4.20 star(s) 199 Votes


Sep 6, 2018
Katie is definitely a character with a personality and you can only say this much for so few characters. I think there's something to all Katies out there because even in WTHI, Katie is very similar to the one in WIAB, with much less malice of course. The back story is believable and draws you in, which I think is more important than just slideshows leading to faps.

That being said, despite the tragic backstory and her obnoxious facade which hides a human core, I fail to like her in an intimate way. I feel more sympathy than romantic intimacy. I'd rather be a good bro than an unsuspected jerk the way Katie described. The transition to romance as compensation for the mean things the MC does to her with Leia in their childhood, is very knee-jerk and misplaced.

All other ladies however are very likeable as personalities and for their assets, Emilie for both ;).

Thus far, I liked Helen, the aunt's daughter (MC's cousin, can't catch her name, perhaps Katrina) and Miru. Miru is very unique as she's vulnerable to MC, cares for him but a very strong character straight up, the kind which reminds you of the guard dog sign. While her physique isn't attractive for me, I like her persona.

I think it would be a very long break until the next update given the dev's financial issues. Hope he sorts it out soon.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
its really sad seeing other unworthy games get so much Financial support while this game dosen't get that much i'm really sorry i do have money IRL and my Finanical state is good my father died but he left us with good income the issue is i live in Libya we really don't buy stuff online when we need i go to shops who bring PS4 / PC / console and stuff to people pay in IRL and they will get them for u i really wish that i can support you sadly i really can't


Jun 25, 2018
Katie is by far the sexiest character in this game
This game and pretty much any other. Not many come to mind that come close!

Katie is definitely a character with a personality and you can only say this much for so few characters. I think there's something to all Katies out there because even in WTHI, Katie is very similar to the one in WIAB, with much less malice of course.
What is this "WTHI" you speak of? If someone else is using the same model, I gotta get in on that game.


Jul 9, 2017
Either I'm blind, stupid, it's not in the game yet, or the walkthrough is wrong, but I can't find the "other 2 scenes" that can start the Katie War.

In the walkthough, at 0.02, where you can pick "well except for your tits", it says it's one of the three scenes that can start the war. No other option in the walkthrough states that it starts the war, and even searching for "$ katiewar = True" in the .rpy files, only shows up at the "except for your tits" option. If I've completely missed something, please point it out, otherwise I think that section of the walkthrough needs updading.


Sep 6, 2018
This game and pretty much any other. Not many come to mind that come close!

What is this "WTHI" you speak of? If someone else is using the same model, I gotta get in on that game.
Oh, you are missing a lot of fun mate. Check it out -- Where the Heart Is
Arguably, one of the best written VN's out there. The Katie in this game isn't the same model to WIAB but is a potty mouth and personally, I prefer her physique over the Katie in WIAB. You should definitely check it out, the latest update is due next week but the beta is out already. Game time is easily 8-10 hrs for all content till this update, I have over 35 pages of saves covering 90% of the content to give you an idea.
Enjoy! ;)
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Reactions: frozenfeet
May 18, 2019


For the last few days, I was busy figuring out how to work with all these different mesh maps on a character.
And I figured it out.
I kept the old skin and added details to it.
Down below you'll find some different eyes with the new skin.

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Poll ends in 2 days!

Happy (late) Halloween!

- Ocean :)


Engaged Member
Mar 28, 2019
I think I would chose nr 1. (other then that I would chose nr 3. Hope 1 of the 2 is the winner)


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2019


For the last few days, I was busy figuring out how to work with all these different mesh maps on a character.
And I figured it out.
I kept the old skin and added details to it.
Down below you'll find some different eyes with the new skin.

You got one vote.
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Poll ends in 2 days!

Happy (late) Halloween!

- Ocean :)
I personally like Spectre the most even though it is further away from the original. The hint of green around the iris makes her look closer related to the family.


New Member
Nov 1, 2019
Will there be an option to romance with more than one person, what I mean is to create a threesome open relationship without cheating and with agreement of two certain girls I want to pick?


Sep 26, 2019
Is there a route where you can have a relationship with all the women?
either now or in the future?, or will you have to choose the ones you want?

markus T

Engaged Member
Jun 11, 2017
Now this is just straight up retarded.

A girl over the age of 18 and she is still a virgin? And on top of that she thinks that sex isn't important? Sex is the most important aspect in a relationship and the number 1 cause for breakups.

Dana is not a realistic character at all.
There are some people that value love over sex first....to me Dana being a virgin says alot about her character and I can respect her choice to be a virgin. She might just want it to be special instead of giving it up to the first guy trying to get in her pants. Not everyone is in a relation ship to get laid. She seems like a decent girl.
Number 1 cause for break ups? Sure if your only in that relationship for the sex which at that point...whats the point of the relationship? lol


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017


The poll regarding Katie did end and we will keep the old model for now. As I said in the last post, I wasn't totally satisfied with the new models either.

I decided to read into "skin creation/modification." I will try to modify her old skin into a UHD skin. It would keep her whole essence with the benefit of more quality.

Now to some shit news.

As most of you know, I am from Germany. In Germany, you must have health insurance.

I had to switch my insurance from "Student" to "Self-employed."

It costs me 208€ a month or 231$. Which is okay, I can pay it.

But now comes the thing that could break my neck.

October 29th, 2018 was the day I released my game and this was also the day I had to create a business for it. (In 4 days is the anniversary.)

And till May 2019, I made less than 450€ a month which is the minimum wage in Germany. But after that, I had to change my insurance.

And guess what.. I now also have to pay for the months from October 2018 (start of the business) to September 2019. (The month my new insurance got active)

Short: An additional 2300€ (~2500$). They, of course, wanted me to pay it all at once. Which I could never do. I'm a fucking student who sometimes lives from oatmeal lol.

We now came to the conclusion, that I have to pay an additional fee of 200€ a month (Which makes 400€+ a month just for one insurance.) for a year till I covered it. (I also have Photoshop/After Effects/Premiere pro subscriptions.) (Taxes not included.)

With WIAB I earn 800$. Which are 720€ from which the payment processor takes a cut too.

I'm in the worst place of earnings right now. I make a little bit too much to be handled as a student and too less than that I could just cover all expenses.

"What are you trying to tell us?"
I have to get another part-time job which will slow down the development. (For a year or until WIAB supports itself and all expenses that come with it.)

But either this or I have to put the game on hold till I covered everything. Which would be in a year from now. But neither you nor I want this.

I really love making this game. It fulfills me in a way normal work could never do. And I have so many well thought out ideas for WIAB and the games that will follow.

I also wanted to say Thank you! for the increased support after I released 0.5. Without it, I would have a real problem.

I stand for transparency. The people who are supporting me with their money have the right to know what is going on with the game and its surroundings.

I'm sure we'll get through this!

I will now start working on 0.6. (I'm hyped for this update. I like it a lot.)

I also acquired some additional licenses for some nice music.

The wallpapers for October are almost done.

I wish you all a great day.

- Ocean

That sucks ass. Would it be possible to use some sort of loophole? Perhaps your parents already make $$$$ and to put the Patreon in their name would not affect them in terms of taxes at all, and you could go back to getting the free benefits?

The guy is making a game and the government comes down on him taking his health insurance away... meanwhile a drug dealer collects a welfare check.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Haven't played this game yet, but does This girl have much if any content yet? She is gorgeous. Is she just a side character? A future love interest?
4.20 star(s) 199 Votes