Others Var Browser - Virt-a-mate plugin by sfishere

Anand Neemish

Apr 19, 2022
This thread is in reference to a Virt-a-Mate plugin developed by sfishere called "Var Browser." I posted this topic because I did not want to clutter other asset release threads wherein the topic of slow load times came up. As you may know massive collection of VARs in AddonPackages significantly slow down load times of VAM and causes game instability. The Var Browser plugin helps relieve these problems for inveterate collectors such as myself.

More information from the author can be found on the hub:

I am NOT the developer. Just a satisfied user. And a not-so-expert user at that since I am somewhat new to VAM.

Here's a moderately long explanation of what sfishere's Var Browser plugin does: Essentially, all of the contents of AddonPackages dir (including sub directories) are initially moved to a new directory called AllPackages. (This archive directory is/would be located at the top level of the VAM directory). With the VAR files moved away from AddonPackages, VAM starts very quickly because it has no VAR packages to scan and load. However, this means that VAM will not know about any of the VARs in your collection. (The AllPackages directory is not part of the original game). Once your VAR files are in AllPackages, you must use Var Browser (I'll abbreviate this to VB) to access those files. VB knows all about the VARs in AllPackages because VB scans the entire AllPackages directory at every start up. This process takes time, but is nowhere near as long as loading VAM with massive VAR collections.

When VB loads a VAR (let's call it xyz.var), the really clever thing that VB does is that it checks for all necessary dependencies of xyz.var and moves the required files (at least those which are in your collection in AllPackages) back to AddonPackages. AND THEN most importantly, VB somehow registers these files with VAM so that you can proceed to use xyz.var. The next time you start up VAM, xyz.var and the dependencies are already in AddonPackages. This means that from that point on, VAM's native browser and plugins such as Browser Assist can see and use that xyz.var. (NOTE that in VB, you will be able to tell which VARs are already located in AddonPackages by a blue border instead of the default white. If you tag a file as Favorite, the border is orange).

Hopefully the experienced VAM user will immediately recognize the speed and stability benefit of having a very slim AddonPackages directory, and yet through VB, you continue to have access to your entire 2TB collection of VARs.


HOWEVER, there are some caveats with using Var Browser. If I get something wrong and incorrectly characterize VB, please let me know.

1. You initially start with a very skinny AddonPackages directory which is really fast to load. But as you use VB more and more, VAR files are added back to AddonPackages. AddonPackages will start to fill up again and VAM startup time WILL slow down again. VB has a feature that lets you "uninstall" VARs back to the AllPackages directory. This means that periodically, you can revert back to a really skinny AddonPackages dir and get really fast start up times. (sfishere calls this "Uninstall All"). This is slightly misnamed because he also provides the ability for you to tag VARs to always remain in the AddonPackages (i.e. will not get uninstalled). My point is that VB is not a forever solution and will require maintenance. But this is a win for me because I used to manually move VAR file around and scenes were always broken. Now, not so much.

2. VB generally does a good job of gathering all dependencies from your collection in AllPackages. But I have noticed on more than one occasion that loaded scenes are "broken" because some dependencies were labelled as missing when I know for a fact that I have that VAR. I think this comes from nested sub-dependencies that VB is not able to find during the load. In rare cases like this, I find that a second load of that scene will clear up this hiccup.

3. If you use VB, and most of your VARs are now in AllPackages, you may be surprised the native browser, native hub dependency searcher or JayJayWon's awesome Browser Assist will not see any of those VARs (i.e. they do not exist as far as the game is concerned), Don't worry. They're still there. It's just that the game does not know about AllPackages or its contents. You use VB to access those VARs or you can manually move the files back to AddonPackages. Once you have successfully accessed a VAR through VB, it becomes visible to the native browser then NEXT TIME you run the game. (PIN this thought). I just want to note this because when I first started using VB, I didn't really understand it and was really freaked out that most of my VARs were missing.

4. A core concept (and caveat) is that a VAR must be in AddonPackages at VAM load time for its native browsers and numerous plugins to be able to use it. When VB loads a VAR from AllPackages during an open session, you will be able to use it. But VAM browser, Browser Assist etc. will not see it until the next time you start VAM. This was super important insight for me to understand because I use Browser Assist a lot. The first few times I used VB, most of my VARs were missing from Browser Assist so I thought VB was horribly broken. That was until I realized this quirk. (You really don't need to restart each time you load a VAR. But if you do need to restart, keep in mind that VAM will start a lot faster than before.)

5. For me, a normal use case is that I shove my newly downloaded VARs into AllPackages. I start VAM and use VB to load the VAR so I can check it out. If I really like the VAR and plan on using it for future mods (e.g. my own Looks or music or lighting rigs), I tag the VAR as "Auto Install" in the VB interface (gear icon bottom right of each thumbnail). This feature loosely mentioned above in Caveat #1. When a VAR is tagged as Auto Install, it means that the file is not returned to AllPackages during an "Uninstall All" operation. That VAR (and its dependencies) stay in AddonPackages. Again the caveat is that this means your AddonPackages will grow again - albeit more slowly. But there is something else to be aware of in using the Auto Install tag.

When a thumbnail of a VAR is blue, it means that the VAR is in AddonPackages. Tagging that VAR for Auto Install is super quick. HOWEVER, if the VAR is still in AllPackages (meaning the border is white) tagging it as Auto Install is painfully slow. VAM will lock up while VB scans the VAR and gathers all the dependencies. You may need to know this because of the following use case:

- Migrating your VAR collection for use with VB.
- Checking out a new Asset Collection.

In both of these cases, it may be most efficient to manually move your target VARs to AddonPackages first BEFORE starting VAM. In this way, your target VARs (such as core dependencies or session plugins) are blue which means you can quickly tag them and move on with no delay. Otherwise, it is very painful to have VAM freeze for a couple of minutes every time you tag something.


For you to be interested in this tool, you're probably in a similar predicament of having massive VAR collections. I'm talking terabyte or more. But this probably also means that your collection has some sort of structure and may have some tagging (favorites etc.). The question posed by Darkchampx of not breaking things come to mind. Here is a rough roadmap of what you can do to migrate to using VB. Please note that if you have a lot of saved scenes, the steps below can be quite tedious and time consuming. I did it and I do not regret it.

1. Do a test run to see if you even like VB. The simplest way is rename AddonPackages => AllPackages. Then create an empty directory called AddonPackages. Install VB per sfishere's direction and start VAM. You will be amazed at how fast everything starts. But you will be dismayed that there are no scenes in VAM's native browser etc. Don't freak out. When you open VB, you will see all of your VARs. Using VB's UI, go to Custom/Scene and open one of your saved scenes. See if it loads properly. Depending on the complexity of the scene and how many dependencies, you may have to load it again for all of the dependencies to load. Do this a few times to convince yourself that VB will allow you access to your creations, try loading a scene that you downloaded (i.e. authored by someone else). The point of this exercise is to see if you like it and to build confidence that you won't lose your hard work.

1a. I don't tag with VAM's native tools. So I don't know if moving VARs between AllPackages and AddonPackages breaks the JSON record. You may want to see if your tags survive this test run before committing.

2. Close VAM and go to AddonPackages. In it you will notice that it is no longer empty. It will contain VARs (and sub directories if you created any). These are the files that VB moved over during your test. You will also notice that the dir structure mirrors what is contained within AllPackages. This is key because you can easily revert back to not using VB by copying everything back to AllPackages, deleting the now empty AddonPackages, and then renaming AllPackages => AddonPackages. (I guess you can move the files back but renaming dirs is so much quicker than moving so many files).

3. If you do want to dive in and use VB, do a backup of your files. I know that it's pretty hard to find so much disk space in the case of a 2TB collection, but I was in the midst of building a new rig so I had a brand new drive to test VB with. The old drive became the backup. But please back up. I don't want to be responsible for you mucking up years of your VAR collecting. VB has worked out for me and my wuse case, but you may be doing something different than me and something may break.

4. Once you have everything backed up, go back to step 1 and have all of your collection in AllPackages (with an empty AddonPackages).
4a. Identify all of you core plugins and dependencies and move those to AddonPackages. You can place them in various sub-directories if you choose to organize your VARs that way.
4b. Start up VAM and open up VB. Go to Custom/Scene. This should contain the scenes that you saved. Load every one of your favorite scenes. Load each one at least once. This will take time, but what you're doing is causing VB to migrate all the key dependencies from AllPackages to AddonPackages.
4c. Once you're done loading your favorite saved scenes, go to VB's Category/Scene. At the top, there is a check box for "Only Installed". Click this and you will see only blue thumbnails. Tag every one of these as Auto Install. There is no batch function, so this will be quite tedious. But this is necessary so that you can use other tools such as Browser Assist to access your favorite saved scenes.
4d. There may be scenes from other authors which you use frequently. Load those and tag them as well. Per my Caveat #5, it may be quicker and more efficient to move them manually beforehand. Then you would save yourself some time and would only need to tag them.


Whew. I did not mean to write so much. There may be a lot that I have not covered. Others including the author may take issue with what I wrote. But I hope this helps.

Seeing as this is not my work product, I cannot really provide any real support. I'll jump in once in a while to see if I can help, but I make no guarantees. I hope others can contribute to the knowledge base (I am eager to learn features I don't know about).

I encourage you to try it. It took me a while with trial and error, but I am glad of it. Var Browser is indispensable for making this version of VAM work with large collections.

P.S. Unfortunately, sfishere did not feel the love for this project, so he has officially stopped development. It's a shame, but it is absolutely his right to focus his energy on what he wants. But the good news is that what exists adds so much value.

Anand Neemish

Apr 19, 2022
A few more points. VAR Browser really helps with load time and helps keep AddonPackages somewhat slim. But there are other tools that are needed. Here is a brief list of other tools that help with VAM performance and stability:

I bought a new HD for a new PC build, so I was presented an opportunity to throw caution to the wind. I made some MASSIVE changes to my AddonPackages just to see what would happen.

- I installed sfishere's VAR browser which fixed the loading time problem.
- Then I used le_hibou's morphbloatscanner ( ) to identify the worst morph offenders and I removed them. This fixed the dreaded "Too many heap sections" problem.
- AND THEN I performed open heart surgery by using Pesadilla's DeDuplicator (LINK), which went INTO the VAR files and removed redundancies.
- Then, I used Bill Prime's VAR Manager ( ) to block redundant items from appearing in VAM (I don't think it removes anything).
- And finally, I stumbled across turtlebackgoofy's Performance Patch ( ) which made multi-thread process possible for the first time.

BOOM! My VAM installation with close to 2TB of VARs started up like it was a virgin install and ran faster than it ever did.

BUT as my current collection has pushed past 2.1TB and I have cluttered my AddonPackages with a lot of VARs with must-install, the load time has gotten slower. But I can use Var Browser to speed things up from time to time.



Nov 25, 2018
Thanks alot for this detailed explanation! I'll definitively check this, and the other plugins you mentioned, out (this weekend though, a bit hard for me to play with VaM surrounded by other people during the week ).
I don't even want to think about what would happen if my VaM gets into the TeraBytes, im only at 110GB (which I thought was enormous) and I feel like it takes forever to start up and load up a scene.

Just bought a brand new SSD with really good speeds and putting VaM in it didn't really seem to change a thing sadly, so Im hoping var browser will increase my speed .


Aug 8, 2017
Just wanted to pop in and say thank you for this very detailed and informative write-up! I was about to give up on vam but thanks to you and VARbrowser, I'm back at it! Before it took literally minutes to load a scene. Once I had it loaded up I could load maybe 2 scenes before it would hang up and crash. Now I load up a scene, and everything runs buttery smooth.
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Anand Neemish

Apr 19, 2022
.. but thanks to you and VARbrowser, I'm back at it!
aw shucks. But don't thank me. Make it a point to go the hub and thank sfishere. In a text exchange, I got a sense that he felt pretty down that Var Browser did not get much of a following. Damn shame that it is not widely known. It works well for what it is.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2021
A few more points. VAR Browser really helps with load time and helps keep AddonPackages somewhat slim. But there are other tools that are needed. Here is a brief list of other tools that help with VAM performance and stability:

I bought a new HD for a new PC build, so I was presented an opportunity to throw caution to the wind. I made some MASSIVE changes to my AddonPackages just to see what would happen.

- I installed sfishere's VAR browser which fixed the loading time problem.
- Then I used le_hibou's morphbloatscanner ( ) to identify the worst morph offenders and I removed them. This fixed the dreaded "Too many heap sections" problem.
- AND THEN I performed open heart surgery by using Pesadilla's DeDuplicator (LINK), which went INTO the VAR files and removed redundancies.
- Then, I used Bill Prime's VAR Manager ( ) to block redundant items from appearing in VAM (I don't think it removes anything).
- And finally, I stumbled across turtlebackgoofy's Performance Patch ( ) which made multi-thread process possible for the first time.

BOOM! My VAM installation with close to 2TB of VARs started up like it was a virgin install and ran faster than it ever did.

BUT as my current collection has pushed past 2.1TB and I have cluttered my AddonPackages with a lot of VARs with must-install, the load time has gotten slower. But I can use Var Browser to speed things up from time to time.

I just GPT'ed this post for everyone's convenience:
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Apr 20, 2024
When we select "auto install" on a scene and next install this scene, then click on "uninstall all", the scene is kept in AddonPackages but not the dependencies, how can we make its dependencies also remain?
My goal is to have my favorite scenes fully active in the AddonPackages and others that I can test and uninstall without "breaking" my good scenes or their dependencies.


Aug 16, 2023
Does this plugin still work? I get 'var browser not ready' and so seem a lot of other users.


New Member
Jun 8, 2023
How to open VB? I installed the plugin and started VAM. No VB menu, shortcut doesn't work either.


Apr 20, 2024
Go to Edit mode, Add Plugin to session in VR then Open scene. If you are in desktop the small menu should appear starting vam desktop.exe


New Member
Jun 8, 2023
Go to Edit mode, Add Plugin to session in VR then Open scene. If you are in desktop the small menu should appear starting vam desktop.exe
I'm desktop mode when I open vam I got no menu. My VB version is 0.15 and there is 7 files in the plugins folder. Would that be problematic?

----------NVM I started VAM with admin priviledge and it worked-----------------
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Jun 6, 2022
I'm desktop mode when I open vam I got no menu. My VB version is 0.15 and there is 7 files in the plugins folder. Would that be problematic?
varbroswer.dll and other files are on github page so they are necessary. i have them on my pc, no issues. im also not on latest vam, on due to performance patch. try that version but idk if its the issue tho, still worth a try.
----------NVM I started VAM with admin priviledge and it worked-----------------
thats probably not a good idea...
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Jul 16, 2020
I am glad to introduce a new little helper, "Vambropy".
EDIT: I have deleted previous comment to link directly to the new thread I made for it: Vambropy tool updated to v1.03. This time executable version and sources are included.
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Aug 16, 2023
I am gladly presenting to you all a new little helper, "Vambropy".

Vambropy started as a python project to have a tool that facilitates the use of packages in VaM when it integrates the BepInEx plugin VarBrowser, developed by sfishere.

I was always fighting with the performance reduction that occurs when there are a lot of packages installed, mainly those that contain morphs and clothing, hair. Textures, Assets, and others do not usually generate a problem and can be installed without generating big drawbacks, except having a great list where it is harder to find things. VarBrowser, however, made it possible to navigate separately from what is not installed in memory in VAM and can install packages and dependencies from within VAM. However, it has some inconveniences such as a delay in installing packages, which has to be done on each package and wait, and I had some problems with the installation of some dependencies/sub-dependencies.

VamBropy tries to make easier to navigate available and installed packages, with options to do some things faster, when you are outside of VaM. The idea is to work with a database that stores relevant information about each package along with a thumbnails folder that are generated the first time the package is found.
The information of the package location was preferred to handle it on RAM. This means that the database does not store metadata other than related with the .var package and its status as installed, available, external or missing.

View attachment 4508138

In addition, Vambropy tries to help you find packages within your environment. If you have packages within VaM but you also have a repository in another partition or external drive, it is possible to have them assembled in the database to query their information instantly (very useful in the case of plugins that usually have instructions for their use) as well as the images (a thumbnail that contains all the thumbnails of the package (up to 32, reduced, in a single images), for example in a scene, are displayed.
Multi-expression search filters (separated by space) contemplate different filtering possibilities as by name, tags, creation date, dependencies, and information.

General filters (radio buttons) by availability level group packages and dependencies allow for quick visibility and in the case of single items a more detailed administration. As it is possible, for example, to install all existing dependencies of all existing packages, it can be filtered quickly to find only in the packages installed all dependencies and at the same time filter the available ones, the external ones, and move and copy according to their availability.

Package handling on disk: Vambropy currently does not delete or modify packages. If the packages are available (in AllPackages) you can install them (in AddonPackages); if they are installed, you can uninstall them, turning them available. If the packages are in repositories (external directories) you can install them, copying them by preserving the structure of sub-directories path of the origin, in AddonPackages; Once installed, copied packages can be uninstalled, but they will move to the AllPackages folder and will be available, that is, never deleted. The button to uninstall everything, as in VarBrowser, moves all AddonPackages to the AllPackages directory except those indicated as Autoinstall. If a package is deleted (outside, manually), in the Vambropy app it will still be seen but as missing package, and all of its information persists until the database is deleted and rebuilt, or accessed with an external application for sqlite that allows to delete records.
In the event that in any location there are .var packages with incorrect format, such as the infamous version "1_1", it is reported in a listing when starting the program and are not added to the database.

The only deletion of disk packages is given with the consent of the user and only in the folders of AddonPackages and AllPackages, as they are verified in each data refresh that there are no duplicates in them, and if there are, it is asked to choose which location to keep. If the packages have the same name but the hash is different (i.e., digitally different) it is also warned and it is asked to have the caution to examine them before choosing which to preserve. This verification is strict: the program does not start until these duplications are resolved. However, duplicates are not a problem in external directories; every time Vambropy copies external packages to VAM, he seeks them before (because location is not saved in database) and copies the first one found.

The dependencies searches are carried out taking into account the 3 possible forms of VaM regarding the requirement of dependencies, which are exact version, latest version and minimum version.
I did not have available yet a way to search and download non-existent dependencies in the VaM Hub. I've been seeing how VamToolBox does, but I have not succesfully do it.

Finally, the other important part of Vambropy is the one that offers management of profiles, which are text files with a list of packages (without the extension). These files can be opened with a click and edited with your default application, mainly if you have to reduce lists. They can be generated from your current installation, and they can be converted into an Autoinstall list (which VarBrowser/Vambropy never uninstalls). From each profile it is possible to install and uninstall your package group. Actually, a Vambropy profile can be seen as a set of vars to add or remove from the installation. In this way, the button to add packages from a profile does not uninstall existing packages. To get a more pure profile logic you can uninstall everything and then apply the profile. And the packages listed as Autoinstall although they can't be uninstalled all at once with a button, can be deactivated by selecting in the list, by first clicking one or more (ctrl+click), or even all (click+wheel+shift), and then press <A>. But another more direct way is to have an empty profile and pass it as Autoinstall. So all these possibilities are considered.
When you do modifications to autoinstall files, a copy will be done in the Custom/PluginData/sfishere directory, named Autoinstall.bak, keeping the previous one, so you can undo it and restore it if you toggled by mistake.

As quick keys, Vambropy uses <Escape> to clean filters when cursor is over them or in the package window or dependencies. Use letter <I> to install/uninstall a package from the list, and use letter <A> to change the state of Autoinstall to installed packages.
Autoview is an option to prevent auto loading of thumbnail and info when you navigate packages list with the up and down keys. When using mouse, by clicking a package it shows the info and image.
With mouse clicking on a package from the list is displayed your information and image. And double-clicking shows their dependencies in the table below to be able to install them. (It's actually an automated package name filter)
With mouse double-clicking on the image, it is displayed with the default program. If you use IrfanView, for example, it works fast and very convenient, as it allows you to load on full screen, get off by pressing escape, in a way that seems to be integrated into the program.
With the mouse doing double-click on a dependency item, Vambropy shows in the list of packages only those that depend on it. (It's actually a filter by dependencies, automated, saving your writing to it.)

Finally, an added option to the end has been to read the dependencies of your own scenes (Saves/scene). According to the number of scenes you will take your time and present them on the general list of dependencies, so that they can be installed or traced more easily.

The project took several weeks with a lot of dedication and observation for the most optimal and efficient methods, with much care in details, and has been a great source of learning Python coding for me. I hope others can appreciate it and also collaborate in its development if they find more problems than Vambropy can solve, or if they want to expand the possibilities in the handling of packages. The current database is currently loading some invisible information from packages containing morphs. For each package its morphs are counted, a list is made with its names and the hash of each .vmb (in its binary part except in the cases of morphs purely formulas that are of binary size 4 bytes, in which case the hash is obtained from .vmi. The idea is to have a database/table of morphs with unique identification, to verify whether all the names are unique that is something that I have not yet found, and also to have the information of each .vmi as numDeltas, whether is pose or not, if it is a complete body or part, etc. in a table. And I thought of some future way of moving single morphs or groups, with profiles, removing them from the zips to gain some time as well, as I have verified that it is achieved in the case of clothing, which are loaded faster when installed in the Custom folder.
Before Vambropy, I used a series of scripts to handle vars, move them to subdirectories according to his type, and in turn a directory by author in case of clothes, scenes, looks, similar in some cases to those of Pesadilla's Deduplicator which I did not use but inspired me to start making scripts, and with the help of Kruk2's VamToolBox and BillPrime's VAMVarManager. VarManager (from feelfar) is another program that was interesting to me but I could never use it because I did not want to lose the tree of sub-directories (The app reordered without asking the entire AddonPackages directory losing my own structures, and that was very disappointing to me).
I think of the ways offered by a database like this, which can include universal information such as the needed regular expressions or macros to automatically repairing known packages to remove bloat, duplication, repair errors, etc. With updates we could import that information.

Why not symlinks, which would avoid having to copy from external repositories? For now I prefer the simplest use philosophy that sfishere proposed with VarBrowser. The use of symlinks is at the administrator level, only on NTFS, and many people do not like to have to accept permissions for an unfamiliar program/script. Possibly later we can add it as an option.

Vambropy was tested in these days and I see that everything seems to work well, so I can finally share it with you all in F95, a way to return something to the community. I intend to leave it for a while to start with another projects, but feel free to modify it/improve it/fix it. If anyone thinks it's necessary to have it on github, gitlab, go ahead. My only requirements are that I am mentioned as the original and collaborative creator, and give thanks the people I mentioned for their programs, which are highly recommended as well. And of course thanks to Qwen-2.5... magic stuff!

Configuration and first start:
Unzip and copy vambropy directory anywhere you like, preserving internal sub-directories profiles and thumbnails.
Edit config.ini file, writing your VaM full path, Repositories (optional), autoview default setting.
Have python 3.11 (or later if compatible) installed. Preferably use miniconda.
(with miniconda:) Create a new environment for python 3.11. Activate it. Install pillow (pip install pillow)
Go to your vambropy directory, and run 'python .' (dot is current directory)
It will load __main__.pyw in current directory (vambropy)

If you prefer to use Vambropy as a standalone .exe not depending on python you can do it with pyinstaller. (pip install pyintstaller, then go pyinstaller __main__.pyw. A dist directory is the one that contains the executable (rename it to vambpropy.exe if you prefer, keep _internal directoty and add thumbnails, profiles as well as config.ini and packages.db if you already have them). An empty standalone install is about 75-80Mb.

Hope you enjoy using it!
bitmap "hand_v_icon.ico" not defined

What is this? Thanks.


Jul 16, 2020
bitmap "hand_v_icon.ico" not defined

What is this? Thanks.
EDIT: I found the way to start it from anywhere, and fixed an argument located wrong which prevented starting when no data files existed yet. It should work fine now. Read the readme.txt for details on first setting up
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Aug 16, 2023
It is the icon for the app that shows in the window corner and taskbar. Make sure you start the app __main__.pyw from the same directory the app is, i.e. if you have installed in c:\sources\vambropy try first go to the folder in the command line. Then you can run 'python.exe __main__.py', or just 'python.exe .' (since the dot means current directory). I've tried to do it one level up, like in c:\sources, run 'python vambropy' which is an accepted way to start a python app, but then I had the same problem as you. I think it is related to the app not setting a current directory itself, so it depends on where you run it from. I'll try to fix that soon. If there's someone with more advanced knowledge of python all help is welcome. In the meantime please tell me if that fixed it for you. Thanks for testing it.

*EDIT: There are some more bugs related to having to create the empty db. I'm correcting these and Ill be updating it soon
Thank you for replying.

It now starts, but with a long list of rejected packages (separate window from the main), and the main window is empty.

I also get this in the PowerShell window: sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: packages


Jul 16, 2020
Thank you for replying.

It now starts, but with a long list of rejected packages (separate window from the main), and the main window is empty.

I also get this in the PowerShell window: sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: packages
EDIT: New version and a new thread for it: Vambropy tool.

In response to your reply but updating to the requirements of the new version for all people who may read this now, I say:
1. Make sure you fully deleted the previous version, and install the new one in an empty directory. Then, edit the config.ini file, try to set up only the VAM_dir = your vam full path, and leave the rest as the are currently set. As an option for testing, you can set any directory as vam dir and copy only a couple of packages recreating AddonPackages, and AllPackages also. With this it will start in a couple of seconds and you can try all features.
2. Now the executable is available, but If you were running it from the sources, make sure you are using Python v3.11 or newer.
3. The window you mentioned should appear when packages have bad format, like creator.package.2_1.var, and you can close it and go on anyway. It will appear on every start until there are no packages with bad format. But If you get a list with packages but they have correct format after these steps, please let me know in which directory those packages are. It should be either on AllPackages or AddonPackages inside your VaM directory, if there was no Repo1, Repo2, Repo3 settings in the config.ini file. I have found in my directories some packages with a space after version number. That is bad format example.
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New Member
Nov 2, 2017
Is there a way to make Var Browser and work together? It's cool to load super fast but it's a bit of a pain to filter the scenes, oftentime I have to scroll through a bunch of looks and other non-scene VARs...


Apr 20, 2024
no since browser assist is based on AddonPackages files, not on AllPackages. A merger of the two would be nice.