(this is "Where the Heart is", not "Where the Prostitute is"

Unless your heart is in prostituition
Let me file a very honest and constructive feedback/recommendation: This game is very long and most of the length comes from rather extensive dialogs. Which is, by no means, a flaw. But it could become a killer flaw on the overall quality of the game, if the game ends up to be strict on the endings. Because another good feat of this game which could also turn into a Damocles' sword is the fact that there are a ton of ladies and you can pursuite most of them. Which is good, no doubt.
But if you combine this three factors, strict endings, a lot of ladies and long playthrough you risk to get a neverending game with very little rauchy or a disappointing ending and this indeed can be a problem when a player find himself playing for many hours to get a bad ending or 3-4 scenes with the waifu.
Take Wanda, for instance, which is a great character and quite original as a LI, with a compelling character arc. If you pursuit her only as a LI how many scenes do you get? 3? Ok, she is a "lesser" character and the consideration applies a lot less on main LIs, but it is still a problem because of the size of this game.
Where i'm going is that the player should feel free to fuck around at least a bit without compromising their run. It's reasonable that you get a bad ending if you played like a douchbag or you fucked near to anyone, but also it would be unreasonable to bind a good ending to a 100%ish monogamous run.
Just my honest player opinion.
Edit: I took in consideration that there will be miniharem/team-up endings.