VN - Ren'Py - Vaygren - Lustful Temptation [Ep. 1] [Cyberframe Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a VN so story heavy and god damn it's good.

    So first, the CGs and animation is golden, it really makes the game a good one.

    Then the story is good and so far (since it's still in its inception) interesting.

    So yeah, it's worth your money. Go support the devs !
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game screams production quality, every scene is animated which I like very much, the characters are hot.

    Thrilled to see what the future has in store, I'd like options, or a more forceful path, but that is just me.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Right now there's only 1 chapter, but there's already some glaring issues.

    It's really bizarre for a visual-novel with a higher budget to be completely missing one of the most basic and important features: The option to skip unseen text. The game even gives you an option to erase *seen* text and warns you that progressing through the game again will be a 'bitch'. Why? Just implement the feature that VNs have had for ages now.

    The writing can be rather bland/cringey at times so the missing ability to skip unseen text stands out badly.

    Also currently the fast-forwarding is janky, you can't easily stop at the time you want to because of the 'VHS' effect they do.

    Sometimes the camera will zoom and pan on characters in ways that are more strange than anything else.

    So far I feel quite a few of the character designs are too generic. They don't look particularly unique compared to a lot of magical/medieval anime out there.

    The voice-acting is a bit hit-and-miss. The main character has a particular accent that to me doesn't feel fitting for the main character.

    Hard to imagine what the rest of the game's pacing will be, because here in chapter 1 everyone is already down to fuck you hardcore.

    While not the biggest deal, I like futanari to have balls and here there doesn't seem to be any. Disappointing.

    There's potential here for sure, but it left a rough first-impression.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Artwork and animations are just perfect, the story is ok, characters are ok too, The fact that there are almost no male characters is appealing to me, I have very high expectation and hope for this game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool animation and sound.
    It's like they made a visual novel out of a cartoon.
    The idea is very good. I wanted more games with animation like this.
    I hope the author will recruit a team and do something big and cool!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Vaygren - Lustful Temptation captivates with its stunning visuals and unique style, creating a mesmerizing experience that draws players into its world. The art direction and attention to detail are nothing short of breathtaking. This game stands as a testament to creative vision, and it's a gem that deserves ongoing support and development. The community eagerly awaits to see how this beautiful journey unfolds further. Devs, please keep nurturing this masterpiece!
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Top tier 2D VN. Probably the best in this category right now. Definitely worth giving a try unless you have an adverse reaction to futa's.

    Most 2D VN's have very little or no animated scene's. This game made the effort to animate almost all scene's. Even cut scene's or characters simply walking from one place to the next.

    Animation: 9/10
    Voice acting: 8/10
    Story: 9/10
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    only 1 real choice. great first entry though. the animation is top notch, the voice acting is great, sound effects good and the narrative is story driven. really looking forward to subsequent episodes.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Fully animated, fully voice acted, full coloured/shaded.

    This is a really well made visual novel type "game" where you don't have much choice but you don't really need it.

    I understand why they didn't add a skip button but it does sort of need one.

    If the content quality stays as good as this and the writing improves a little it will be one of the best futa/female games of all time.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It has great visuals, voicing and cut-scenes blend into the text without a hitch.

    Music volume affects the intro volume.

    Truth be told, I've thought it would be a story about the Empress, ascending the Throne, Corrupting maids and generals, but it seems to be a pretty straightforward story about the 1st "real" mission of a squad.

    Time will tell, if it proves the 5 star mark.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Comrade BLin

    Was waiting for this for a few years. What i was wondering about the game during those years was :" What took them so long?"
    Now i know why and i'm very pleased with it.
    A world of futas and they can hide their cock? Fantastic!
    Support the devs! Those guys make quality animations.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Bam Bino

    Animation are very good than 3d Hscenes. Story is mideocor, text are bad rather then that everything is good I would love to play the game. Eagerly waiting for the future things for me....patience is killing me. I have nothing more to but still writing this because it need 200 characters to post.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Top quality. So far the game has set itself up for a promising story with interesting characters, hopefully there is time to expand on the world building in future chapters. The scenes are seriously hot. 10/10
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible production value, nearly all the scenes are animated, the characters are unique and interesting enough to make you invested in them, and the whole setting has a fun porn-y vibe with a great mix of humor. VN's like this are the gold standard of well done hentai games.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    highest production value I've seen lately. only played a few scenes but so far every character has been animated and voice acted, there's rich lore and a lot of erotic content at every step. not sure how far it goes but definitely one of the better games.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily top 1% of all the games here on this site in terms of quality.

    The Animation is fluid, All lines are voiced ( and well & in english!)

    I im generally impressed and ... was genuinly baffled fpr the first 10 minutes playing this games. big recommend.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It has a fucking anime op. I seen the studio's past works and it was always impressive. It has nice animation and nice VAs work. It's basically a VN Hentai done by a good studio like pink pineapple . It's got food futa content as well if you like dickgirls. If this is the first ep, than I can't wait to see what else they come up with.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Vaygren - Lustful Temptation [Ep. 1]

    This concept is fantastic and the production quality is through the roof! But a monkey took a dump in it. More on that later.

    This is pretty much a fully animated interactive hentai! Everything is animated! Let that sink in. Every. Single. Scene. And I'm not refering to "sex scene" here. Even mundane talking is animated. Wow!
    This kind of project is crazy ambitious!

    And it's voice acted! Holy shitballs Batman! This is the future of lewd interactive storytelling right here, mark my fucking words!

    Though... maybe not exactly this project in this constellation. As a concept this really REALLY works but the problem is, the writing here stinks. As in: It's not on par with the rest of the production quality at all.

    Coding: Expert. 10/10.
    Animation: Expert. 10/10.
    Cinematography and visual presentation: Expert. 10/10.
    Voice acting. Good. 8/10. (It's not their fault they don't get full marks though. You can only do so much with cringy lines that don't make much sense.)
    Writing: Intern with no experience trying it out for the first time. 2/10.

    It's just not right to have 2/10 writing and fucking STELLAR everything else. It actually makes me kind of mad to see because it's obvious a shitton of effort went into this.

    I need to rant about this:

    The sex scene dialogue and narration is extremely cringy and full of unnecessary inner monologue. Half of the text in general is unnecessary inner monologue.
    The choices are just scene selectors, nothing is explained and the pacing is off.
    Each character in the team is introduced in individual scenes as if they were on a job interview. After they were hired. Does that make sense to you? Does it make you excited? Yeah me neither.
    Whoever wrote this has absolutely no clue how to write a good script for a visual medium, or tell a story in general in an interesting way.
    I sadly don't foresee this being the Next Big Thing if the current writer will be staying for the rest of it.
    If this production team (I'm assuming it's a team because I don't think a mere mortal can do this kind of thing solo) can get a hold of an actual script writer then this would be at the very top of F95 and everywhere within a year. But that's a big IF. I know how these things go.
    I'm just hoping to God the current writer of this isn't some kind of executive who can't be voted out. Because I see the potential here, I really do. It's the future!

    Please excuse my metaphor here but this project is like a flawless 5 star Michelin meal that somebody let a monkey dump a big fat turd on.
    There's a brilliant vision behind it and it's sublimely executed, but a very obvious weak link fucked it all up. Badly. It could have been GREAT but now it's just meh. It's so very close to perfection yet still so far away.

    If you pick around the turd you can probably get a decent experience out of it. Just don't breathe through your nose and try not to think too much.

    And definitely do check it out to see the proof of concept. It's truly formidable. The animations and the expert-level use of the Ren'Py engine really rocks my world.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Immaculate quality and really good scenes. The voice acting is a bit off and feels very porn-actory but the animations are gorgeous. This is a lot for just the first episode so I don't know what other reviews are talking about it just being setup. Can't wait for more!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Two negatives, one is the setup taking too long, I need more action. Second, it seems too much for a hentai and less than a VN. Perhaps it's because we're currently just playing only the setup. On the positive side, the game looks very beautiful. The UI, animations, voices, and worldbuilding are all very good. Everything looks great and the story seems to have a good structure. Despite the negatives, the positives are too overwhelming. Its 5/5 for me.