I think a good story can be complete insanity and wackiness, so long as it’s executed right and with a level of self-awareness with the tone.yeah its not the most realistc game in the world and it dont needs too be I mean too much realism will be unfun too but the reason why i apretiate ocean so much is that he trys to create a realistic world in every other games that I (and i played alot) with good and amazing qualitie in terms of render and music you always have this weird feeling that the world dont feels alive expacially with the male cast in other games with young adults ( especially on college partys) but in this game I have the feeling that the relationship with miru feels like a realationship i like how other males and females act and i want too learn more about the story in other games i dont really care because the world dont feels alive because they focuse way to much too make the world turn around mc they make you feel like the super hero but in this game I actually have the feeling that there are good guys and bad guys and women with different gaoals and likings so I have the feeling that every cheracter has a personalitie (feels alive) even the snake seems to have one and this is something that feels missing in other games they cant create that bonding if you get what i mean
But I think with this game, because it takes itself so seriously things like the snake behaving essentially like a semi-sentient companion rather than an indifferent reptile pet, or the MC and Miru having anime characteristics feels jarring because they’re at odds with what the story is about and how it’s otherwise presented.