you would think that wouldn't you, clearly you don't know how this works... sure 4% seems like maybe another week or 2 of work but the 2weeks will come and go then after a 4mts without any contact suddenly the game dev appear to let everyone know that this version of the game isn't up to his grand artist visions and scrap the whole update even the whole game to start a new, few mts after that the game dev says due to health issues that he needs to take a vacation, few mts after that still no update and game dev has gone MIA yet again, yr after all of that the game dev finally comes back and offer to do a face reveal... then we all sees it: Oceanlab is ICSTOR

Stop whining please. If you don't support him, you are just whining asking for freebies. If you think people are entitled to ask for freebies, I want first to see your game released to the public every 15 days and not charge a single dime.
And if you are a supporter, you do realized that if you are not happy you can just stop supporting? As simple as that. This is a pirate site. If you have anything to say to him, do it directly. No need to complain just because you need stuff delivered at your own time. And if you do need them, hire the guy for a few thousand dollars and make him make games at your schedule.
Otherwise, please either wait for the game or don't. But no need to complain.
Hopefully, we will see the new version soon. Meanwhile, there are a lot of other games to try out. Some very good, some not so good. But how can you tell if you don't try them?
EDIT: for those that start "milking this, milking that". If you can realize Dev is milking, so his/her supporters. You are not opening anybody's eyes (if you think you are, I want to meet your Shrink, such an big ego!). So if Dev is milking them, they know. And if they still support Dev, why do you complain? It is their choice.
And if you still see a flaw in my logic, don't just leave a facepalm, please explain. I mean, facepalm me all you want, but please explain. There may be some point of view that I am not considering. Always good to learn.