first, i appreciate the fact you tryed my game

and i appreciate that you took time to make such a complex and complete review.
but i see you ask question to yourself, soo, i guess its my job (part of) to answer all of that the best i can.
1- i dont think the others review are based on an opinion about me. i can tell you, alots ( and i really say ALOTS) of peoples around here doesnt like me at all, sometime even hate me, mostly because i m someone who have honest opinion (at least, for me, i m not fear to be honest and i speak what i think).
peoples who make reviews have no idae who i am or how i am. when i read thoses review, they clearly speak about the game.
as for excuse... i dont know.. its their own opinion. i dont blame anybody to say my game is pur garbage and shit. feel free to say it, no problem. as proof, i m glad you give me a review, even low one , i not care as long i have a review that help me. because every opinion help.
honestly, the only review i asked to be removed was an 1 star review created by another dev as a backfire from an comment i made on his game thread. ( wich, obviously wasnt a review at all )
peoples give their opinion, if its excuse, then i dont know. but for me, it sound like they talk about the game.
sure they talk about me and my troubles during this game creation. but well... who doesnt ? i myself mention in some review that its just "the first version" or something else based on a new game or new dev. thoses comments were not made yesteday
2- i m not english (that you already know), i m french (if you want to know)... obviously some text part of the game are terrible (mostly the text on renders). but.. wow.. still terrible english ?... i have actually 2 proofreaders, guess they would appreciate to read this XD. that would mean they make terrible work. can't blame them, my english is even worse than everything.
still, thoses peoples do it for free, for pleasure. they are members of this community and i didnt ask them anything, they purpose it themself.
honestly, i cant say if the engish is terrible or not... (obviously as i m not english myself). sooo yeah... if someone around here is a great and professional english native teacher or something, feel free to help me if you want. no, i dont ask for it, i just purpose... peoples are free to make their choice.
its sad to hear that, i try myself to be the best i can in english. and soo , some generous peoples help me to improve the english. and its (apparently) not good at all... well... sorryfor that then. feel free to put my game in the big list of "terrible engrish games" . i wont blame you
3- renders quality are shit, i know that. i cant do much better , i try iray on last render ( best quality i can for now ). the scene look rushed with stuff put quickly and randomly or something ? meh...
not to defend myself , but that's not the situation... like , at all.
i can tell you clearly that i carefully build the scene , i try to not put too much stuff on them ( as my pc have limit, i render on CPU too ) , i still try to make them as they should be to explain the best the situation.
it took me 2 fucking hours per render... you can imagine that obviously i put attention on them for not redo them again and again... i dont put assets on the scene, render and that's it. i build the scene based on the script, i put the chars/situation, i modify most of poses and i even create my own, i render for 5 minutes to check globally result (poke or else), then i restart rendering for the complete stuff.
so yeah, some renders have poke, some poses are fucked up, some shit everywhere, grainy as fuck, pur garbage.
but i really try my best in there. with what i have. i m perfectly conscious that the actual "standard" of render reach the absurdly beautyful perfection, like on last games. i cant do that, at all. and i m perfectly aware that i wont be able to do that for long time. soo yeah, my game is not about renders quality. i stated that multiples time.
sorry to dissapoint you, if you like good renders, that game is not for you sadly.
4 - guess you talk about the wtfpedia. reason for that is, itallow to have a background story for chars without having a 500 hours long game that explain that for each chars. its a small resume, nothing else. putting all explanation in the game will make me forced to jump back and forth in time for explain each event that happened. also some peoples doesnt care at all about characters background story. that's why i add it separatly from the story.
as for the font, they are an option in setting that allow players to change at anytime in the game. why i added such a shitty font ? because i m personnaly bored as fuck with the classic ren'py text that feel blank and empty. and i choose this font because its a random funny font. if you dont find it fun, then sorry, that was my choice and it will remain as it. (its my game after all

5 - story character plot and all... its here. but what should i do then ? kicking out all the wtf and humoristic part out of it and share another fucking boring standard porn game ? oh hell no , my game is crazy, story is crazy, shit, or whatever you call it. but it is what it is.... AKA... something different than the shit tons of porn game laying around. that's all i want to make, something different.
6- why playing my game ? .... only reason is : because its different. simple as that. you dont play my game for logic, you dont play it for great story, for great renders, for great porn. you play it for taking a fresh air of something different than the tons of game around here. try to find another game similar to mine around here ! i bet the ones you will find (if you find some) will simply be a "attempt" to use a bit of my own game style. humoristic game, crazy shit, funny stuff and porn all together... you dont find that at every corner here. and sinze i did my game, a few otehrs game suddently started to implent funny and humour on them.. oh! what a coincidence ! i dont blame them. at contrary, its good to see more of this. i mglad that some dev actually realise that its boring as hell to play the same game again and again...
i cant see this into comics honestly... it wont be the same, it will give away a little part of the wtf and interactivity. as for episodes stuff, that would broke too.
yes, this game is a try for me. my first game ever. i try, i like to work on it and i will not stop easily.
you not recommend it, you free. maybe some peoples will read your review and think this game is not for them and dont play. wich is , in my opinion, better than playing it and be dissapointed. you helped alots with your review , thanks alots
i m not genuine or nice.. i m a total idiots who just want to share my stupidity with others. let's call that a "mutual sharing"

my patreon is a tip jar, i dont ask money, peoples give or not. i consider myself that i cant ask money for such a game.
if i would make some super extra big game with gret stuff in it, i maybe will ask a bit of money for it. but for a first game, a try and constant learning game. its not correct to ask money for it. i will never thanks enougth all the peoples who have give me even a single buck, it was a great move of generosity from them.
thank you for your opinion, it give a clear idea from peoples who doesnt like the game