
Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
i said it on peatron but i keep getting bad reads it says shomthing about charkey or shomthing like that and it makes it so i cant keep playing the game :(
Just uploaded a hotfix for version 0.2.4, thanks again for reporting the error so fast! Saves from v0.2.4 should be compatible with 0.2.4b.

In case that anyone is wondering, the free version available in f95 is 0.2.3, which didn't have this issue.

Slaanesh Champion

Active Member
Oct 3, 2019
Hey, Padmiri never tells you her name, shouldn't she be addressed as "???", at least in the game menus, until you get to know her name? But than again, no one ever tells you her name.


Jul 25, 2018
Hey hey! Just tried out this game for the first time and it's awesome :)

Was just wondering if there were plans to let the main character stay female, while the other girls go futa? Right now it seems like there is either everyone tfs or nobody does and would be nice to be able to mix!


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
Hey, Padmiri never tells you her name, shouldn't she be addressed as "???", at least in the game menus, until you get to know her name? But than again, no one ever tells you her name.
I'll take a look into this.

Hey hey! Just tried out this game for the first time and it's awesome :)

Was just wondering if there were plans to let the main character stay female, while the other girls go futa? Right now it seems like there is either everyone tfs or nobody does and would be nice to be able to mix!
At the moment, you can edit any of the 6 protagonists' gender and bodyparts with the supporter cheat menu. I also plan on adding in-game ways to be able to do that, but there are other priorities first.
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Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
So far I'm enjoying this game. I like the various characters, the art is good, and its an interesting gameplay idea.
I read your post about performance on, and I have a few suggestions. Not as good of suggestions as I'd like, but suggestions.
The simplest would be forcing the user to only save to disk, since that is essentially of arbitrary size. This is unfortunate as it requires 'downloading' (though, its generated on the page so it won't cost any data limits and will be constrained by their device speed rather than network), and then 'uploading' for saving and loading.

Then there's putting your twine game into a Electron/NWJS instance (a stripped down browser, but gives you more control) and distributing it like that. This would allow file access. Then you could have a saves folder and check that for existing saves to provide the same UI. Sadly, I don't think Sugarcube supports this. So, extra development work and it would increase the download size a significant amount to include Electron/NWJS. I did look to see if you could expand the localStorage size in Electron so then no modifications would be needed, but I failed to find a good method. Also has cross platform issues due to different platforms needing different executables, while the current html file can easily be ran anywhere.

Then there are your usual compression methods. Make sure it isn't saving history since you don't allow going back. Try using 'enums' instead of strings for values. Ex: If you have three values ("Easy", "Medium", "Hard") then store them as 0,1,2 and have an object Difficulties that has the keys 0,1,2 defined to the strings. That way you only store a number rather than a string. This is more useful in cases where you're using it a lot (so for difficulty it doesn't matter at all since its stored as a variable in like one place).
Sadly, I'm not entirely sure how Sugarcube does its stores since its somewhat complicated to try to drive down space ( ), but if its essentially doing a more efficient JSON.stringify then compression then shortening field names could also help. .fr rather than .friendship. Tedious to do lots of replaces, and more confusing. Technically could be done 'easier' if you can hook/modify saving and apply transformations.
I missed your post with the new page! Thanks for your comment.

You can completely avoid saving the game to memory if you disable autosaving in the settings. I don't want to remove the option entirely because some players aren't having the local storage issue, and even if you do, there are a few options around it.

I've been considering the possibility of porting the game to something like executables, but I've discarded the alternatives so far because the ones I've heard about would be too time-consuming and would impose new problems anyway.

The game already keeps one history state only. I would definitely have started using enums long ago if I knew that not doing so would get so problematic. I've avoided shortening too many variable names because I don't want the code to be illegible to anyone other than me.

The biggest optimization operation I'm going to do is moving scene actions and conversation interactions from the story variables to setup, but I wanted to wait until a new version had been released and stable before doing so, because a change that big is going to generate bugs, and the more time I have to notice them before releasing a new version the better.
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Active Member
Apr 25, 2018
after reading some replies, it got me an idea. will be posible later in game to become male only again ? (with 2 dicks, trading pussy for second one).

and one for gameplay, i dont know it it is oversing or intentional, but theoricaly you have two chars development stages during day, training one and social one, to develop booth skills, but there is so far no penalty or consequnces if player decide to keep focusing only on physical traits completly ignoring social training (or it is, just hiden?).


Mar 24, 2019
I've got to admit, this is another one of these genre of games that goes about gamifying the sex and interactions in a way that just makes it all wooden and purposeless.

You've got good stuff going on here, I'd have recommended a VN set up or something more CYOA in nature, but still.


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
after reading some replies, it got me an idea. will be posible later in game to become male only again ? (with 2 dicks, trading pussy for second one).

and one for gameplay, i dont know it it is oversing or intentional, but theoricaly you have two chars development stages during day, training one and social one, to develop booth skills, but there is so far no penalty or consequnces if player decide to keep focusing only on physical traits completly ignoring social training (or it is, just hiden?).
Two dicks that work exactly the same way is a bit problematic to implement, but I could get a similar result if I just named the second thing "secondary dick" or something similar. There are other priorities at the moment though.

I'm not sure what you mean in your second question. The training period is just a period of time during which training of all stats is more productive, and NPCs prioritize training. You could train only your physical skills, but it's going to take you a while until you have enough energy to do so effectively.

I've got to admit, this is another one of these genre of games that goes about gamifying the sex and interactions in a way that just makes it all wooden and purposeless.

You've got good stuff going on here, I'd have recommended a VN set up or something more CYOA in nature, but still.
Turning everything into parameters is important in order to get a logical background that allows the game to form complete scenes through emergent gameplay, as well as to create references on how the behavior of NPCs should be simulated. One given generic scene may not be as good as one carefully written to the last detail, but this design allows whatever potential content you may find grow exponentially as well as giving the player far more freedom to decide what they want to do. It's fine if you personally prefer other formats though.


Sep 2, 2019
I'd like to ask a few questions if you don't mind.

How's the game going to progress exactly? I mean I get the fact that the entire plot is set upon us and other canditates fight - or making alliances - in order to become the high priestess. So, how much will relationship affect that? If I'll basically make them my lovers via being nice, talking and friendly sex will they step down for me? What happens when someone else gets a total domination? Like Claw who seems to often win in my playthroughts.

Where are going to take the entire relationship system? For now it's just - if you're friendly we can fuck as friends. I'm hoping that will get some nice and sweet development.

Are you planning to add any other mechanics?

I played well past Claw's fight that makes her friendly and no matter if I decide to be dominating, dominated or friendly it seems to have little effect so I want to know where will it ultimately leads. Like, if you dominate someone enough times will eventually become completely submissive to you and vice versa?

Elona Spiral

Aug 31, 2020
The combat system reminds me of Lilith's Throne.
I hope the game's mechanics gets prioritized this early on.
Assets like art is subjective and not every can appreciate it. I like the art so far.

Judging from the screenshots, it'd be nice if you add an option to show the dice roll details. For example, some players just want to know if they HIT or EVADE. Then there are some who want the dice roll details and so they can turn it on to see it. Stuff like this to make the game look less cluttered.
The text is colored and you can easily see who does what. That is very good (and important) for a text-based game.

I see a promise with this game. Let's see how it develops.
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Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
How's the game going to progress exactly? I mean I get the fact that the entire plot is set upon us and other canditates fight - or making alliances - in order to become the high priestess. So, how much will relationship affect that? If I'll basically make them my lovers via being nice, talking and friendly sex will they step down for me? What happens when someone else gets a total domination? Like Claw who seems to often win in my playthroughts.
The election of a new high priestess will only take place at the end of the game, which is pretty far away. In the meantime, it should be possible for alliances, romances and rivalries to sway one way or the other.

It will be possible to get other Candidates to willingly support you as High Priestess, but only under specific circumstances. I haven't decided the specific requirements yet, but they will be along the lines of: the player has a very good relation with the Candidate, the player has enough merit, the player isn't behind in terms of stats, the Candidate's drives of ambition and domination are low and cooperation is high, and perhaps there will be story variables involved as well.

As development progresses towards version 0.3, I will implement a few mechanisms to stop snowball effects that make very hard to stop a dominating Candidate. Some of these will be soft effects, such as Candidates that favor cooperation becoming more likely to gang up against a common foe, but if someone consistently goes over the infamy limit, Drishtya will end up taking measures as well. Total domination of all other candidates shouldn't be sustainable over long periods of time until very late game.

Where are going to take the entire relationship system? For now it's just - if you're friendly we can fuck as friends. I'm hoping that will get some nice and sweet development.
That's what romance is for! There will be many story events that will be locked behind specific parameters, so that they match the kind of relationship you're developing with the character.

Are you planning to add any other mechanics?
On the way towards version 0.3 I will add equipment, which includes weapons, bondage, toys, etc. After that, there will be adventures, that will have their own mechanics. There will be new options that expand on currently existing mechanics, such as joining a assault that has already begun between other characters.

I played well past Claw's fight that makes her friendly and no matter if I decide to be dominating, dominated or friendly it seems to have little effect so I want to know where will it ultimately leads. Like, if you dominate someone enough times will eventually become completely submissive to you and vice versa?
The conversation AI is in dire need of further work, and the part of the AI that decides if a fellow Candidate will be treated as a potential ally or foe is in its bones, if that's what you meant. I will be revisiting it before v0.3.


Sep 2, 2019
Thanks for the reply, I'm looking forward to what you're going to make!

It's quite a fun game - I like HTML game - so I have high hopes for it!


Aug 30, 2017
For some weird reason, everyone wants to follow me, even Claw and Ate. Why?

There was also that time someone asked me to follow them, and challenged another. I got stuck spectating two idiots spamming cold guts and taunt. It took few minutes until someone managed to win.

During combat, I can sometimes manage to drop enemy will to zero but the match still continues. Are alternate win conditions going to be implemented? Dropping will to zero would be something similar to losing the will to fight or a forfeit.

Lastly, Nash is best girl.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2019
What am I supposed to do once the tutorial/introduction is over and I get to the first study period? I feel rather directionless.

Should I just walk around doing my own thing and getting stats up? Everybody ignores me when I try to talk to them, but I don't know if there are like, events or w/e that are going to happen if I just ignore everybody and grind stats.


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
For some weird reason, everyone wants to follow me, even Claw and Ate. Why?

There was also that time someone asked me to follow them, and challenged another. I got stuck spectating two idiots spamming cold guts and taunt. It took few minutes until someone managed to win.

During combat, I can sometimes manage to drop enemy will to zero but the match still continues. Are alternate win conditions going to be implemented? Dropping will to zero would be something similar to losing the will to fight or a forfeit.

Lastly, Nash is best girl.
If NPCs want to follow you instead of asking you to follow them, it's likely that they think your group is stronger, and they feel threatened by someone. Winning a fight by getting someone's willpower drop to zero isn't going to happen in generic fights, but remember that, during fights, if you keep damaging a depleted bar, the overflow damage will hit lust, which makes actions like hypnotic glance much more powerful. The struggle action also gets much weaker when the user is running out of energy or willpower.

As for the challenge you mention, I could make a button to make combats that only involve NPCs to be auto-resolved.

What am I supposed to do once the tutorial/introduction is over and I get to the first study period? I feel rather directionless.

Should I just walk around doing my own thing and getting stats up? Everybody ignores me when I try to talk to them, but I don't know if there are like, events or w/e that are going to happen if I just ignore everybody and grind stats.
Just do you thing for now! The other Candidates are much less likely to talk to you during training period, but Nash, Mir and Val will most likely accept talking during the last section of the day. New segments of the story will keep coming on their own at the start of each day, up until day 15 in version 0.2.3 and day 16 in version 0.2.4, if memory serves me right.


Aug 30, 2017
If NPCs want to follow you instead of asking you to follow them, it's likely that they think your group is stronger, and they feel threatened by someone.
Huh, makes sense. Ate just does whatever, Claw keeps challenging others, and Val keeps insulting a lot of people. Meanwhile I got Nash as my lover/sub and Mir as a friend.

I need to get a big brain just to understand the complexity of this game. Too much variables and I ignore everything in favor of training and sex. :whistle:


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
I found a bug.
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Thanks for telling me, it will be fixed in the next release (y)

If you want to enjoy the content now, you can open the html file in a text editor, find this line:

[In most text editors, you can usually look for a given text by pressing ctrl+f]

and then edit it to:

It should be compatible with your current save file, hopefully you may still have a save from the previous night!
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Slaanesh Champion

Active Member
Oct 3, 2019
Thanks for telling me, it will be fixed in the next release (y)

If you want to enjoy the content now, you can open the html file in a text editor, find this line:

[In most text editors, you can usually look for a given text by pressing ctrl+f]

and then edit it to:

It should be compatible with your current save file, hopefully you may still have a save from the previous night!
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