I feel compelled to review this game, because I think it has an enormous amount of potential that is being wasted.
I really like the story of the game, I think it really manages to convey the setting, and has many likable characters that all are portrayed in a unique way. It really draws you in. The writing of the sex scenes is also on point and makes this game quite enjoyable.
I think the style of narration, where the events are fragmented into little parts here and there that you can pick and choose, is quite interesting, and I am fond of it. I think it gives this game a distinctive style, and I quite enjoyed it, even if it made some quest chains somewhat silly looking, sometimes.
Other than that, I think the sprite work of this game is amazing. This may be my opinion, but I really find the girls hot. I also find the characters in general to be very detailed, and I found the way art was used to show what's happening in this game to be very skillful in general. Transitions are generally well used and convey the action with minimal need for art. Overall, it's quite impressive how this was done.
Another positive is that the choices that kill you rollback to where you died, and I absolutely loved that about the game, so kudos for that.
However, the good points of this game stop there.
From there on, multiple problems pile up.
First, the sex scenes are inconsistent. There are some that are only conveyed in text, while others have actual images. This can be quite frustrating, especially since there are a good amount of them that are really enticing to read, but lack visuals, making the experience frustrating.
Second, this whole plot about a guy being transformed really makes the game worse. If the game was about Catelly, the gal that was hit by a wizard that's trying to destroy her life by slowly eroding people's memory of her and turning her into a bimbo slut, it would have been much better, because Catelly is portrayed as a girl throughout, and it's quite believable. This whole transformation aspect, especially with the fact that it's totally uncontrolled, and makes her (in my opinion) uglier as time goes by, really ruins it for me.
I don't know, I just find that this part of the story adds needless complexity that is unneeded, and just makes the game feel worse.
I tried the first combat, and immediately turned that system off, because it seemed super tedious, and I didn't have fun at all with it.
I also find that the user interface is actively working against you, being quite frustrating to work with.
-The saving is not intuitive, as the keys to access the saving menu are unusual, and that menu does not always allow you to save.
-You have really limited amount of save slots, which makes it hard to navigate through the complex choice system. Since this is a rather lengthy game, this is quite frustrating.
-The auto-saves do not work like auto-saves ought to work. Rather than saving before a choice is made, it will automatically save once you are allowed to load, and there is only one slot for it, meaning that it constantly erases saves before the prior choices, making it completely useless, unless you are planning to use it in case you forgot to save before closing the game.
-There is no skip to next choice button. In conjunction with the frustrating save system, it makes it that if you've made a choice you do not like, you have to skip through a lot of dialog to get back to it, sometimes having to redo multiple events if you didn't save properly.
-You can't save before a choice. This makes all of the prior issues with the save system and lack of skipping all the worse, because the game forces you to keep skipping through tons of dialog to get to the choices. That's just not pleasant at all.
-There is no indication on how to unlock gallery images. If you add up all of the issues to go back to the choices, it makes navigating the complex choices quite complicated, meaning that hunting for gallery images is just tedious.
A lot of the system issues seem to be directly linked to the fact that this game was made in unity, so part of it can be excused, but it doesn't change the fact that this game is quite tedious to play, sometimes, and it really feels like the user interface is acting against you, as it's not super intuitive.
So, overall, I think this is a really good game, and I can't in good conscience rate it badly. However, for the multiple reasons I've stated, I will not be finishing it, because it is just quite frustrating to play.