Same for my playthrough (I played pretty faithful to Anabelle) , but he didn't limit his categories to "dead".
He also included the girls being "alienated, coercing the MC or betraying the MC", as reasons that put them out of harem scope.
When he says "alienated" I presume he's referring to the reactions of almost every girl from the story so far, when MC dumps the family & society to lead the outcasts. Not to mention the way the MC went about it, purposefully hurting & breaking the trust of those closest to him.
Anabelle forgave me, but I still did not enjoy doing that to her. I didn't like doing it to MC's childhood sweetheart, to Miyuki, or to the Mums from the vamp family.
The only other girls who are talking to me (apart from Anabelle) now, are the little white haired witch and the older girl who looks out for her.
Anabelle & those 2 are highly unlikely to get along.
Childhood sweetheart & Miyuki will presumably forgive MC, but as it stands there's only 3 girls available to me, only 2 of whom will tolerate each other.
When taken in isolation, there's not much scope for a harem.
The story is going to have to go a long way just to bring my current 3 into a position where they would enter a harem scenario.
It's still a huge stretch atm to see Miyuki, or the Mums joining.
Would've made much more sense for him to have confided in those closest to him and asked for advice, when he got made the Outcast leader.
It was some sort of rule that meant he had to take the leader's place, after MC killed him.
Surely he would have asked one of the Mum characters about this rule? In particular the occult one he went to stay with, in the woods.
He already knows he can confide in her & she won't tell the others. But no. He'll just be horrible to them and dump them like bad trash.
What did he have to gain from hiding it from them? Why was he not honest?
Nothing, no reason. It was totally illogical, but it was necessary to engineer the drama.
It's a maguffin which currently has ruined close over 50% of the relationships in the game.
4 girls currently hate me, only 3 are with me.
1/3 of them does not get on with the other 2/3.
Some harem in prospect!