Hiiiii, just to confirm, the last frame of this version is the "cut" frame, right?????
Is there a different outcome through blue path?
nope. at base, they where one, but it lead more far in the story and "jump" a part of it that make it weird to understand later. soo i decide to cut that part :/
yes, the end is .. well.. the end with the cut. i know its terrible

, i m very bad to make end. but .. i hope.. its not very important because obviously this end part gonna be deleted when next udpate come out , sooo its ok ( i hope

you got me with Bureaucratic Penguins
i just noticed that .... :O... i didnt see a new tag where added XD
XD its a surprise right ? now... i hope its a good surprise . but as long i can create a little laugh, its good imho. thanks for playing it ^^
@macadam I hereby remove you as my hero , I was so looking forward to havin a Good time with "small girl" and when it started to look promising it took a wrong turn wtf maaaaan why would you rob me of that pleasure I hate you......
Nah just kidding , was a little bit disapointed though bit that's cool I like this odd game
oh dont worry.. its not over with her.. the story is already writted to the end. and without spoil, i can tell you " she gonna have a revenge... or something similar " . that was more a kind of presentation of her, and not yet her full part of the story ^^ . i bet later you gonna love her even more ( and of course, have real action with her

, like... some circus things... i mean.. with her size... the poses during sex... oh my... oh, oh i stop, no spoil yet XD )
Moi, je suis allemand

So my english is also expected to sound peculiar in the ears of somebody who actually is a native speaker. Especially as I mix idioms and whatnot depending on what book or what series I saw last. But I hope my sentences make sense and can be read without an german accent. Some of those engrish games, man, I swear if they'd fill the Text boxes with "bla bla bla" they'd be easier to understand...
Edit: And about the incest hype around here... Can we get over it some time? I mean, nowadays it's only annoying with all the steplandladies around. Believe me as an elder brother, there are many things I would have done to my sister,annoying brat that she was (and I am), but fucking was not on the list. More like lose her in the forest in the Wildschweingehege drenched in honey. Wait, that may be somebodies fetish here, knowing this place...
its the honey part... not really a punishment XD. unless a bear is somewhere, or some bee.
HAHHA! Loved part 2!! That moment when the MC went to the bathroom, hahahha! Hilarious! This game truly is a one-of-a-kind!! Amazing!
honestly, i was a bit scary that this part can create some troubles. i hope not. its just for joke and fun. no specific meaning in there
Don't knock it until you've tried it (the honey, that is). It's so sticky it takes a very long time to lick it off. I remember one time she... oh yeah... wait... um, nevermind.
Damn! Where's those tissues?
as long you lick it all...
if you let a bit and it dry.... well... hope you have no problem living with a doll from the musée grévin XD