Cursed Atelier

Creator Team of VoidBound
Game Developer
Jul 9, 2017
Would we be able to choose if she feels excitement or shame over it? Or would it be as if she feels kinda neutral about it and then her feelings are based off of the reactions of others?
We haven't decided on that yet, we might decide on it over how high her "Horny level" or some other way, we are open for suggestions on that end!


Feb 26, 2021
We haven't decided on that yet, we might decide on it over how high her "Horny level" or some other way, we are open for suggestions on that end!
I think giving the player the choice on how their Caly would feel about it could definitely be more engaging. The choice could be something introduced in the intro, "How does Caly feel about strutting around in the buff? 1. Horny 2. Neutral 3. Shame." Then with this could come some side effects. If she's horny every slap, grope, or acknowledgement would add to the horny meter and her expressions and perhaps some interactions would be played out accordingly. If she's neutral about it then slaps, gropes, and acknowledgement could perhaps just make her smile knowing that others are definitely enjoying her body. And if she's ashamed then her movements and expressions would be more as if she's trying to contain or cover herself. Slaps, gropes, and acknowledgement could also go up but not as much as if she found it horny (shame kink).

Could also have this affect gameplay as well. If horny meter goes up if she finds it arousing, then perhaps she loses the battle more easily. If she's neutral and her horny meter is up, instead of getting aroused by walking naked she instead gets a small attack boost. If she's ashamed it could be a bit different, if her horny meter isn't up she gets a slight boost that allows opponent attacks to miss, but if the horny meter is up, then nothing is different from the regular gameplay.

Certainly a more involved and complicated system, but if you'd like it to affect gameplay then this might be an option.

If you'd like to keep it simple however, I still think allowing the player to choose how their Caly would feel about it is a good call. Allow the player choice and the choice will determine how the horny meter is affected. Horny, the meter goes up fairly quickly. Neutral, it doesn't go up. Shame, it goes up slowly. And if you're willing to take it a bit farther, add expressions accordingly based off the player choice.
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Jul 2, 2023
Здравствуйте хотел бы протестировать игру на joiplay текущая последняя версия сможет запустится на этом эмуляторе? :з Кто нибудь уже пробовал запустить 0.5.5? Игра очень классная, на русском форуме даже готовят уже перевод этой игры на наш язык.

Cursed Atelier

Creator Team of VoidBound
Game Developer
Jul 9, 2017
Здравствуйте хотел бы протестировать игру на joiplay текущая последняя версия сможет запустится на этом эмуляторе? :з Кто нибудь уже пробовал запустить 0.5.5? Игра очень классная, на русском форуме даже готовят уже перевод этой игры на наш язык.
Hello, we have a special version that we made for android. You can find that one on our discord server. For the people making the translation I would love to get in touch with them as we are hoping to make the game multi language in the final version.
Please forward them this e-mail [email protected] and contact us.

Best Regards


New Member
Mar 5, 2023
Hello, we have a special version that we made for android. You can find that one on our discord server. For the people making the translation I would love to get in touch with them as we are hoping to make the game multi language in the final version.
Please forward them this e-mail [email protected] and contact us.

Best Regards
Hello can you please tell me where the current demo ends? Im return to city after waking up, hugging wolfie, thats it is ?

Cursed Atelier

Creator Team of VoidBound
Game Developer
Jul 9, 2017
Hello can you please tell me where the current demo ends? Im return to city after waking up, hugging wolfie, thats it is ?
Hello, there are some bounty hunts you can still do. For example the Slime Quest, which requires you to have finished the trial hunt from the guild. You can visit Haar and go on a trip or cooking event, he should also tell you there Vas is looking for you.
There should also be new brothel scenes unlocked.


New Member
Feb 9, 2018
Foremost, thank you for your indirect feedback!

Though VoidBound is a story/lore driven game, we understand the starter portion of the game is a tad bit too wordy for an RPG. Sadly, these are part of some of the leftover issues from the conception days of VoidBound as our writers were still trying to find that sweet textual spot between a Light Novel and a game.

That being said, rest assured, we're already on the case. The introduction of the game is being revamped from the ground up, pushing the narrative away from word heavy Visual Novel presentation to a more game-play oriented style where player will have more manual control over the situation. And yes, that means less talking and more stabbing!
Hey buddy,
I saw that your game launches on Steam soon and was curious has that build incorporated the changes which you discussed here?
Thanks in advance.

Cursed Atelier

Creator Team of VoidBound
Game Developer
Jul 9, 2017
Hey buddy,
I saw that your game launches on Steam soon and was curious has that build incorporated the changes which you discussed here?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, the intro is now with gameplay and not only visual novel.
You will be able to actively play the escape from the ship and have a combat tutorial there.

The first dungeon has been completely replaced, there is no evil steam room anymore, there is still some chatter here and there (mainly in the first room as we need to explain some features) but after wards it will allow you to move around freely with mostly all events being tied to optional or you need to click on something.

Do note, some events will still auto trigger if it is important to the story.
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New Member
Feb 9, 2018
Yes, the intro is now with gameplay and not only visual novel.
You will be able to actively play the escape from the ship and have a combat tutorial there.

The first dungeon has been completely replaced, there is no evil steam room anymore, there is still some chatter here and there (mainly in the first room as we need to explain some features) but after wards it will allow you to move around freely with mostly all events being tied to optional or you need to click on something.

Do note, some events will still auto trigger if it is important to the story.
Sounds great! Will likely get on Steam now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Going through the new intro for the first time, the focus on the yellow critter is... weird.

Caly has just seen the earth attacked (destroyed?) been wounded by a giant laser, been kidnapped, been raped, been rescued(?) by someone who then immediately talks about selling her.
She's also unarmed, naked and has been informed that armed soldiers are on their way to kill her.
But her first priority is some weird alien creature-thing that she happened to see out of the corner of her eye?


That creature should be an afterthought, instead of it running away and her having an argument with Vas about going to 'rescue' it while armed soldiers are presumably bearing down on all of them, just have them focus on fleeing and have it follow them to their getaway vehicle. Have it latch onto Caly and refuse to let go or something.

If you want to show her compassion, then skip the middle section and have the bee approach her, then go right to Vas threatening to shoot it and Caly protecting it.
It's her insisting that everybody pause their escape while she chases it around the room in the nude that comes across as...bizarre.

It makes her look stupid. Like her priorities are completely out of wack.

Edit: Or change what the alien who comes throguh the door says. Instead of him being like "hurry up" and then Caly fucking around and endangering everybody's lives over some bug that she doesn't even know, have him say that they can't leave yet becuase... some reason. A bulkhead closed and they need ten minutes to slice through it was a plasma-torch before they can make their escape.
With everybody being trapped in the lab and having to wait for the grunts to cut their way out anyway, Caly has time to do the Investigate-and-poke-at-the-sparklies section without it being weird, and you can have the fluffybee scene happen there. have Caly interacting with the bee (and deciding to keep it) be the trigger for the pirate-grunts finally cutting through the bulkhead and securing their escape-route.

Edit2: The investigate section is neat, but having Vas be nagging at you to hurry up kind of spoils the scene.
Like, the inner completionist of every gamer insists that you interact with every prompt, but over and over she hammers in that there's no in-story reason for you to be doing this, and that you should be running.
So is the player just supposed to ignore those things, or what? That goes against multiple decades of Gamer Logic, to interact with everything in a scene before moving onto the next one, because there might be Secrets.

All of my issues with the new intro stem from the same core problem. You have multiple characters hammer in that you're in a very dangerous, time-sensitive operation, then you have the protaganist fuck around and waste a bunch of time for no in-character reason.

As a writer for a video-game, you don't really want your audience's first thought upon gaining control over the player-character to be "Why am I doing this obviously counter-productive thing?"

It's like a direct attack on the player's immersion.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Speaking of the intro, I just hit a softlock during the first fight. Right after the 'this is the only battle that we'll make you lose' popup, the Urtu Bioweapon moved directly upwards to the edge of the combat zone, then refused to end it's turn, thus locking my game.

After restarting, this time he moved directly left, and used a capture-move, which progressed the scene.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
A third post in a row.

The first planet is a little jarring, As you approach Caly talks about how it's a 'barren uninhabited world' and then you land in a town with humanoid alien looking right at you, and Caly doesn't seem to think that that's weird.

"This village looks like one of dad's terraforming miniature sets"
"I should talk with the locals the more I know going in, the better."

Going in where? Also, is the fact that there is both a village and 'locals' somehow not noteworthy, given everybody who mentioned this planet called it an uninhabited lifeless world?

From context you can later learn that there are ruins on this planet and presumably that's where the Bee's vision is leading you... but Caly never actually learns this. She just suddenly knows it when she reaches the village.

Missing scene?
Edit: How come sometimes (on the first turn of combat?) Caly can only move forwards in combat? There's an enemy behind me shooting at me.
This seems like a bug, but if it's not, it probably should be patched out anyway. Her mobility is already dogshit compared to the bots (having to waste one or even two turns closing the distance to them before you can even get in range to shoot at them, but them being able to shoot at you from across the screen, or run from one end of the screen to the other whenever they feel like it)
Letting them literally run rings around her just feels mean.

Also, I built the coilgun scope first thing to try to increase it's terrible range, but in actuality nothing seems to have happened.
Not implemented?

Edit2: The coilgun in general feels way less useful than before ? I remember using it to clear out multiple bots at once in previous builds, but they won't stay still long enough for me to kill even one.
The way half of your skills will use up all of your ammo at once isn't very cool either.

I'd suggest turning the T into a proper cone (or just a 3x3 rectangle) and having it shoot instantly.
The ammo concerns already have it limited enough. You don't need to give it weird attack patterns of delays, that just turns it from 'situational' into 'useless'
At least against the first enemy-type that i've encountered sofar.

Edit3: All this commentary is for the 5.5 public build though, so I have no idea how much of this is even valid for the new version launching soon.

Edit4: The boss of the first planet has no Adds in it's fight now? That leaves it with no sex-attacks, or even anything that can rip clothing, it would seem.
But the sex-scene that you get for losing to it implies that she's already been worked over with vibrators during the fight.
Eh, that was probably already changed in the new release. of course i'd come back to try out this game five days before a big update. Lmao.
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Cursed Atelier

Creator Team of VoidBound
Game Developer
Jul 9, 2017
A third post in a row.

The first planet is a little jarring, As you approach Caly talks about how it's a 'barren uninhabited world' and then you land in a town with humanoid alien looking right at you, and Caly doesn't seem to think that that's weird.

"This village looks like one of dad's terraforming miniature sets"
"I should talk with the locals the more I know going in, the better."

Going in where? Also, is the fact that there is both a village and 'locals' somehow not noteworthy, given everybody who mentioned this planet called it an uninhabited lifeless world?

From context you can later learn that there are ruins on this planet and presumably that's where the Bee's vision is leading you... but Caly never actually learns this. She just suddenly knows it when she reaches the village.

Missing scene?
Edit: How come sometimes (on the first turn of combat?) Caly can only move forwards in combat? There's an enemy behind me shooting at me.
This seems like a bug, but if it's not, it probably should be patched out anyway. Her mobility is already dogshit compared to the bots (having to waste one or even two turns closing the distance to them before you can even get in range to shoot at them, but them being able to shoot at you from across the screen, or run from one end of the screen to the other whenever they feel like it)
Letting them literally run rings around her just feels mean.

Also, I built the coilgun scope first thing to try to increase it's terrible range, but in actuality nothing seems to have happened.
Not implemented?

Edit2: The coilgun in general feels way less useful than before ? I remember using it to clear out multiple bots at once in previous builds, but they won't stay still long enough for me to kill even one.
The way half of your skills will use up all of your ammo at once isn't very cool either.

I'd suggest turning the T into a proper cone (or just a 3x3 rectangle) and having it shoot instantly.
The ammo concerns already have it limited enough. You don't need to give it weird attack patterns of delays, that just turns it from 'situational' into 'useless'
At least against the first enemy-type that i've encountered sofar.

Edit3: All this commentary is for the 5.5 public build though, so I have no idea how much of this is even valid for the new version launching soon.

Edit4: The boss of the first planet has no Adds in it's fight now? That leaves it with no sex-attacks, or even anything that can rip clothing, it would seem.
But the sex-scene that you get for losing to it implies that she's already been worked over with vibrators during the fight.
Eh, that was probably already changed in the new release. of course i'd come back to try out this game five days before a big update. Lmao.
Hey, I haven't read everything, doing that now, but the entire first planet has been replaced haha.
You still land in the same village but the rest is gone/replaced. I will read the rest of the post now in depth.

Cursed Atelier

Creator Team of VoidBound
Game Developer
Jul 9, 2017
The coilgun in general feels way less useful than before ? I remember using it to clear out multiple bots at once in previous builds, but they won't stay still long enough for me to kill even one.
The way half of your skills will use up all of your ammo at once isn't very cool either.

- Coilgun has been buffed and you can now change the direction of the skills with shift. It also gained more ammo and a new skill.

Also, I built the coilgun scope first thing to try to increase it's terrible range, but in actuality nothing seems to have happened.
Not implemented?

- It is implemented but bugged out apparently, will look into it.

How come sometimes (on the first turn of combat?) Caly can only move forwards in combat? There's an enemy behind me shooting at me.

- That is a bug that has been fixed.

Her mobility is already dogshit compared to the bots (having to waste one or even two turns closing the distance to them before you can even get in range to shoot at them, but them being able to shoot at you from across the screen, or run from one end of the screen to the other whenever they feel like it)

- You have now movement points that you can increase by doing missions throughout the game.
It also no longer costs AP to move around, so you can now move and attack multiple times during your turn.

Speaking of the intro, I just hit a softlock during the first fight. Right after the 'this is the only battle that we'll make you lose' popup, the Urtu Bioweapon moved directly upwards to the edge of the combat zone, then refused to end it's turn, thus locking my game.

- This should be fixed in the newest build.

For the first post, I have forwarded this to the writing team and we are going to take a look at it.

Best Regards,
Cursed Atelier


Sep 4, 2018
On the intro, I personally do think you went a bit too hard on the stakes. Imediately going straght for orbital bombardment/exterminatus and then the rest of the game being so much lighter in tone creates whiplash. I'd go a teir down like fighter and/or landing craft in the intro just to make the stakes not be so damn high from the intro.
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Cursed Atelier

Creator Team of VoidBound
Game Developer
Jul 9, 2017
On the intro, I personally do think you went a bit too hard on the stakes. Imediately going straght for orbital bombardment/exterminatus and then the rest of the game being so much lighter in tone creates whiplash. I'd go a teir down like fighter and/or landing craft in the intro just to make the stakes not be so damn high from the intro.
Yeah we will adjust the intro as time goes on, but we don't want to remove the cinematic video.
But it is valid feedback, thank you very much for it!
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