Unity - Virt-A-Mate [v1.22.0.3] [Meshed VR]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This isn’t really a game but more of a sandbox where you can create anything you want. It has a steep learning curve and a nightmare of a UI, but it’s absolutely worth the effort. If you enjoy Western VNs with DAZ renders, this will blow your mind. You can create those graphics and so much more, with fully animated scenes and your favorite characters. Your only limit is your imagination. I’ve spent thousands of hours in VaM, designing scenes and exploring creations from others. My wholehearted advice: don’t be intimidated by the UI. Once you learn the ropes, you’ll see that no other game offers this level of graphical quality and creative freedom. It is my #1 game / experience to play without a doubt.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Not a VR user.
    I wouldn't consider this a game but more of an accessible animation+physics program.
    The physics are great, visuals are nice, and the community is very active.

    Virt-A-Mate is extremely flexible and offers a large amount of customization. The possibilities for what you can do and create is near endless. It is crazy what you can do with virt-a-mate You can recreate and download characters from different types of media, play dress up and pose, play around with the physics system, create scenes of any type, create content for other games, turn a cotton dress into a chainmail dress ect, recreate scenes with character swaps, create simple games . It's more than a sex sim.
    If you do not not want to create content you can download scenes created by other users and do as you wish.
    It has somewhat of steep learning curve but is easier than something like SFM or Blender by far if you stick with plugins created by community members.

    There are just a few downsides. Performance can tank pretty hard once more than 1 character is on the screen and they have hair simulation enabled with clothing. Virt-a-mate does not care much about high end hardware.
    The UI is unintuitive a good bit of functions are unclear.
    The bugs and technical issues can get pretty bad, catastrophically bad like cause you to lose hours of work bad. A characters leg going crazy before throwing everything into a physics explosion when you load your scene to continue work , a plugin would just break, or a scene will get stuck running at 5 fps on load when nothing was changed. There also appears to be some sort of memory leak. The game needs to be shut down and restarted periodically during use to prevent crashes and windows errors.

    It requires a lot of patience and I would recommend this.
    I would recommend at least making a single purchase or donating at the very least if you end up using this for an extended period of time.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely love VAM! As many have said, it’s not a game in the traditional sense; it’s more like a 3D/VR engine, used by creators and players to create porn scenes; as such, player experience may vary.

    First thing to understand is that it’s not very user friendly and I spent a lot of time just trying to navigate between the menus, download and install some scenes, skins and stuff. Second thing you have to make peace with: unless you have some background as a programmer, you will not create scenes; you’ll have to download content. The creation tool is powerful but not noob-friendly at all.

    That being said, if you hold on to make it work and spend some time searching for content adapted to your kinks, it’s the absolute best porn experience available today! Since it’s a very big project, with hundreds of great creators, thousands of scenes and a very dedicated community, I’ll just share here my experience and why I enjoy it so much.

    First of all, graphics are truly amazing: the base game is decent, but some modders make honestly fantastic work with textures and animations. The first week after I understood how to install mods and skins, I was completely flabbergasted and severely sleep deprived from fapping exhaustion!

    The second element, but certainly the most important is that you need to spend some time to find scenes that make you tick. I can only speak for myself, but I’m awfully depraved and I like my porn pretty spicy; it took me some time to find some content creators who satisfied my degenerate soul. The reason for that is that there are a lot of scenes you can download, and (I think) some keywords are banned. The second reason is that a lot of content creators use Patreon and it’s not easy to find something that correspond to your taste and is free. To be honest, I (had to) became a Patron to three content creators to enjoy their work (without regrets).

    But really, the game overflows with great content, from short simple scenes made for desktop users, to very immersive and long scenes with dialogues options, to perfect animation motion capture scenes, sexy dances, interactive training… At the end of the day, if you haven’t found your kink… well, continue the search! Because it is here! Parenthesis: the “game” part is mostly searching for the perfect scene (clown hat, curly hair, smiley face).

    Third thing I love about VAM, and another important part of the game is finding skins (characters, dolls…) to play in the scenes you’ve downloaded. It’s like playing a harem game, but as I speak, with more than 6 000 girls to choose from! Besides, it’s pretty easy to change clothes or hairstyles, so if it’s something you enjoy, you can really have fun here. Again, some creators made absolutely ravishing models and the choice is pretty insane; for the connoisseur, some manga-style models are available, and it’s not hard to change a hetero scene into a gay scene if you want to. However, some scenes and models need some fiddling with the body size to put things where they are supposed to go (or not!).

    Everything considered, it’s an absolute classic for the discerned gentleman, but you’ll need to work for it. As with many games nowadays, the true value of the game reside in the modding community. Be aware that you’ll need a decent computer to make the game work with high fps. I haven’t tried VR, but most things I’ve read about it are very positive.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Try to be adequate, so let's score 0 to 5 - gameplay, graphics, plot, sound, and considering it porn game, need to compare sex scene - customization, interactivity, manipulation, animation, physics.

    gameplay / plot - 4 (l2p)
    sound - 5
    graphics - 5
    animation / physics - 5 - (it have own physic engine!!!)
    interactivity / manipulation / customization - 5

    Total score is 4.8

    This is not really a game, but the best porn project on this site;)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It's not really a 'game'. It's a content creation tool.

    People created a ludicrous amount of scenes, models, mods, that you can download with an ingame browser that is very easy to use and has many features like sorting for the newest or most popular, filter paid or free content, etc

    Graphics can look good or bad, depending on how the scene was created (lighting, models, mods, etc). You can find a lot of good content, though.

    Downloading scenes is easy, but creating/editing a scene can be challenging. (too many buttons, no ingame documentation to help you figure out how to do what you want)

    It works both with or without a VR headset.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Best sex simulator ever. VR is cool but optional. Tough to learn at first but way better than anything else trying to do the same thing.

    This is a bit shocking that VAM doesn't have many rating here and is buried under hundreds of cheap games getting weekly updates.
    The community for VAM is huge, there is so much content that you could fill up a 2 TB drive. The gameplay keeps getting improved by modders.

    Even tough the game core didn't get any update for a long time, there is a huge difference between what can be done now and what was possible just one year ago.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Best VR simulator out there with a huge community. Everything is physics based so it can look good but can also be jank af. With some plugins you can make girls look alive even without premade animations. Relatively easy to mod because it uses DAZ and Unity.
    Downsides: requires the best PC you can find and a lot of learning. Also, it uses DAZ and Unity.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Big learning curve but miles ahead of anything out there. Be sure to augment it with plugins, looks, and assets from the great community. Acidbubbles and Macgruber are absolute kings in the field. Get familiar with morphs to customize models(atoms)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing. The best H game to date.

    I've tried top tier games like Honey Select 2/Koikatsu/COM3D2/Project Helius stuff. This beats them all. There is a bit of a learning curve to understand how it all works. You need to find the pre made scenes you want and away you go.

    Very excited for 2.x of this in future.

    Just to add I dont have VR and play via mouse and keyboard.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It is still in progress, so rating may change depending how it finishes but I doubt it will since it is just a simulation type game.

    This game is great! The models look great and if you have a good rig it runs smooth. You can everyone into snowbunnies which is the best part. It’s basically like a program where you can create your own LI and make her do your bidding. Can’t wait for the next generation upgrade for better simulation and graphics.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I've supported VAM for several months on Patreon and even bought assets to use with it, but I eventually had to delete it because it was causing me more frustration than enjoyment.

    VAM shows a lot of promise. You can get or create some really gorgeous looking models and outfits and some very sexy situations. And you can watch in VR and you can even trick yourself into thinking you can participate.

    But then reality hits and the limitations of this software rear their ugly heads. I don't call it a game because while some people have shoehorned something game-like into this, those experiences are extremely limited.

    The reason is that the interface is atrocious. Somehow that word doesn't even seem to describe how bad it is. It's bordering on unusable. I had to read and watch an hour or two of tutorials to get this to do anything, let alone anything interesting.

    Even when you do get it to work, there's so many irritating quirks. For example, if you find a scene you like with nice animations and you want to switch out the model it came with, you can do it, but 9 times out of 10 something is going to go haywire and mess everything up and then you got a dude humping air and lady in suplexing herself. Trying to select body parts to put back in place is nigh impossible and then actually putting them back in place is literally impossible.

    None of the interactive stuff really works. Some of it kind of works, but not well. For example, removing clothes feels like wiping off slime that usually just snaps back into place.

    Here's a typical experience. You find a scene you like and you want to get a better view. You click through 5 menus go into first person. It makes you a little nauseous, but you power through and try to grab a boob but it causes the models to get tangled up. You virtual penis flops out and you try to put it back, but it's like the hardest game of whack-a-mole you ever played. Then when you give up you've got to click through 5 menus to get out of first person and hope you didn't break the scene which you definitely did. So you gotta click through another 5 menus to reload the scene, wait 3 minutes for scene to reload, try to calm your nausea from the low frame rate, and if you've still got a boner after all of that you're some kind of animal.

    In summary, this isn't a game or even a game engine, but more like photoshop (GIMP really) for virtual porn scenes. You can make just about anything you put your mind to, but it is an extremely high learning curve and very frustrating. Using it to watch other people's stuff is hit or miss. As mentioned the interface is god-awful and so interacting with anything is a chore. Updates tend to break a lot of things and there's mountains of plug-ins to track down, so you'll be lucky to get anything close to what was intended. Just a really frustrating and disappointing experience.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A very promising project. Excellent graphics quality, great physics, a huge community that replenishes 3D models and additional plugins, not to mention regular updates from the game developers. Not to mention the possibilities for virtual reality.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Look good on paper. If you played any game with this type of similarity you know what you're doing. Not gonna lie I did have a hard time understanding the game. Creator and free mode seem to be the same. You start out with a white room grounded in a void. Pretty much a sandbox game with limited created opinion. If their a tutorial posted I would change my view on this to 5 because the game does look promising.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool game. I haven't even played with a VR set, still enjoying it a lot. This is by far the best I've seen so far when it comes to touching characters and interacting with their clothes. Graphics are quite realistic as well and games like this gets a bunch of fan service content so you're in for a ride. Only downside is keyboard/mouse controls are complicated like it's managable but a basic motion of grabbing girl's tits can take a while to figure out. Maybe they'll make it more convenient for keyboard/mouse in the future ? I don't know. It's still worth playing imo.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best VR game at the moment, there is a infinity of possibilities if you actually take the time to build the scene you want.
    I'm using the Facebook Oculus with Oculus Link software to connect it to my PC and play VaM and it works well.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Virt-a-Mate is the greatest (adult) VR experience you'll ever get! I've been supporting this project for almost two years now, and the developer is doing god's work!

    For new "players", using Virt-a-Mate (or "VaM" for short) will mostly be very frustrating, because first of all it's not a game. If you're looking for something you just install, run, and then experience some nice, sultry, sexy scenes, you'll be disappointed! VaM is a sandbox for creating awesome stuff, and therefore you either have to create your very own "scenes" or use some of the community shared ones (more on that later). Also the interface may not be the most intuitive one, and to be fair, there's quite a steep learning curve on how to use it.

    VaM has full physics support (on models and clothing), an import feature for models, morphs, clothing, textures, assets etc., so the possibilities are almost endless. As of now (version 1.19.x) it only support DAZ' Genesis 2 figures. You can import clothes from your DAZ library into VaM, or you can use the integrated clothes creator to create your own clothes. There's also a hair styling tool which allows you to create your own hair styles.

    There's a sub-reddit where people are sharing their creations: models (called "looks"), clothes, hair styles or even full scenes with models/clothes/assets and animations. Or you can join the official VaM discord server, where people do share stuff, too. And with the newly release VaM package system, sharing content is as easy as it gets!

    And yes, VaM can be used in desktop mode, too. But: while setting up a scene in desktop mode maybe easier than in VR, to get the full experience out of a scene I strongly recommend using a VR headset! And because it's all real time, you always can jump into a scene and modify it to your liking -- change the models, have them wear different clothes, use a different light setup etc..

    Although I'm not really a fan of "dick girls", this animation is a great example of what's currently possible: changing the speed of the animation "on the fly" for each character individually and making them cum whenever you want to -- how can someone not like that? ;-)

    There will be one more major 1.x release, version 1.20. After that, the developer will focus mainly on the development of version 2, which he is already working on. Version 2 will greatly improve the overall performance, it will have Genesis 3/8 support, (hopefully) a better UI, and much more I'm currently missing. But after 1.20 it will be a long way to version 2.x, and as he already posted on Patreon, the first release(s) of version 2.x will have less features than 1.20, but he will keep adding all of the current features during the ongoing development process. But my guess is that there will be no version 2 release in 2020. So, have a go with version 1.19 (and 1.20 when it's released), and enjoy the best adult VR experience you'll ever get!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    At the moment, one of the most technological porn games that supports the physics of soft bodies and the implementation of tissue in real time.Miles is constantly evolving and it is very pleasing) and support modmakers andcommunity is very strong.Well, VR support speaks for itself. The game can be said to be revolutionary in its genre:)
    Likes: evaw
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Game has great physics and graphics. You can almost feel a girls breathe on your face. You can control every limb and even posses them for a first person view! A bit more polish and content and I won't be able to play any other VR game ;-)