Hello, i think you did a teriffic job regarding the models and Renders. Its hard to make out that models and Backrounds are mostly if ever rendered together and skins of the models are adjusted or u were so clever and used like 2 smililar for the whole cast. But its beautiful working as they look as they belong together.
Lightning i find stunning.
Mrs Cooper is stunning and again beautfil put together form top to bottom or as i would say from angel face over perky body never ending legs to high heels
I also like the slut.

She is a great tool of giving the player something from the start so noone has to get blueballed from this the first updates. big thumps up and it was looking great.
The main girl carol is of course also nice but maybe im just not in the mood for real girlfriend material right now, so im after the complicated and trainwrecks. I will be fine. lol
The cast is in danger of looking a bit too similar all around but its ok as long we dont get more of the same in here.
I would even say we have enough girls already, as i dont need so many characters that i never get a scene with the once i like.
But in the end that is up to you.
Functions and programming are at least from the players view without flaw. HUD looks good and noninvasive, Phone is topnotch and so on.
I had no bugs and all functions worked fine.
I also like the fact that one cant oveclick hints to take messages and stuff.
Very clever done and also sadly much needed for people like me because next i explain why.
I wish the rest were as top notch as the graphics.
Im not a fan of counts and having to stay on one path to get all those scenes so i deliberately played like i wanted and did not jump on everything obvious and of course when i needed it i had not the choice open to me that i would have wanted in that situation. That is something i really dont like and if i dont have a choice then i dont want one. You could just ask in the beginning then like which girls do you like and do you wanna be this and that.
So i find the gameplay outdated and not very fun. There is no repetition of any fun scenes for example. And im told that the slut would suck me of any time. But there is no option to do just that. Its all on rails and i cant date whom i wanna date when i want.
Edit: So why then the sandbox look and feel if there isnt any sandbox functionality in it? That was the point i was trying to make.
The next thing that did not compare to the beauty of the game is the story or more its translation. I dont know how good this is in its original form or how natural it feels for a russian person but for me this feels mostly unatural and titles and certain things also feel just wrong. Its not a small city if you use stone masons assets that are better to represent new york or detroit or something. And then the mc is talking about its a nice little sleepy city of sorts is a good example. Mrs cooper would be a prof. at a university and so on.
I guess this is like the majority of projects from russians and i felt the same kind of stilted speach comin of it.
Im not a native speaker either but i practicly live english media a 100% and this isnt feeling like normal conversation to me.
It feels something i get in other games yes but they feel just as off.
Since youre now starting to make sufficient money, especially for russia, i would love to see how good this could get, with a writting and translation overhaul, in the future.
Due to its setting this will never be the most innovate game or interesting but for what it is it could be the most beautiful and sweetest for its setting.