JJsworld I was about to start playing this, I'm a big fan of your previous story, so I was itching to more content from you. After what is shown in these comments, I need some explanation. This type of content, a NTR trap, on a harem story is quite the last thing I would expect from you.
If that is the story you want to tell, it's OK, more power to you. I'll leave and let you all in peace. But, in the very improbable chance that this is just a misunderstanding of my part and this is NOT the way the story will go, please, come forward and say CLEARLY what this is.
There's a time to protect your plot and not spoil stuff, and, there's a time where if you don't open up, you better give up. All the good will you gathered from your previous story is on the line.
So, open up, tell us what that scene means, what's going to happen, and why our future wife feels that it is alright to undress and expose herself in public and then masturbate in front of another man while mentally lusting for him. This is extreme. This is NOT what anyone that comes to read a Harem story ever expects or wants.
It is your choice. It is up to you to fix this or if you choose silence, loose everyone that wants a Harem story and you will get ONLY those that want a NTR filled crap.
I will wait for your decision, just be certain that your silence is also an answer, in this case, your silence will confirm that our impression of what this story will be is correct and this is the death of a Harem story.