Unity - Completed - Unyielding [v1.0.3] [MercenaryMage]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Art is good but nothing much else here is very engaging, the combat is simultaneously way too complicated and unengaging for a porn game while also being way too simple to actually capture the fun of dnd. This just isn't a very good game or VN though I admire that there was at least an attempt at something here.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game would get a 4 if I were rating it as a porn game, but I'm rating it a 5 as a story.

    The worldbuilding is excellent. The characters range from tolerable to good, but I can't really single out any of them as bad. Some of the side stories are, understandably, way out of my interest and as such I skipped; others I read with bated breath.

    The game shines as a novel; the characterization, tidbits, snippets, small conversations between the characters you like, growth and worldbuilding are cohesive and work well.

    As a porn game, well... it leaves some things to be desired. First off, not every written sex scene has an accompanying image with it, and that's a real shame. Secondly, the game has an appearance system that changes how your character portrait looks in dialogue, but it is not reflected in scenes nor even in dialogue as the characters body modifies throughout the novel; as such, while it looks cool, it is effectively useless, and I felt quite cheated out of it.

    These are, however, only detractions from my enjoyment of the 18+ scenes in the game, and not of the game itself as a whole. The combat was silly and fairly straightforward but still decently enjoyable, if not perhaps a bit too RNG-heavy.

    Highly recommended if you enjoy reading, because this is more of a VN through and through than anything else.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is, quite honestly, one of my top ten favorite games on this site. Not because of the porn, although there's certainly plenty of that. After playing through the whole game I was left both satisfied and tremendously sad. Satisfied by the conclusion, while sad the journey was over.

    The character writing in this game is phenomenal. The worldbuilding is excellent, and the overarching plot... well, it's not Tolkien, but it's good. But the character writing and worldbuilding take an otherwise fairly simple plot and elevate it to something far greater. I found myself truly invested in the characters and their arcs. One character that I expected to hate after their first scene ended up becoming one of my favorites as their arc unfolded and I saw them grow and change.

    The ending is beautiful. The writing really hits a high note for the climax and resolution, and everything comes together wonderfully. I am so, so happy I made myself look past the gender bender stuff, as where this game truly shines isn't the porn, but the relationships and journey of the characters.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down one of the best games on the site. Story got me so invested I even became a patreon. Interesting world, great characters with great character development, well written scenes and both hot and cute art pieces to go with them. Could have used a tad more actual combat and such, but still 10/10 for me
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Dikaya @

    First and furthermost this is game with the actual plot and storyline, not a lame excuse for the porn images generator, but actual story which most will (probably) find interesting to read. Ok, story may be a little cliché but not in a bad way. Also there is a lot of lore and it is relevant to the main plot.
    As for the game itself it is well made, some of player's choices actually affect the way character looks and their story, but of course everything have its downsides. Some scenes do have actual images while others (most of them) don't, backgrounds repeat too often, and if you are looking for the fap simulator it will not satisfy you.
    But, at least for me it was extremely refreshing, compared to the other games like this, especially after i dropped this game a couple years before.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v1.0.1

    A very basic but a well done game. This game doesnt really make itself stand out or try to be unique, nonetheless its still a decent game. I did find the genderbend stuff to be a little glossed over and ignored, but that is but a minor critique.

    Decent stuff, good enough to pass the time
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I can't play this thing. It's another "Sexism, The Game". I can't pass the intro with the narrator who remind you every two sentences that you are a slutty big boobs, big butt curvy woman now. You are craving dicks so much that you want to jump every man you meet on your way. BUT since you used to be a MAN, you have some self-control left in you.
    And really, a wizard who foreseen his death confront the man who will kill him but since he can't kill someone he chooses to transform you to something that will be harmless for him and humiliate you. And from all the creatures who exist in their world he chooses the weakest and shameful creature that GOD ever made, woma... oh no I mean a sexy curvy slutty woman. He can't be killed by that, obviously...
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Sex scenes either don't have any images or the images don't load for it.

    Now that we got the bad part of the game out of the way let me take my time to say how much I enjoyed the lore, because it's rare when a fantasy RPG story steers away from the default meta and tries to bring something new to the table.

    I really enjoyed how mages were portrayed here and the whole tree branch analogy used to explain their skill. Also, the set rules for magic and curses are something most storytellers skim over when they shouldn't, so I liked it whenever characters brought them up because despite this being a fantasy world that doesn't mean it shouldn't be realistic.

    I'm not going to say anything about the gameplay, because we have the option to turn it off and that is what I did. The main appeal of this game was clearly the writing and I hope whoever made it continues to write stories, not necessarily from this universe.

    TL;DR came for porn, stayed for lore
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Unyielding is not just a good porn game, it is an excellent visual novel with an interesting world, compelling characters, and choices which actually lead to different paths through the tale. If you've ever got that feeling of finishing a book or a story and having that pang of sadness because you'll miss the characters, that happened to me with Unyielding.

    It's not all roses, the RPG game play is fine but rudimentary. I've lowered scores I've given to other games on F95 for this, but there are two reasons I won't here - first, the quality of the story, and secondly, the game gives you the option to turn the combat off. That's also a configuration option you're not locked into, so you can decide when you want combat on, and when you don't.

    I enjoyed this enough that I immediately went to Steam and purchased it, and will probably play through it again to have the hours on record to leave a legitimate review there as well. For me, this is a great example of what adult gaming can look like, and I'm looking forward to the developer's follow-up effort.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I had a lot of fun with the game, it has elements that are new to me considering the amount of repetitive games on this site...
    Scenes are good, the gameplay is a little cloying at times because it's kind of, I don't know exactly how to put it in words, maybe heavy, but it didn't stop me from enjoying the experience that the game wanted to offer. I'm looking forward to project 2!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game. Good story, with good characters. A few twists at the end. The sex scenes were good, as someone that likes reading and doesn't need cgs, animations, sound, etc. The option to play without the combat is great
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    After playing through this game it's quite dissapointing. While it started strong and to around book 3 it's really damn good, solid 5/5, after that the quality drops and there is 5 porn images total through books 3,4,5 and 6 and while writing in h-scenes is pretty good, it lacks the sheer amount of content text based h games have to compensate - you get the same low amount of scenes as you would with artwork, but without artwork. Maybe there was more in endings, but at that point I was pretty tired from it and just checked one ending I was interested in and didn't bother with the rest.

    90% of art works is in first two/three books.

    The amount of characters gets too big for me and their stories are really damn long while the only ones I cared about are characters from books 1 and 2, maybe some from book 3.

    Save system is a pain in the ass, Ren'Py spoiled me too much to tolerate it.

    As a VN it would be fine I guess if you replaced porn with more content, as a porn game it is lacking.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Really don't see how any1 can say this good story even from porn focused people... or steam reviews though many seem to gloss over or lie.
    To be fair I didn't complete it, but that just goes to show how bad it was as I am a sucker for story+characters+romance and if you got that stuff usually will always complete it least 1x no issue unless it too long (also yes into cultured porn stuff).
    Also Did try to fast forward through just main story (which seems to have oddly 0 choice or sex even)
    But during 2nd expedition on map I got stuck (maybe bugged/overlooked?) as I could not see what I was suppose to do as I clicked everywhere and nothing happened just walked back and forward (maybe just missed something was suppose to do as I started skipping too fast at that point and without save).
    -story inconsistent
    (to many to count/point out)
    -No real choice
    click sex yes/no with worst on top of that being that yes1x seems far too often to default all future with them too yes and required to progress that story instead of say no and continue story available (and this will include things you may have wanted to say no too ie big + some say you get to avoid dick if you not into that, Wrong and clear lie as 1 character will do all sorts with a Dick to you when it starts simply with a yes to dildo To Her).
    +Does NOT Pay attention to previous Choices with what few there are
    (big early example the 1st male you run into acts like you been having sex and knows you a bimbo etc... even if you left him... and did nothing with)
    -story typical
    overdone fetish? of man->bimbo woman (people claiming this unique shows they play too little or lieing as there countless of these and I'm not even sure if there is 1 without becoming a bimbo that wants to hop everyone even what were friends)
    beyond cliche and basic 1 demension
    cowgirl with dick Check, Rougish gal into big boobs Check, Was best friend blonde with attitude but cares (borderline "Tsundere") Check, horn dog guy that teaches for sex and thinks unwarantly high of himself Check, etc... ZZZ

    at best meh combat that so bad, they added skip combat + unlock all skills knowing that (though thankfully and nice to have these)
    Needs better skip but does give good enough here with backlog and hide text (Though as everyone points out horrible cropping on images), and holding ctrl. (And as satted earlier the best Qol Skip combat)
    -The game=Click scene
    watch said scene typically yadda yadda basic stuff that is there just to barely give reason to meet up with a single character too the point a lot of the time it would make a typical mmo blush (ie because they known for skimming on story+character) then say lets sex for just as long as that given reason to visit then average at best written sex with FAR TO FEW PICS (at times they get like 3 then others 0?!..) then bye
    - Extra story/reading
    occasionally the above then unlocking extra lore to then read that at times is greater or = to the actual story in both quantity and quality which then means it falls into the failing known as Show Don't Tell, which would be fine had this say been like 5 games and they really wanted to establish + give appreciation for the setting, but don't think that is the plan not certain).
    -handling $/extra choices in game
    This was the first tell tale sign it was bad and maker has no idea how to make choices beyond sex,
    The $ you earn inexplicitly is pointed out to have 0 purpose outside buying a few things for combat... yet a big part of the story is needing $... and at times even being """"unable"""" to spend $ (and therefore need to leave/offer sex etc... yet you totally might have the $... even in game.. which you then can spend or not for items so it not like you saving it up like story will act...)
    +The transformations can be removed Not In Game Story (Which would be hardcore easy with magic... and potions etc...) but just as he puts it "in case you don't like them"...

    Would have given this 2 stars But
    -10$ on steam that is far to minimal at times it seems for that price
    -has minimal art at times (especially combat that a joke both mechanically and in looks)
    +To few expressions and clothes changes and emotion etc... (though appreciate when he drags them around to make them seem they move at times like a fail tackle more of that would have helped)
    -I couldn't even stomach finishing it after 20th forced sex scene (without choice and with required to have sex to have story far to often)
    +not to mention inconsistent and basic how your character alone treats it and story.
    -you are playing a character, not you are you in character's shoes
    (which would be fine had it been great character but again character is not well made or consistent.. both should be opposite since that a big part of playing a character instead of a choice driven personal experience and being soo basic on top of that just no excuse.. mean the character should be great and easy to do.. to make up for fact you get little choice and are just the typical man->female hardcore sub bimbo).
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    At first was sceptical about this game but after first playthrough with alot of skips a made second one with readings.

    I really like the fact that some elements of your appearance affect dialogue lines.

    The main two points for me is:
    -Too much girl characters around and very few men. Feels unbalanced.
    - Altrough the game is text based i would really like to see more, at least basic images to have more idea what going on, especially in sex scenes.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    The artworks of the characters are extremely good. The variety of the characters is nice too. As the option to change the appearance even further. Sadly the amount of "action" compared to the tons and tons of dialog is underwhelming.

    No Action No Game.

    I deleted the game already so i cant say for sure which version i played.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I feel compelled to review this game, because I think it has an enormous amount of potential that is being wasted.

    I really like the story of the game, I think it really manages to convey the setting, and has many likable characters that all are portrayed in a unique way. It really draws you in. The writing of the sex scenes is also on point and makes this game quite enjoyable.

    I think the style of narration, where the events are fragmented into little parts here and there that you can pick and choose, is quite interesting, and I am fond of it. I think it gives this game a distinctive style, and I quite enjoyed it, even if it made some quest chains somewhat silly looking, sometimes.

    Other than that, I think the sprite work of this game is amazing. This may be my opinion, but I really find the girls hot. I also find the characters in general to be very detailed, and I found the way art was used to show what's happening in this game to be very skillful in general. Transitions are generally well used and convey the action with minimal need for art. Overall, it's quite impressive how this was done.

    Another positive is that the choices that kill you rollback to where you died, and I absolutely loved that about the game, so kudos for that.

    However, the good points of this game stop there.
    From there on, multiple problems pile up.

    First, the sex scenes are inconsistent. There are some that are only conveyed in text, while others have actual images. This can be quite frustrating, especially since there are a good amount of them that are really enticing to read, but lack visuals, making the experience frustrating.

    Second, this whole plot about a guy being transformed really makes the game worse. If the game was about Catelly, the gal that was hit by a wizard that's trying to destroy her life by slowly eroding people's memory of her and turning her into a bimbo slut, it would have been much better, because Catelly is portrayed as a girl throughout, and it's quite believable. This whole transformation aspect, especially with the fact that it's totally uncontrolled, and makes her (in my opinion) uglier as time goes by, really ruins it for me.
    I don't know, I just find that this part of the story adds needless complexity that is unneeded, and just makes the game feel worse.

    I tried the first combat, and immediately turned that system off, because it seemed super tedious, and I didn't have fun at all with it.
    I also find that the user interface is actively working against you, being quite frustrating to work with.
    -The saving is not intuitive, as the keys to access the saving menu are unusual, and that menu does not always allow you to save.

    -You have really limited amount of save slots, which makes it hard to navigate through the complex choice system. Since this is a rather lengthy game, this is quite frustrating.

    -The auto-saves do not work like auto-saves ought to work. Rather than saving before a choice is made, it will automatically save once you are allowed to load, and there is only one slot for it, meaning that it constantly erases saves before the prior choices, making it completely useless, unless you are planning to use it in case you forgot to save before closing the game.

    -There is no skip to next choice button. In conjunction with the frustrating save system, it makes it that if you've made a choice you do not like, you have to skip through a lot of dialog to get back to it, sometimes having to redo multiple events if you didn't save properly.

    -You can't save before a choice. This makes all of the prior issues with the save system and lack of skipping all the worse, because the game forces you to keep skipping through tons of dialog to get to the choices. That's just not pleasant at all.

    -There is no indication on how to unlock gallery images. If you add up all of the issues to go back to the choices, it makes navigating the complex choices quite complicated, meaning that hunting for gallery images is just tedious.

    A lot of the system issues seem to be directly linked to the fact that this game was made in unity, so part of it can be excused, but it doesn't change the fact that this game is quite tedious to play, sometimes, and it really feels like the user interface is acting against you, as it's not super intuitive.

    So, overall, I think this is a really good game, and I can't in good conscience rate it badly. However, for the multiple reasons I've stated, I will not be finishing it, because it is just quite frustrating to play.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This was a tough one to rate. It is a very well-crafted game, but it manages to completely fail to interest me as porn. I ended up giving it 4 on its merits because the things I don't like about it are primarily a matter of taste.

    It has good art, better than average writing, and actually enjoyable game play just on its own-- if all the porn was removed this game would be a viable Baldur's Gate-style RPG.

    The only real problems I have is that the sexual content just manages to miss all my buttons. If you're one of those guys who fits into F95 stereotypes in literally every possible category, you'll love this. I'm pretty sure the dev did marketing research on the h-gaming community and made some very deliberate choices here. I mean, it's a fem-protag category in which the MC doesn't like girls, thus still guaranteeing that people who insist on having naked dicks to look at when fapping are still pleased.

    There is also a lot of the usual "I love land whales" fetishizing as well (lactation as something sexual, giant distorted asses and tits, jism by the gallon, etc etc). Huge chunks of F95 love that stuff, but it does nothing for me.

    There is also one particular thing that I find infuriating in any sort of porn game-- the developer blocks saves at decision points. (Dude, this isn't Dark Souls-- let players explore content as they wish. ) That bothers me in particular because it is just insulting to the player, and smacks of pretense.

    All that being said-- the production values are undeniably excellent so I'm still giving a high score. But be warned, if seeing a fit female protag makes you think you're getting a game involving a bunch of cute girls fucking each other, you're guessing wrong.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really good game. It's got some rough edges on the coding side of things but for me, the most important thing to measure whether a good game or not is whether it draws you in and keeps you wanting to find out what happens next and by the end of the first chapter this game had completely suckered me in.

    It could do with an option for skipping text based on seen/unseen text like in Renpy and it gets laggy as hell during the Sandy coast chapter if you want to check the history but everything else seems up to snuff.

    The characters are absolutely wonderful, no objective complaints there though on a subjective level i really wanted to kick Carol in the nuts and slap Brandy on the ears for not respecting the concept of working as a team. Still love their story arcs though.

    The world building, omg, so well done, taking common tropes and going completely elsewheres with them. I can't even begin, if you love lore this game will give you plenty to learn and ponder.

    This game isn't perfect but i've given it a 5 as 4.5 isn't a possible score and it's definitely worth more than 4.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game. The gender swap is interesting and especially the fact that you can fight it... So you can stop yourself from sleeping with guy if this is not your thing. The story feels like a good D&D campaign.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazeballs! Good premise, excellent character development, and compelling story.

    The diversity and quality of NPC's is through the roof. Really good job by the developer.

    The game gives you the option of combat, or not combat. I went the combat route and enjoyed it. It's one of the few times on this site that I've thought deeply about ability trees, and how to be most effective.

    Again, that's just a bit of fun. Where this game really excels is in it's introduction of a dozen interesting characters. Several times, I thought to myself...this is my favorite character. Only to change my mind in the next scene. i will absolutely play this game all the way through.