
Dec 4, 2017
Except for one, the antagonist: Mr. Neo Tare or Mr. NTR(yes, he's really going to be named that), he is ugly, he smells bad, an open pervert and womanizer, he is the man who the girls have sex with instead of the MC for reasons even he admits simply make no logical sense.
I like NTR, really, but this kind of characters is a total turn off.
It must have a logical sense otherwise we are in front of a kink producing a story instead of a story presenting you kinks.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
I like NTR, really, but this kind of characters is a total turn off.
It must have a logical sense otherwise we are in front of a kink producing a story instead of a story presenting you kinks.
It wasn't planned as an NTR story. It was a story which would allow the user to craft it into his world, making changes during the interaction would bring the world sway the world as a whole. However, upon further reflection, there is simply no practical way to make it a reality. So, I stopped procrastinating and finished more of the WMIY remake.
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New Member
Nov 29, 2019
For me the issue with using vasectomy as the reason in the story for no pregnancies is that it just messes with an impregnation/pregnancy fetish, as in my case. I was really enjoying the mix of girls, some of whom were using birth control, and others who weren't.

If I may offer a perspective on the first option, I would much rather you have the girls not use birth control and simply not get pregnant if you end up deciding you don't want them to. It's about the fantasy in the idea and the moment, mostly. I remember hearing some information that by default pregnancy rates are in the ~35% range? If it doesn't happen for any of them, it just doesn't. You don't have to do it this way, but please do if you feel inclined, it's just about the idea.

I'm not an expert, but I really like the idea of folding in a girl (or multiples!) if Molly were behind the pregnancies at some point. In any case, I really enjoyed your work, so thank you and I'm looking forward to the remake!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
I kinda see what you were going for with that story. At first I was like wtf? Why'd he go from cuckqueen to ntr and maledom to femdom.

After reading about the whole power to change the set up and fight against the cuck shit I get it. Still, Dennis archetype doesn't work out well in alot of stories, I don't see it working here.
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Well-Known Member
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Sep 26, 2019
Writing Chelsey's arc has been a struggle because it involves a matter which on the surface seems the simple but is actually quite the complex question: "why share?"
Unlike the previous iteration of WMIY where I just kind of hand waved it away, this time I spent a lot of time researching the cuckolding fetish in both men and women. For starters, I one of the first things I learned is that NTR paints a very inaccurate picture of motivations and behavior of all of the participants. The second is that it deals with some of the beastly parts of the human sexual psyche that most people don't like to acknowledge much less talk about. That is the concept of dominance and submission. Keep in mind, this may not be to everyone's tastes because we're about to delve into the darker more primal aspects of human nature that play a large part in the motivation of a cuckquean and a cuckcake but may not be part of a normal monogamous relationship.

In truth, cuckqueans want to see their partner go from a mating partner to an alpha male of a pack. Seeing him mating with multiple partners increases his appeal in her eyes, good enough for her is one thing, but "just how desirable is my husband" is the question the cuckquean asks herself. Being desired by multiple females gives her a sense of "look how sexy he is, every girl wants him." Seeing him as head of a group of females who are all dominant to her yet submissive to her husband makes him look more appealing.
While you will make zero friends among feminist, to a man a dominant male is competition, to a female it gives her security, as he is capable of providing for her and offering a sense of comfort and security. That is why women go for the confident guys.

Chelsey signs on for the same reason, I'm sure we've all met the girl who always seems to have a boyfriend but never seems to be very intimate relationship with them, or spend a lot of time with him? Well, if you haven't, find a girl and ask her if she knows a girl like this, one that can't seems like they simply can't function without a boyfriend, yet never stays loyal for very long. Chances are they know one. A man in her life offers a rock and confidence boost even if he isn't a big part of her day-to-day life. Chelsey is one of those, she will gladly offer sex in exchange for security, though she only seemed to hook up with men who wanted her for sex but didn't want to be there for her emotionally. So, she turned to Mary who didn't quite fit that function and often did more harm than good. Logan can serve as that during her school life, as a cuckcake(female bull) Chelsey has dominance over Molly and Logan is up-front with what he wants. He is willing to be her rock and provide her security in exchange for sex without her being exclusive, he can be a temporary boyfriend so that she can have the confidence to finally tell people "no" and assert herself yet not be tied down and take her time finding a better guy to fill that void.

The thing to keep in mind is that the girls are not replacing Molly nor are they all booty calls this time around. It is a harem but not the pretty ones you normally see in porn where all the girls get along out of a mutual love for the main character. The cuckcakes are coming into Molly and Logan's relationship for their own reasons and are willing to trade sex, but there is no exclusive agreement. Whether the cuckcakes remain exclusive to Logan or not is their decision, but ever noticed it's a lot easier to cheat on a girlfriend than it is to get a girlfriend? Women are drawn to men who are proven reliable by having other females, so none of the cuckcakes are technically tied down, they have no desire to seek out another male. Molly is exclusive to Logan, though she will offer sexual favors to the cuckcakes as a show of submission. Logan can only sleep with partners Molly approves of.

A normal two person relationship is a complex web of needs, wants, and compromises, once you add the third, fourth, or fifth person, things become even more crazy.

It should also be noted that "sharing" is not the ideal relationship for the cuckcakes, while there will be side girls that simply want to have a fun romp, for the girls that are going to actually join the relationship, it will be more akin to desperation than romance. Though the circumstances will be different, for some like Chelsey, they simply need some support, though for others it may be a kink or a desire.


Active Member
Jul 11, 2019
ever thought about adding sound? its the one thing that stands out the most for this game.

also, some of the scenes (the outside of the house) have really janky textures, a bit of texturing and uv mapping should do the trick


Jul 10, 2018
So, they need to have raw sex and not get pregnant. I see four choices:
I may be a little late here, but you could just use a minor handwave and say this world has accomplished the male pill, and our MC decides to start taking it. Maybe have it be less common than the female pill as it's newer and the demand isn't as high yet, so more effort is required to obtain it, but MC wants to be sure he's in control of his fertility. Especially after the Chelsey incident. It then does leave pregnancy content on the table in the future, should it be necessary.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 26, 2019
What's reverse ntr...wasnt that Netori?
No, netori is netori. Reverse ntr is when the wife is cucked by the husband sleeping with other women.

I may be a little late here, but you could just use a minor handwave and say this world has accomplished the male pill, and our MC decides to start taking it. Maybe have it be less common than the female pill as it's newer and the demand isn't as high yet, so more effort is required to obtain it, but MC wants to be sure he's in control of his fertility. Especially after the Chelsey incident. It then does leave pregnancy content on the table in the future, should it be necessary.
Actually, Chelsey wasn't upset about having unprotected sex. Chelsey was feeling guilty because she enjoyed it. Part of the appeal of Logan for the girls is the taboo nature of it all. A student with her teacher, he is old enough to be their father, and he is married and it's in full view of her, all completely unprotected without any use of contraceptives. The adrenaline rush from doing something so "naughty" heightens the experience. However, where she really felt enjoyment was the level of power she felt over Molly, but after she realized just how much pleasure she had derived seeing Molly's suffering, she felt extremely guilty.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2017
I'd go with option 1. Preferably with some optional paths where other characters can become pregnant.

Removing the risk of pregnancy would take away a lot of tension and excitement from the scenes.


Dec 7, 2018
Who ever knew the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy could complicate a relationship...
View attachment 1275499

The one major drawback about koikatsu when animating is it has no condom asset. None, everything is raw. That being said I don't think Logan should be having babies with every girl, it brings in a whole new dynamic that is rabbit hole too deep even for me. So, they need to have raw sex and not get pregnant. I see four choices:

1. Everyone has raw sex without protection they just don't get pregnant.
-Pros: it's sexy and I can tease impregnation and since it is still on the table, possibly include it.
-Cons: Saying that constant unprotected sex with seven women results in no baby and that people in this world simply have unprotected sex all of the time both stretch credibility to the breaking point and anyone watching will be expecting a baby that might never come

2. The girls take birth control.
-Pros: It's rather simple to explain and I can leave babies on the table
-Cons: It turns all of the drama and build up of Chelsey's character arc into an idiot plot where the only reason Chelsey is struggling is because she was too dumb to go on birth control. I want to avoid this at all costs

3. Vasectomy.
-Pros: Makes logical sense for a 44 year old married man who doesn't want to have kids yet is sexually active to get one and doesn't ruin Chelsey's plot, plus I can give Logan a moment where he draws a line in the sand for Molly to tell her "I'll only have your kids"
-Cons: Most guys view it the same way one would cutting one's own nuts off. It's a permanent serialization and isn't looked upon favorably when talking about sexy things, plus people think post vasectomy the guys making anything and just cums puffs of air when in reality ONLY the sperm cells themselves are produced in the testicles and everything else(all of the fluid) comes from the prostate and seminal vesicles

4. Give user a choice between unprotected and vasectomy
-Pros: ...
-Cons: The cons are pretty much magnifies for 1 & 3, plus it might come off as lazy
I haven't played the remake yet but just from past experience most games seem to go with option 1. It's a porn game, if you don't explicitly have characters talking about pregnancy it's sort of assumed it won't happen.

As an aside, I'd suggest moving the information about the original game to a new thread linking back to this one, it's kind of confusing when you have 2-4 different game versions listed.


Dec 19, 2017
I believe it was mentioned before, Amy isn't a target, she's a family anchor, representing the core existence and stability of the household. Her cousin and aunt however may be fair game. (It's been a while, so can't remember if that was her cousin and aunt)


Emperor of Universe 7
Aug 24, 2017
I believe it was mentioned before, Amy isn't a target, she's a family anchor, representing the core existence and stability of the household. Her cousin and aunt however may be fair game. (It's been a while, so can't remember if that was her cousin and aunt)
Are we talking about the same game and the same thing?


Dec 7, 2018
Lord willing, there will be incest. It will be optional but I'm not going to go too far out of my way to explain what happens instead. It isn't an alternate series of events or a "roommate," the content is censored so Amy essentially disappears from the game.
View attachment 1275242
I believe it was mentioned before, Amy isn't a target, she's a family anchor, representing the core existence and stability of the household. Her cousin and aunt however may be fair game. (It's been a while, so can't remember if that was her cousin and aunt)
That may have been the reasoning for her being a pre-teen in the first game but apparently the tides have turned in the remake.


Dec 19, 2017
I'm still catching up. I was thinking about the original 3. Haven't touched the remake yet.
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