A decent time-killer with quite a bit of lewd to it, albeit kinda grindy and sometimes repetitive. Thankfully there are plenty of QoL features to make it less so.
The story begins with a vampiric thot who for some reason sucks jizz instead of blood. After the big bro she's Sweet Home Alabama'ed with for years decides both he and she need to get hitched with different people, she decides she's not for that married life and GTFOs to the human world. Shenanigans ensue.
The Good
The story begins with a vampiric thot who for some reason sucks jizz instead of blood. After the big bro she's Sweet Home Alabama'ed with for years decides both he and she need to get hitched with different people, she decides she's not for that married life and GTFOs to the human world. Shenanigans ensue.
The Good
- Items and equipment that can freely adjust encounter rate, so getting into battles is only as much as you want/need to.
- Decent number of scenes and variations based on costumes (only in battle though, the actual H-scenes are fixed to specific costumes)
- A decent mix of funny, lewd, and sometimes even a little drama in the story.
- Quest log keeps track of both main story and side quest progression to facilitate play.
- Quick and dirty battle system that gets things done quick.
- Gallery system with a quick unlock feature after clearing the game, including endings since the game would otherwise demand three extra save files for each ending. Gallery also includes a battle simulator containing pretty much every enemy there is.
- NPC pathfinding AI is kind of wonky. At least five or six times in the game I've gotten stuck in a building because an NPC ambled into the doorway. The same can also apply to enemies in the dungeons if you're using the Devil Wing to dodge encounters.
- The variance of the H-skills for combat lewds is nice, but overall a lot of the skills are just "spend MP to hit harder than a normal attack" with only the occasional variation like with debuff skills.
- The simplistic battle system can sometimes work against it. Aside from maybe a few enemies with debuff skills, the vast majority may as well just be damage sponges with a penis where winning is just a matter of scrolling through the skill list to the strongest one you have.
- Normally, infinitely respawning enemy symbols without a way to speed up or skip battles would be a malus against a game like this. Fortunately, between encounter adjustment items, an item to quickly escape dungeons, and the world map allowing fast travel to some locations in dungeons, this is more of a middling point.
- On that note, the Devil Wing accessory not only turns all random mobs passive, but also prevents you from interacting with them in any way. Upside to this is that accidentally bumping into them won't trigger a battle since this game uses a "fog of war" mechanic where enemies are invisible outside of a certain range. Downside is that if an enemy is standing in or bumbles into a 1-block-wide passageway, you are forced to remove the Devil Wing and fight them to move forward.