- Dec 12, 2018
- 92
- 26
It's out already and chapter 2 remake (Beta) is out toois chapter 1 remake out already or keep going from old version ?
Yes you can play the reworked version. It has both chaptersIm little confused, Should I play chapter 1 before 2 ?
Remake oneis chapter 1 remake out already or keep going from old version ?
I will answer this post tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, because if I do now, I know I´ll catch an infraction! What a cloudcuckooland sermon filled with pseudo arguments...I have zero idea why you talk about activist and all that kind of things
Fact is that most people lie to themselfs and that is the thing that piss me off
its just false I mean you can say I like zoos because of my ego or I dont care about animals (humans included)and I do whatever I want but you cant get a lion as a dog or (species-appropriate) its just a fact
Its the same bullshit that horse owners say yeah my hores loves carry 100 pounds sure buddy
I mean its just rich girl ego to ride the horse not the wellbeaing of the horse just straght up facts if you like it or not
This is the worst argument ever I mean you can justify every crimnal act murder,rape ... and all kind of things guess what? this things happen in nature as well and the reason why this argument is so completly bad is because spiders or snakes or lion or whatever predetor you think of kill out of instict and survival
and humans are the only animals on earth that can self reflect,have complex emotioans(which would be terrible for a preditor by the way) and humans are way smarter so there is a big difference between killing for survival with no self reflection,deep emotions and so on vs the smartest species in the whole universe send by god(god human ego is endless)humans are so stupid
again worst agument ever self reflection,deep emotions,high inteligents and no need for all this curelty and so on...... we are not like other animals at least on earth
and what you need is a deep reality check best case scenario a alion invasion and than I want to see all the tucker news this is highly immoral how a highly inteligent species can do something like that blah blah .... so inoccsistent and annoying
Sorry dude, what are you talking is borderline retardet mentally bullshit. I don't want even bother to go into details why this is the case, and if you are honest to yourself and can still use 1/8 of a braincell of your nailed up brain you can clearly point out whats the matter...I have zero idea why you talk about activist and all that kind of things
Fact is that most people lie to themselfs and that is the thing that piss me off
its just false I mean you can say I like zoos because of my ego or I dont care about animals (humans included)and I do whatever I want but you cant get a lion as a dog or (species-appropriate) its just a fact
Its the same bullshit that horse owners say yeah my hores loves carry 100 pounds sure buddy
I mean its just rich girl ego to ride the horse not the wellbeaing of the horse just straght up facts if you like it or not
This is the worst argument ever I mean you can justify every crimnal act murder,rape ... and all kind of things guess what? this things happen in nature as well and the reason why this argument is so completly bad is because spiders or snakes or lion or whatever predetor you think of kill out of instict and survival
and humans are the only animals on earth that can self reflect,have complex emotioans(which would be terrible for a preditor by the way) and humans are way smarter so there is a big difference between killing for survival with no self reflection,deep emotions and so on vs the smartest species in the whole universe send by god(god human ego is endless)humans are so stupid
again worst agument ever self reflection,deep emotions,high inteligents and no need for all this curelty and so on...... we are not like other animals at least on earth
and what you need is a deep reality check best case scenario a alion invasion and than I want to see all the tucker news this is highly immoral how a highly inteligent species can do something like that blah blah .... so inoccsistent and annoying
Thanks! But I can imagine it could become the "Ignore" button too, but we´ll see.I can just admire @Turret if he is capable fo bring up the passion to deal with this shit longer than the time is needed to hit the "ignore " button
What is the difference between the beta version and the normal version in this game?
I read through the Boiii BS and I am truly befuddled how this person escaped from somewhere. The total lack of coherent thought, let alone application to the point, was almost entertaining. For a second I wondered who was on first. Just for a second mind you. Then the next sentence answered that there really was no one there. Ass-tounding.Sorry dude, what are you talking is borderline retardet mentally bullshit. I don't wamt even bother to go into details why this is the case, and if you are honest to yourself and can still use 1/8 braincell of your nailed up brain you can clearly point out whats the matter...
I can just admire Turret if he is capable fo bring up the passion to deal with this shit longer than the time is needed to hit the "ignore " button
I wanna like her but i feel like she's got immature and just down right childish.I know some people don't like Miru but I'm a big fan of her rework.
She looks great and I plan to be a loyal boyfriend unlike what I usually do in these VNs.
Be glad then that you just know the reworked Miru. The original Miru was like a retarded kid in comparision.I wanna like her but i feel like she's got immature and just down right childish.
Normal version can have fixed some typos, or added some scenes, which beta don't have, depend on dev choice. Beta is tested version, while normal version is fixed full version. Usually the diference will shown in changelog in game.What is the difference between the beta version and the normal version in this game?
The scene may come across as too light-hearted and exaggerated, but when I think back to my ex-wife's completely exaggerated panic-like reactions, which lacked any rationality, at the mere sight of a small spider in our flat...I am at scene of spider massacre and it is amusing, but shouldn't they be adult. I have nothing against embracing the iner-chiled but for some reason I can't suspaned my disbelieve for this scene, although I still find it lighthearte.