after being attacked by leech when ilga asked forlan how many women he had there were 3 options...
1)it is hard to say(If this is chosen,after some conversation ilga will ask if he had loved any of them and there will be 3 more option i)he loved them all ii)he have not loved anyone iii)there was only one women he loved)
3)it is too personal
wihich choices should i choose?i wanna give honest answer...i guess no.1 and iii choices are true but not sure,,,,,,so...which is/are true?
To create a good relationship with a girl, we must choose 1)it is hard to say
Then you need to select "there was only one women he loved"
I have already completed the game, in my opinion, to a good ending for me. The most ideal woman for me was the one who did not require romance for herself. This woman needed a hot man
..but I will tell you that this game is made very strangely.
And both games end abruptly. Be prepared to see it end without getting the answers you need. Be prepared to be disappointed
The developer jumps from project to project, not knowing what to do, not building a flexible work schedule with regular updates... They create great characters for whom they cannot write a good ending arc, as if they are losing interest in development.