Life sucks when you an Inceton fan lol.
Shit! I downloaded the game just to be with the maid, and it's not even the MC who ends up with her.
You new to their games, huh ??

But yeah, that and a few other clichés pretty much sum up Inceton's storytelling.
This guy is dumb. Not telling his girlfriend that someone else is in his house? What did he even think would happen?
And that gorgeous lil crazy piece of sweet latina ass is gone now, the player has no choice to prevent that. Great. Inceton's MC's stupidity is well-known among their fans, those fictional idiots need a very special tag of their own for this shit. That way, new players would know what they get themselves into by playing an Inceton game.