Initial thaught after the beginning? "and than i decided to become BATMAN"

So here are my thoughts...
first of all, my... in so many games we are stuck with a "best friend" who is just annoying or even an asshole... wish we could choose our friends too and not only the LIs (at least we are not forced on a LI) Cause Jalen annoys the shit out of me from the start... Dont know why, but there are only a VERY VERY few games out there where the best buddy is really a good guy and not annoying... i cant recall more than 4 games where the buddy is a guy i like having around. Jalen is not one of them.... sadly he is kinda the main-protagonist besides the MC... he is nearly in every scene. Getting on my nerves. If this will not change the game is already dead for me, i just cant stand him.
The rest is a "ok" start for a average college game with the average stereotypes. So there are already a bunch of good college games, will be tough for this one to be recognized between those.
There is not much "standing out" so to speak. But what i really like are the models. Cant recognize any of them, so i played a big amount of games around here, but those models are "new" to me overall. And they look overall "natural" not too much bimbo-looking, some with smaller breast, some with bigger, but not unnatural. Most of the girls are looking really nice and cute. Like them.
And i like the models of the guys too, most games kinda recycle all the guys, you see the same guy-models in so many games... not here though. And they look natural too overall and every girl and guy is unique looking. I like that very much... though their personalities are just the standard stereotypes, well... not an easy task to create interessting and unique characters. So choosing stereotype personalties is a safe-way to go about it i guess. Doesnt mean the overall plot cant be interessting. But its too soon to tell.
Background music is ok too.
So yeah, start is ok, not outstanding, but not bad either. Will watch it closely and hope it evolves.