
Dec 28, 2020
What are the effects of day and night in battles?
might change ambushes, tho i havent learned that yet. non-night attuned creatures cant attack ranged. reduces defense to half for non-night creatures, or to half for daytime creatures, depending of day or night respectively


Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2018
It's more correct to say that non nocturnal monsters can't use their ranged attacks to hit the backline directly at night, not that it disables ranged attacks. The distinction is important, because if a mechanic DID disable ranged attacks in truth, you'd have to worry about retaliation on squishy ranged attackers, which could be horribly bad.

As for the defense reduction, it sounds ugly in theory, but in practice, as long as you do proper division building, it won't matter much, because what really matters is stuff like Hardy/Godly physique and other forms of mitigation that you have on your tank, which should be the only unit taking damage in a properly built division. At least from direct attacks.

I don't remember if Defense interacted with spell damage, or tactical skills and whatnot... but I think it didn't...? It's one of the reasons why spell barrier is one of the most common barriers you want on a division. Self destruct definitely ignores defense, so that's another thing where defense loss just doesn't matter.

Realistically defense only seriously matters on enemy units and specifically on higher difficulties, where stats are super inflated.

In short, don't worry too much about night/day, they have little relevance outside of units spawning most of the time as long as you have well organized divisions for your level.


Mar 11, 2019
Anyone know how to unlock Iris? Not Goddess Iris, just regular, fat robot looking Iris, the unit that Divine Nachtu has a leader link with? Doing Berserk 5 doesn't do it, that's Goddess Iris. I've beaten Thanatos Story, and Law/Chaos/True Law/True Chaos routes, working towards Deus Thanatos but it says that only unlocks Vergius, does it also unlock robot Iris or have I missed her somehow?


Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
Are we able to recruit multiple of the same unit? Or is each unit "unique" as you can only have one of each?

Like if I want to just recruit a bunch of human sword troopers?


Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
Also what is the latest version of this game?

I see on the official game website that there is patch 1.07 but in this thread there is mention of version 1.12 in post regarding mods?


Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2018
Are we able to recruit multiple of the same unit? Or is each unit "unique" as you can only have one of each?

Like if I want to just recruit a bunch of human sword troopers?
Also what is the latest version of this game?

I see on the official game website that there is patch 1.07 but in this thread there is mention of version 1.12 in post regarding mods?
Each unit is unique. So you can't have multiples of the same unit. Only the AI can do that.

The latest official version of the game should be 1.07. Dunno anything about any 1.12 or anything. Might be the Mod version or something, but I know absolutely nothing about the mods for this game or any other H-game.
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Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
Other than choosing target priority and selecting when tactical skills activate, is there anything else you can do in a battle?

Cause it doesn't seem like you can change leaders, move divisions into different slots, or change formations unless I am missing something?


Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2018
Other than choosing target priority and selecting when tactical skills activate, is there anything else you can do in a battle?

Cause it doesn't seem like you can change leaders, move divisions into different slots, or change formations unless I am missing something?
That's all there is to combat, and that's just on the offensive side. Defensively, you don't even do that much and can just set rules for tactical use for the involved divisions.

Strictly speaking, the core of the gameplay is the management part and the division building and the deployment order and all that stuff. The battles are somewhat secondary to this and are mostly about applying successful builds and whatnot.

That's why, if you browse this thread, you'll see a lot of talks about division building and whatnot, but pretty much nothing about combat itself, because in this game, battles are won or lost before they even start. A good division will win battles, a bad one will lose them. Though obviously, what counts as "good" or "bad" varies a bit depending on difficulty level. You can obviously get away with much more on lower difficulties, while on higher ones you'll need to be a lot more careful about everything from unit selection to equipment usage to even deployment order in the case of multiple divisions.


Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
Yeah I don't think I am a fan of this game and probably will stop playing it.

  1. Too many damn tentacles.
  2. Too much dialogue and art doesn't sync up to dialogue which makes the whole experience very disjointed and unpolish. Mentions of tentacles molesting a girls pussy but art doesn't reflect it. Mentions Leon pulling his cock out and teasing the girl's entrance but art doesn't show it. When it mentions the tentacles or penis penetrating there is like 5-7 lines of dialogue before the art finally changes to reflect it.
  3. Leon spends too much watching tentacles instead of having sex himself.
  4. Actions don't really mean anything. For instance Lynette regardless of which option you chose she gets raped by tentacles anyways and you get the same exact sex scene regardless. The law and chaos stuff seems to just be more internal state of mind rather than actions taken.
  5. Too little actual gameplay and way too much pointless repetitive dialogue that doesn't add anything other than to pad the word count. Keeps repeating same info about Sylvia being half blooded over and over. Keeps mentioning the same generic tentacle shit over and over. Nobles keep shouting the same boring insult over and over in every scene as if that is how they breathe. Keeps mentioning the Leon and Anora are wraith units. Keeps mentioning that demons were banished underground repeatedly for no reason. Game would be better if they just cut out 75% of the dialogue in each scene.
  6. Even with the little bit of gameplay there is, it is very underbaked. Can't recruit multiple of the same units for whatever type of army composition you want. Can't make any real decisions during battle. Other than just recruiting units and giving them titles and assigning them to divisions there is not much to do or look forward to.
  7. Looking at all the CGs on exhentai, I shudder to think how much unnecessary repetitive dialogue there is to go through essentially the same 7+ variant pictures that each scene has.
  8. Leon isn't voice acted which is just silly because he isn't a generic blank template faceless self insert character. He is a character that you kind of just follow along, he already has a personality, history, face, and everything about him is basically already predetermined, so he might as well have a voice.

The lack of depth in gameplay makes this game feel similar to a PastureSoft game with just 100x more dialogue and tentacles. PastureSoft games are shovelware, but at least they keep it simple and short, and don't waste your time with bad out of place dialogue that doesn't reflect the art.
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Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2018
On 1... Uh... What did you expect? It's Venus Blood. Venus Blood has been tentacle focused since its inception. The CEO of Dual Tail calls the big fans "Tentacles". So on and so forth. No offense but picking up a Venus Blood game and complaining about tentacles is like, I dunno, going to KFC and complaining there's too much chicken.

On 2... That's an issue a lot of old-style VN type games have. They put more emphasis on their descriptive writing than on their CGs.

On 3... Leon feels what the tentacles feel in the scenes where he personally summons them. It's more correct to say that they're extra limbs of his during certain sex scenes rather than separate entities. This has been a thing for Venus Blood MCs for a long time too.

On 4... Eh, you really didn't get far enough for actions to mean things. Chaos and Law points along with some other conditions determine the route split later in the game, at which point things diverge very drastically. Lynette is really just a demonstration so to speak and is there to demonstrate what kind of unit you get between normal commander units and Soul Caged Commander unit.

On 5. Dunno, the dialogue didn't seem that repetitive to me back when I played it.... I think it seems that way to you because the focus is on things you don't enjoy, so, duh, everything is worse because of it.

On 6 and a bit of 5. The gameplay is intended to be that way? It's a tactics focused game. The battles are secondary to the Division building. Later on there's some really strong units unlocked that, if you could build multiples of them, you'd just win forever. Instead you have to think and work with individual units. In Venus Blood, you're basically always playing the underdog and this is representative of that.

In any case, comparing this to Pasture Soft games makes me laugh. You can play and win most Pasture Soft games without a brain. Try to do that in Venus Blood on anything but the easy difficulties with literal I Win buttons and you're NOT gonna have a good time.

Either way, it sounds like Venus Blood is not for you, and that's ok. It's not for everyone.
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Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
On 1... Uh... What did you expect? It's Venus Blood. Venus Blood has been tentacle focused since its inception. The CEO of Dual Tail calls the big fans "Tentacles". So on and so forth. No offense but picking up a Venus Blood game and complaining about tentacles is like, I dunno, going to KFC and complaining there's too much chicken.
Yes it evident that is their whole jam. But at it doesn't hurt to give us an option during the sex scenes to choose what to do during the sex scenes, like no tentacles or with tentacles.

I don't mind tentacles, but god damn the scenes are boring. The tentacles barely do anything. First 2 scenes with Lynette and Anora, doesn't even use the tentacles to penetrate them anally or orally. I mean in Anora scene she the dialogue says she sucks on them a bit but the CG doesn't even show it.

On 2... That's an issue a lot of old-style VN type games have. They put more emphasis on their descriptive writing than on their CGs.
Yeah maybe I am just spoiled by playing games like Renyuu Ascension or Seeds of Chaos where the dialogue at least somewhat matches the CG. Where even if the CG doesn't show everything that happening, but it at least they stay in a reasonable scope of what is reflected by the CG. I think that is the problem with the tentacles in this game, they do stuff in the dialogue but its rarely ever shown in the CGs.

On 3... Leon feels what the tentacles feel in the scenes where he personally summons them. It's more correct to say that they're extra limbs of his during certain sex scenes rather than separate entities. This has been a thing for Venus Blood MCs for a long time too.
Haven't played any other Venus Blood games yet.

They didn't make that very clear in the scene with Lynette though they did mention it in the scene with Anora.

On 4... Eh, you really didn't get far enough for actions to mean things. Chaos and Law points along with some other conditions determine the route split later in the game, at which point things diverge very drastically. Lynette is really just a demonstration so to speak and is there to demonstrate what kind of unit you get between normal commander units and Soul Caged Commander unit.
No I am aware of the Chaos and Law points splitting routes, but my point is the decisions aren't meaningful in the moment like a hey if I chose this option I am just going to straight up avoid this scene or get a different scene right now.

On 5. Dunno, the dialogue didn't seem that repetitive to me back when I played it.... I think it seems that way to you because the focus is on things you don't enjoy, so, duh, everything is worse because of it.
I think its pretty evident why the dialogue is so repetitive based on when you go in the gallery and toggle on and of the 18+ scenes.

The game has a basically SFW option so they double feed you the exposition info incase you missed it due to having the sex scenes disabled or you were to busy fapping and didn't process what you're reading or devs think you have memory of a gold fish.

The game gives you exposition information during sex scenes, and then clubs you in the head with it again right afterwards in a random exposition intermission.

For instance when you have sex with Lynette and Anora it already explains to you about Wraith Units, Tactica and how they work. Then after the first sex scene with Anora it basically goes into a intermission just explain that again. Then explains it to you again when you talk to Celias the first time. Then explains it again to you again when you talk to Slyvia for the first time.

You also probably need to replay the game again. Intro it explains to you how the Demons were trapped underground with no resources. Then mentioned again when the game explains it to you again about Wraith units how they they are able to bypass the barrier during both the sex dialogue and intermission scene. Then mentioned again in the meeting with Slyvia.

On 6 and a bit of 5. The gameplay is intended to be that way? It's a tactics focused game. The battles are secondary to the Division building. Later on there's some really strong units unlocked that, if you could build multiples of them, you'd just win forever. Instead you have to think and work with individual units. In Venus Blood, you're basically always playing the underdog and this is representative of that.
What you just said means essentially nothing. Just because its intended that way doesn't mean it is good game design.

You talk about strong late game units, then make those ones unit capped. There is no harm in letting you recruit multiple weak generic units. They already limit how much tactica you can produce during each phase. So its not like you're going to break the game by recruiting the basic Goblin unit multiple times. Only a simpleton thinks it has to be an all or nothing system. It also goes to the point maybe they should put more effort into balancing the game for depth rather than just having lots of units for breadth.

In any case, comparing this to Pasture Soft games makes me laugh. You can play and win most Pasture Soft games without a brain. Try to do that in Venus Blood on anything but the easy difficulties with literal I Win buttons and you're NOT gonna have a good time.
Just because the game is slightly more difficult doesn't change the fact the amount of depth and thought into developing the actual gameplay is any better.

You keep mentioning division building is the focus as if it is some kind of major highlight that makes up for the lack of other stuff to do. Cool you have provided me with two slices of bread, now where is the rest of sandwich? Where is meat, the sauce, the rest of the filling? Division building is great but where is the rest of the substance to go along with it?

The comparison between this game and PastureSoft is the fact that PastureSoft games are all breadth and no meaningful depth. Every PastureSoft game has a ton of units and tons of options in the tech tree, but none of it is relevant because there is usually a very meta optimal way that lets you ignore 90% of the units and tech tree if you spent 15 minutes thinking about it critically due to poor balancing. So their games lack strategic depth but at least they have some meaningful combat minigame.

This game seems to be the flip side of the coin. Slightly more strategic depth but combat mini game is completely lackluster. Tons of units, but no real option to do anything with them in battle.
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Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2018
Yes it evident that is their whole jam. But at it doesn't hurt to give us an option during the sex scenes to choose what to do during the sex scenes, like no tentacles or with tentacles.

I don't mind tentacles, but god damn the scenes are boring. The tentacles barely do anything. First 2 scenes with Lynette and Anora, doesn't even use the tentacles to penetrate them anally or orally. I mean in Anora scene she the dialogue says she sucks on them a bit but the CG doesn't even show it.
Yeah maybe I am just spoiled by playing games like Renyuu Ascension or Seeds of Chaos where the dialogue at least somewhat matches the CG. Where even if the CG doesn't show everything that happening, but it at least they stay in a reasonable scope of what is reflected by the CG. I think that is the problem with the tentacles in this game, they do stuff in the dialogue but its rarely ever shown in the CGs.
Giving options for sex scenes isn't really a common thing in VNs though. Even more so old-school style VNs, since Hollow IS a remake of the old Venus Blood Hypno with scenes added and whatnot. So mileage will vary quite a bit there. From where I'm sitting, it feels like you just don't enjoy the style.

For me, who's loved adult material even in pure text format, the CGs are more of a bonus than a necessity, so I'm not really able to get how you feel about them.

Haven't played any other Venus Blood games yet.

They didn't make that very clear in the scene with Lynette though they did mention it in the scene with Anora.
No I am aware of the Chaos and Law points splitting routes, but my point is the decisions aren't meaningful in the moment like a hey if I chose this option I am just going to straight up avoid this scene or get a different scene right now.
Ah, that, that's also pretty normal for VNs. Choices that aren't immediately impactful I mean. Or which need multiple choices to build up into something. There ARE some choices that lead to different scenes and whatnot in Hollow, though it's usually Law/Chaos variants for the girls, along the lines of whether you choose to have Leon corrupt them or not, which results in very different scenes. The side-characters didn't get quite as much effort put into them though.

I think its pretty evident why the dialogue is so repetitive based on when you go in the gallery and toggle on and of the 18+ scenes.

The game gives you exposition information during sex scenes, and then clubs you in the head with it again right afterwards in a random exposition intermission.

The game has a basically SFW option so they double feed you the exposition info incase you missed it due skipping the sex scenes / having it disabled.

For instance when you have sex with Lynette and Anora it already explains to you about Wraith Units, Tactica and how they work. Then after the first sex scene with Anora it basically goes into a intermission just explain that again. Then explains it to you again when you talk to Celias the first time. Then explains it again to you again when you talk to Slyvia for the first time.

You also probably need to replay the game again. Intro it explains to you how the Demons were trapped underground with no resources. Then mentioned again when the game explains it to you again about Wraith units how they they are able to bypass the barrier during both the sex dialogue and intermission scene. Then mentioned again in the meeting with Slyvia.
I'll have to take your word for this, since it's been ages since I played Hollow, but I just don't remember it bothering me. That said, I likely spent way, way, waaaaaay too much time division building in between things for the repetition to be noticeable.

What you just said means essentially nothing. Just because its intended that way doesn't mean its good game design.

You talk about strong late game units, then make those ones unit capped. There is no harm in letting you recruit multiple weak generic units. They already limit how much tactica you can produce during each phase. So its not like you're going to break the game by recruiting the basic Goblin unit multiple times. Only a simpleton thinks it has to be an all or nothing system.
Just because the game is slightly more difficult doesn't change the fact the amount of depth and thought into developing the actual gameplay is any better.

You keep mentioning division building is the focus as if it is some kind of major highlight that makes up for the lack of other stuff to do. Cool you have provided me with two slices of bread, now where is the rest of sandwich? Where is meat, the sauce, the rest of the filling? Division building is great but where is the rest of the substance to go along with it?
Ugh, no, it doesn't mean it's bad game design, it just means it's game design you don't enjoy.

For example, I find Civ games utterly boring, I have never been able to play one from top to bottom. They've bored me to tears every single time I've tried. That doesn't mean that Civ games have bad design, it just means that they're not fun for me. It doesn't make all the many, many fans that they have crazy just because I don't like it.

It's a similar principle here. For you, the division building and management and whatnot is the side-dish...

But for others, like me, it's the meat and potatoes. It is the core of the game and plenty of people love it just like that. Venus Blood wouldn't be racking lots of money on its kickstarters regularly if people didn't like all aspects of what it offers, and that includes the gameplay.

Do you think people spent hours and posted hundred of words JUST about division building and whatnot because they DIDN'T find it fun?

You want something different, and that's fine, but "not enjoyable by everyone" does not automatically make something "bad".

The main things that are bad is the terrible tutorial and the horrible grind when it comes to ore. Now that? That's bad design. The game really has lots of issues in terms of explaining shit and the ore grind just isn't interesting. And this is coming from someone who's enjoyed grinding hundreds of hours in games like D2, D3, Path of Exile etc...
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Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
Giving options for sex scenes isn't really a common thing in VNs though. Even more so old-school style VNs, since Hollow IS a remake of the old Venus Blood Hypno with scenes added and whatnot. So mileage will vary quite a bit there. From where I'm sitting, it feels like you just don't enjoy the style.

For me, who's loved adult material even in pure text format, the CGs are more of a bonus than a necessity, so I'm not really able to get how you feel about them.
I think you're misunderstanding my criticism here. I don't mind purely text games either. For instance I love Monster Girl Dreams, which basically has no sex CGs, just basic standing sprites.

The point I was try to make is that they either need more transition CGs to go with dialogue or they need to do a better job of meshing the dialogue with the limited CGs they have or have a CG that is more reflective of what is happening throughout the scene.

For instance with Lynette the majority of dialogue is playing out with the CG just tentacles wrapped around her thigh and boobs. But most of the dialogue talks abouts the tentacles molesting her clit and vagina. So the CG should the should of ordered was the tentacles touching her clit and vagina from the start to make it more reflective of the overall scene.

So the criticism is the lack of synergy between the dialogue and CG. I am perfectly fine with the style, I just don't think they did a good job of stitching the scenes together.

Lets use chocolate chip cookies as a example. I like chocolate chip cookies, I just don't like chocolate chip cookies this game dev handed to me because it seems they didn't mix the batter properly since there are pockets of raw flour.

Ugh, no, it doesn't mean it's bad game design, it just means it's game design you don't enjoy.

It's a similar principle here. For you, the division building and management and whatnot is the side-dish...

But for others, like me, it's the meat and potatoes. It is the core of the game and plenty of people love it just like that. Venus Blood wouldn't be racking lots of money on its kickstarters regularly if people didn't like all aspects of what it offers, and that includes the gameplay.

Do you think people spent hours and posted hundred of words JUST about division building and whatnot because they DIDN'T find it fun?

You want something different, and that's fine, but "not enjoyable by everyone" does not automatically make something "bad".

The main things that are bad is the terrible tutorial and the horrible grind when it comes to ore. Now that? That's bad design. The game really has lots of issues in terms of explaining shit and the ore grind just isn't interesting. And this is coming from someone who's enjoyed grinding hundreds of hours in games like D2, D3, Path of Exile etc...
I find the division building fun and spent hours doing it too but it just feels disappointing because it is missing a basic element to elevate it to make it shine properly.

Kind of like eating a cut of perfectly cooked (temp wise and nicely seared) filet mignon steak, but it wasn't seasoned or didn't have a sauce.

Plenty of people are willing to eat plain steak, doesn't mean it can't be better.


New Member
May 29, 2017
Original horny sprites seem to be straight up not included (unlike Frontier), and nobody even complained. I seethe.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 30, 2020
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