Thank you. I really don't envy you on that.
I would love to write my own game but don't have a clue how when it comes to coding and renders ect.
From a fellow dark and twisted mind

The only real issue I have with this statement is ... "As a true cuck, is it really your place to say no to what makes her happy and satisfies her?"
Yes and no.
I myself am in a Cuckold relationship. Yes my wife can have sex with who she wants
BUT I do have a say in who she has sex with. At this moment in time (5 years) we have never had an issue with me objecting to who she has sex with. Our Golden rules are Always be open and honest with each other, We meet potential "bulls" as a couple, That doesn't mean that I have to be there when they have sex ( although I do like being able to watch ) Not all "bulls" are comfortable with that, I will only ever use my "Vito" if a potential partner is rude or obnoxious towards me or her. I have even become good friends with some of the "bulls"
Ultimately it comes down to respect. If the guy doesn't respect me how can I trust him to respect my wife