
New Member
Aug 21, 2017
Very crashy. Not gonna bother debugging the game myself when the maker is hauling 2.5k a month as a previous user said.
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Aug 16, 2017
both versions work the same for both freeze and crash after playing so long. im guessing its something to do with java as ive had same result in java games before

unlocked maybe half the scenes so far but none are particularly great.
don't really get the point of having red/green arrows next to prices as when you sell stuff you get a lot less anyway and ive hardly needed to buy after grinding dungeons.

the brothel section is also odd, in so much as how much time it takes for the whores to recover their mood.

the quest to go to zone 8 to get another amulet bit where we meet the hydra is still stuck on my quest log and you cant return there as the game doesn't allow it, even though I have the amulet and have progressed further on.

the half-wolf healer says that if you bring him stuff he can make better runes, which is bullshit as all he does is heal the crew, even after upgrading the ship and all sections.

other than that the game is enjoyable for its light-hearted storytelling and small dungeon grinds. still playing it for me, but then I have no expectations to meet :D


Mar 29, 2018
You can continue the questline without the questlog, after finishing the last dungeon all scenes unlock (atleast that happened to me), but as i said, the only really decent scene for me is getting sucked off by the scribe and theres no even a scene for Kari... this is what happens when you want to diversify dick/breast sizes in games (but the breast size doesnt matter in current scenes) but still after 2,5 year development theres nothing. I love the general premise of the game but it absolutely does not deliver. just patreon milking project
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1800 Mr. Tourture

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
i kind of have a weird issue: i accidentally changed the resolution to be too large for my screen and now I cant change it back because the upper bound of my screen blocks the game from being raised any further (meaning the options stop at the new game prompt. is there a way to force change the resolution through commands or something?

(yes i have uninstalled and redownloaded)


Sep 23, 2017
i kind of have a weird issue: i accidentally changed the resolution to be too large for my screen and now I cant change it back because the upper bound of my screen blocks the game from being raised any further (meaning the options stop at the new game prompt. is there a way to force change the resolution through commands or something?

(yes i have uninstalled and redownloaded)
There's a file in C:\Users\*YOUR_USERNAME*\.prefs\VentureSeas called "Settings" (no extension). Delete that and the game should start with default options.


Aug 12, 2017
Tried this last night.

Noticed the following in regard to crashes.

I'm on Win 7-32 bit.

1.) The game would crash whsh when loading the jar file for the game about right at the end.

If I clicked the jar and ignored the exe to start the wouldn't crash and the game would play.

2.) Game will crash if your in the first dungeon and at the end of combat chose to use a rune to heal a wolf. I did this about 7 times and game closes/crashes each time you make that option.

3.) In the 3rd dungeon if you encounter a wasp/bee princess and offer to give her yourself for mating the game will crash. Crash occurs when it ask it for are dom/sub. Test this out 5 times for each.

Other bugs:

1.) Healing all crew doesn't heal the crew sometimes. Game will say they are healed but stats indicate different. Had to click and remove member from part and re-add them. Similar problem exists with poison.

2.) Couldn't re-add or change crew for dungeon exploration.

3.) had weird graphics glitch. NPCs weren't showing correctly. had to save/close game/restart game and load last save to fix it.

4.) Game crashed in combat had 1hp maybe 0 on main party member and game would not proceed at all charcter had no options on what to. had to load last save and re-play that dungeon part.

5.) Trigger all events to clear dungeon stage is glitched in certain spots. All events were explored on map (Walked around it 4 times going on every square), but game would not indicate clear dungeon. This happened a few times and one stage could not be cleared at all and it was thoroughly explored and retried 20 times. Closing game/restarting fixed the bug when it occured in one place but not in others.

1800 Mr. Tourture

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
There's a file in C:\Users\*YOUR_USERNAME*\.prefs\VentureSeas called "Settings" (no extension). Delete that and the game should start with default options.
Thanks for the help, but how does can I fix it on a Mac? the OSX system is stupidly confusing compared to windows.


Jul 26, 2017
Thanks for the help, but how does can I fix it on a Mac? the OSX system is stupidly confusing compared to windows.
Open App called "Terminal" and type:
ls -al ~/.prefs
If output is something like this:
kido@arch64 ~> ls -al ~/.prefs
total 20
drwxr-xr-x    3 kido users  4096 Sep  2  2017 .
drwxr-x--x+ 154 kido users 12288 Sep 10 13:43 ..
drwxr-xr-x    2 kido users  4096 Dec 23  2017 VentureSeas
Then delete it with this command:
rm -rf ~/.prefs/VentureSeas


Sep 23, 2017
The DL on pornplaybb is the September 4th hotfix...
As far as I can see, it's literally kidos upload, just reupped somewhere else
Oct 15, 2017
Am I doing something wrong? all I seem to be able to do is travel between towns losing money because they trade for 17z revenue yet the journey costs about 96z, I can't heal my crew because bugtesting is for wimps so I cant go adventuring for anything, the quest board locks me in that menu and has listed quests that shouldn't have triggered yet and the combat isn't broken its just terrible as your leader has runes for a few sword hits then stops bothering and becomes a masochist. I want to push through because the art is nice but christ this games been around for how long now and it's still a complete mess.
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3.20 star(s) 27 Votes