Frankly when I look at this new version of the game I feel fairly let down, and the reason being is I feel that Katie is now the indirect MC of the story, seriously, so much of this remake is about bitching about how bad the MC was as a kid / teen. Previously it was something you sorta figured out later, that he hadn't been an angel as a kid / teen, but not outright basically a villain, however here they go balls deep to make you feel the MC is an asshole, while at the same time virtually removing all the odious from Katie.
This is starting to feel like Naruto, now I am sure many people won't get what I am going for, but here is the deal in Naruto, while the main character was technically the center of the story, you could see easily whoever made the damn show was enamoured with what was supposed to be a frenemy named Sasuke, the show was basically all about how cool & badass Sasuke was while how stupid yet overpowered Naruto was.
Here it feels the story took a similar tonal shift when it comes to the MC where he used to be a good guy but had some flaws when younger, to an outright ex-villain, while Leia went from a secret villain to a not secret at all villain, seriously it was better when you discovered overtime their was shaddy with Leia rather than the story being in your face about it.
Ultimately to the benefit of Katie which in the original was portrayed as the villain, but over the course of the previous story was revealed she had been pushed aside by her siblings, so she went on to become a brat, which led to them bullying her, which led her to become outright nasty about it, which led to the MC running away because it was too much to take.
This new version however has her being outright bullied from the start, being a victim from the start, effectively justifying her entirely and hardly mention how bad she was herself, it feels the Dev decided she should be the one that should be the MC, I guess since she is on the cover, I am nearly shocked the Dev hasn't just straight up made her the MC because it feel like she is this Dev's Sasuke.
Also, in the previous version Miru could take a dig at Dylan for being a musclebound dude, here the MC is a musclebound dude... right... so I guess the Dev decided that something that previously be interpreted as a negative is now a positive, or decided to just add on another negative to the MC.
I'll say one of the only good changes to have come of this new version is Miru looks way better, however as someone else mentioned, she now looks half-Asian rather than full Asian, considering previously it gave the impression she was the runaway daughter of someone along the lines of a female Yakuza boss, its a bit peculiar that she is now half-Asian. Some of the female characters looks better now, but otherwise outside some of the graphics, it feels everything else is worst.