Sigh, would be nice if changelogs at least said to what episode the rework is done so far... Does the "Rev" mean revisioned or what? Is it finaly full 10 episodes?
Change log ....
There are 6 chapters in Season 1.
This includes the upgraded version of the first 10 episodes of the original game,
A lot of extended scenes and brand new scenes. Some art & animations have been tweaked and new images added
Overall, it has twice the content (Script / options / dialog) compared to the original 10 episodes
more than 3x times the artwork.
Added music and sfx throughout.
Season 1 is now released on Steam
New stats system / Stats screen max scores are now based on the end of the current scene, rather than end-of episode
New GUI / new menus / new screens / updated dialog portraits /updated preference options / new replay screen & options / New prologue
So please don't assume 6 chapters = only 6 episodes of the original. This is not the case.
DEV went with chapters versus episodes to distinguish between the re-do (chapters) and the original (episodes) Cheeky Gimp tried to keep the new chapters tied into bundles that cover whole days (or in some cases 2 or 3 whole days)
whereas the original episodes were a bit messier with (sometimes) a single day being spread across more than one episode.