3.30 star(s) 68 Votes
Aug 16, 2017
I didn't loose interest in Spaced Out. As I've explained before, I wanted to end it on my terms rather than someone else pulling the plug. It was my first game (and first experience with python), so it wasn't ready to be 'fixed' like other games did and also there were some serious mistakes in the coding, that could've caused troubles later on.

If the ending seemed a bit rush, that probably because it was. I've never wanted for Spaced Out to go on 'forever' so it was definitely coming to an end. The issue was that I could've used a couple of months more for that, but due to various reasons I decided it's best to start Water World during the summer (less pressure on my job, etc.). You are all probably tired of hearing this, but the amount of work for the first version was huge.

As for the navigation, I'm thinking on the first (global) nav screen where you see the decks and the girls on each of them, to be able to go straight to a girl wherever she is by clicking on her icon. I'll have to actually do it and see if this can be done, but I guess it would be nice and useful.

my reason for saying it was rushed was due to the pacing of the game itself as ive not read any of your previous posts about spaced out. my thoughts are based on what impressions I got as it went from being well thought out to being pushed from about half way through. its nothing more than a critique as I don't fund projects. but for a first offering it was heads and shoulders above 3rd or 4th offerings ive seen from other devs so, in that context, go you :D

with that kind of navigation, if you CAN get it to work, would be just as good as how it is now. honestly I managed as it is and never had a thought to change it when I played. my only bug was how long it took to get the mission started as I had to waste 5 whole days to unlock the content, but if there are going to be other things to do during those initial days beyond managing stats , then this game will do excellent :)

either way, I wish you good luck in your endeavour


Active Member
Jul 11, 2017
Game is a clickfest currently, and that's not likely to improve. Several types of UI shortcuts would be welcome, and a lot more content would obviously help too. If the quest system wasn't there, I'd write it off completely.

Could become a decent way to spend an evening eventually, but currently it's just a decent way to get RSI.

my only bug was how long it took to get the mission started as I had to waste 5 whole days to unlock the content
I think I finished the whole game in 5 days. You can start the mission on day 1/2, and then get one step further every morning.


Jun 9, 2017
I also think it's important to mention this is a follow up from Spaced out (if that was the name?) and this game will feature incest, though i'd imagine it won't be mentioned and the main character won't mention it to his mother.
Spaced Out, exactly. I hope some kind soul will make incest patch (if there will be conditions for it), because for obvious reasons officially there can't be any :( If not, then most likely I'll not be playing this (yeah, need step/mother/aunt/big sis incest to make me happy or bunch of sex crazy milfs not related to MC who's not some kind of macho/old guy so can look like their brother/son etc.).
I keep my fingers crossed for this project, as SO looked very good in times of around 0.5 when I last played it (and it's completed so time to have fun again!).


New Member
Jun 15, 2018
OMG I get it ! In Spaced Out, when your mom (Greg's mom) told you about a young men they rescued back in her time, and then fuck him, it was Greg sent from the future to the past ! OMG what a twist !
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Reactions: Farwest Studios LLC


Mar 25, 2017
Cool game, characters look good. Should keep an eye on this game, can be really cool after some updates.


Active Member
Respected User
Mar 6, 2017
elmandor where did you get the sig for spaced out I really like it, also just like spaced out alot of potential here so looking forward to updates. Keep up the good work mate.
Hey I find this sig here ;
Made by @Krull . And you should thank @Ranger for the game. He's the one who makes these games
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Reactions: Ranger and Krull


Aug 28, 2018
i loved Spaced Out. i think it was the best adult game i have ever played.

@Ranger :
i think you are not going to believe this ! ' with love from Iran ! '
in space out the second part was getting boring.
and i think you should put your BTC(bitcoin) and XMR (monero) and couple of your other wallets in your signature so if anyone wants to donate, he could ! how do you think i could donate to you from this shit hole of country? i have monero.
and at last, try to make real 3d games (i mean incest, taboo ,force !). i am not sure, but if you need help with something, you can ask people too! it is not a shame , on the contrary ,it will help you to help us.
for example, i am a miner,programmer designer (electronic doe!) and ... . all programs are free in here! if you don't know about digital currency's i can help,or what ever you might need. doe i am very busy, but i will help as much as i could.
you have the brain for story , and after (after !) you finished this watery game(!)(please fix the story and bring back sister and mom maybe?) then you could get couple of people so you together can start a full high end 3d PC game.
don't forget to add your works and help forums to your signature . i didn't even thought that the developer of the game would be in this site ! i assure you, no one does , because you are in that patriot money site. be there but in here too.

i think it is all for now.

best regards, Josef.


The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
Like all games of this type, playing it now makes almost zero sense.
You've got to wait unitl there's at least a decent amount of content so that you don't spend eons clicking onlocations with nothing happening.
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Reactions: Centurion


Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
agree with above..until there is something compelling about this game i'll just wait.
i mean..you are in a dystopian future where the world is covered in water..you are on a huge boat with so many opportunities for stuff..yet your first quest..try and peek over a railing to see boobs..complete lack of ambition ignoring all potential the scenario poses...its like the dev has a brilliant setting but no idea what to do with it. so..peek at boobs.
3.30 star(s) 68 Votes