Point taken. And yeah, there's an order, even though there's not really supposed to be. The chapters constantly back-reference events in other chapters. What I was referring to was the fact she was such a liar, pathologically so according to her records, so maybe she built her name screwy on purpose? Or like you said, maybe the dev just didn't know the difference. I didn't until you mentioned it. (And yes, it is strange for us in the West that Russian family names have different suffixes for male and female. Just as for many here it is strange that Oriental names place the family name before the given name. In both cases, that is the proper nomenclature for those names and should be respected. Thanks, I learned something from this!

With Oriental names it's strange for us Russians too.

With Russian names it's another matter. We build our names just like other Europeans. Our full names is different, that's a fact. We have only one (first) name and last name. Between those there is father's name with suffix (it's suffix, not ending). And our names are nouns, so, according to Russian language rules, male and female last names are different. Well, first names are different too, and I can't say it's unique Russian feature. Look at France, there are Rene and Renee, pronounciation is the same, but it's male and female names, difference only in ending (it's not a suffix). The same goes for Russian last names. For example, Russian married couple, let's say Ivanovs (plural with English ending), has a son and a daughter. Son's last name will be Ivanov and daughter's last name will be Ivanova. Difference only in ending.
So, returning to game. Character's real name is Anna Bobrova. Bobrov is her father's last name (in Russia children always have father's last name, there's a law for that). Let's say her father's name is Ivan (it's not the most common name in Russia but who cares). In every document she is Anna Ivanovna Bobrova, every official calls her Anna Ivanovna or Ms Bobrova. People, that are close to her may call her Anya, it's shortage and sign of familiarity. Only Anya, never with last name.
Considering her country of origin. Ukranian basketball player Vyacheslav Bobrov currently playing in Spanish basketball team. He's real person, he's Ukraninan and he's Bobrov.