I think I encountered a soft lock with the very first boulder pushing puzzle. I pushed the very bottom right boulder in front of the reset button and it got stuck, also keeping me from accessing the reset button. Am I missing something, or did they seriously mess up this puzzle? I can't even access my phone or do anything. Very odd.
Edit: I had to hard quit, reload a save, and beat the puzzle. Only after that I met the Imp who told me I can quit by pressing Q and try again later. Having that info before hand would have avoided this problem.
A second note is I spied on the teacher in the changing room and was given 3 options which I didn't really know what those meant. After that, I talked to the mom and the options were explained to me after the fact. For a remake, this game feels very disjointed and events aren't happening in the correct order it feels like. Just my opinions.