Well-Endowed Member
Game Developer
Aug 8, 2020
Who's the Father? [Ep. 02 v2.8] - Walkthrough Mod V0.3
Mod Updated
1: I've now tweaked the mod to show the best answers in green, rather than the wrong answers in red.​
2: The mod no will longer show the points on choices.​
3: The mod adds choices in the game so you can view more content, these will be shown as "Modded Option Added" ingame.​
4: Fixed the Easteregg errors at the end of the game.​
5: Additionally the mod will no longer allow you to rename other characters (only the MC can be renamed).​
This was done to make updates easier to mod as I'll only need to replace the MC names and not everyone's.​
Last edited:
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: Canto Forte


Active Member
Jan 23, 2018
I don't think the guy will post here anymore, because he knows what a fiasco his game is, and because of the negative fedbeack he gets here, he doesn't get any praise for the game, and that's what happens when you create a game with a size giant, no content, poorly optimized, no explanation and bad story and no nexus and full of games over.
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just trying

Mar 6, 2019
I don't think the guy will post here anymore, because he knows what a fiasco his game is, and because of the negative fedbeack he gets here, he doesn't get any praise for the game, and that's what happens when you create a game with a size giant, no content, poorly optimized, no explanation and bad story and no nexus and full of games over.
and likely he also used some kind bot viewing software to rig the total number of views to increase his ranking on this website.


Game Developer
May 3, 2020
Hello guys! Thank you so much for your interest in my game!

And I feel very happy for your interest, messages and amazing participation, which is a wonderful feedback to improve and keep making a better game day by day, thank you! WOW! Over 6,000 users have already participate in my poll here!!! Thanks a lot for your interest!!! :)
Guys, first of all I want to say that I really appreciate your interest.
Since preparing a game with hundreds of pages of text in a new language is a very hard / additional effort for me, I will start considering the option of preparing the game in a new language when one of the options (a single option) arrives at least to 2,500 votes of 2,500 single users alone. So... Cheer up!!! :D
For now, I have checked it out and the language with more options is Spanish and German (and maybe French). But there is still a long way so C'mon, guys. Give me your energy to do it. Of course with more support in my patreon my energy increases dramatically!! :LOL::ROFLMAO:

So many people asked me to include Russian language as an option so I did it afterwards. So, for all Russian speakers, your choice is there, together to Arabic language (I couldn't separate them cause 10 options is the maximum allowed (they say)).

Who's The Father? is your game and one of the most popular games of F95zone. And all that is thanks to you, guys! Really, thank you so much! The only method I have for now to continue with this project is my Patreon Itchio or Gumroad, so if you like the game and want to support this project I will appreciate it so much. My way to show you my gratitude is by improving and giving you more free updates here. Even $1 is always very welcome for this project!!! :)

:geek: I'm focused in art and design. I don't know too much about marketing. So if you know some other places where I can publish my work to spread the voice and make it more popular I will appreciate your help and private messages, suggestions, etc... If you have any knowledge about it, please... CONTACT ME! :coffee:

I don't have too much time but I will try to answer now some eary riser users :)

ANSWERING: (briefly)

If she's the protagonist of the next game, you've gained a fan :love: , I really like this game, but my love is for female protagonist.. :cry::KEK:

>We can say that we have to take control of several characters during storyline. Main character is Brawl and we will have to play most of the time with him to filrt with the ladies, fight, and other challenges... But there are some female characters with a very important role in coming updates. Thank you for your comment!


ciao a tutti si puo avere la traduzione Who's the father" version "01".
il link mega è scaduto .. grazie in anticipo :)

>Grazie. Thanks for your interest in my work!! :)

whats the pregnancy content in this game?

>That tag is very important in storyline. But it depends on your choices. Some female characters can get pregnant. But I have to clarify something that I think it is important: You will not find a pregnant woman in a sex scene in this game.

Why is rating so low? Just got here.

>Argh... just a few noisy trolls... haha... Anyway, some users (most of them) like this game and some others don't like it. Same than everything. I'm happy with the result for now, because there are many users and patrons who are supporting this project (and that's exactly the reason why I can continue with this project). I've found many users who like my game but they don't use to share their experiences. They just use to enjoy the game and to support me to continue and that's all. That's why I call the others "few noisy trolls" because they are small in number and comparative percentage but they are noisy in threads... If you are new here as you mentioned, I invite you to try it by yourself. So that you can have your own opinion :)

Okay, it is strange to find a game that is very full of muscular girls and bodybuilders, which is my favorite taste, but even so the game itself does not make much sense. I thought that maybe the game would be about growing muscles or something like that but no idea what it is about hahaha

I just missed that with so much sexy muscle bimbo there were no scenes flexing their muscles or posing like FBB, but hey, the design are nice.

>Not about "growing muscles" (in most of the characters) but growing in power levels, stamina, etc. It has an RPG concept in strategy and development. And eventually we're going to implement some training process to increase character levels. Some people are crazy already with storyline... Well, this is only the beginning! Haha... I just can say one thing: Everything will have sense later with the time and updates. Thanks for your comment!

how far can we go with the mom ?

>Quite far... just need to continue storyline...

i have played ep 1 and ep 2 v2.7.
could anyone kindly tell me, whether the choices we make so far made any impact on the story or it is simply used to move forward a predestined story no matter what.

in ep 2.. buck's sudden appearance doesn't seem to have impact on others...as in the vanessa doesn't seem to greet him or something as she's woken up by the noise created by buck, the little bro and yoko. am i missing any of the content prior to this point.

>Of course you need to follow the storyline. Buck's first scene could be explained in extra content. All appearances of new characters are for a reason. Just need to follow it. For now, I don't have time and resources to implement several paths for each scene, but if project grows in popularity I have a couple of ideas pending to be implemented... Thanks for your comment!

How much content? it is worth to play now¿?

In my opinion, it is worth to play it since Episode01 ;)

Why does this game have so many bad reviews lmao
Should i try it, cant be that bad

Actually you have already said it: Can't be that bad, you know... Try it and send me your feedback, wether you like it or not. Thanks! :)

So, do I understand correctly that there is no harem? And in general, there is little content in the game? And as far as I understand, the emphasis is not on the MC?

>Harem is one of the tags of this game. Actually MC needs to get all the ladies for him! Little content? :unsure:He's the MC, so "emphasis" is made on him.

Are episodes 1 and 2 different, or do I have to play episode 1 first?

>They are separated for now. Both need to be played separatedly for now.

Hi, so i never tried this game, at the beginning of the firts episode, should i name the milf of the house as "mom", the housband of the milf "dad" and so on, or should i give them an actual name like "Nicole" or whatever? is intended to be named as family members or not?

>You can call them as you wish. That's why that option is implemented. Many bugs have been corrected since Episode01 rearding this issue.

Or counter point, I'm thinking of subscribing now that I hear this, always do for good ntr.

>Thanks! Please! Welcome! :)

Everyone has their favorite fetish, but it's no secret that NTR fans are massively outnumbered by those who do not like the fetish. Any dev who wants a large fan base for long term growth really does a disservice by including it. It's their choice to include or not, both are valid and fine, just some will inherently have much smaller potential audience than others.

>Maybe this is one of those strange games which includes and combines an essence from NTR (some people call it avoidable, not present, preventable, bla, bla, bla) and a harem storyline where MC needs to get all the ladies for him... Not common at all and that is one of the special characteristics of this title. I think it is a game which can be played and destinated to a wide range of audiences. Thanks for your comment!

Tried loading up part 1 but all the audio clips like hehe and hmm that are thrown in contsantly and the low res video/images that pan thats stretched to full screen just ruins it for me.
Wouldnt mind just extracting the images and browsing through but RPA extractor only seems to output like 40m worth of stuff, and none of it story images.

e: Oh, looks like Unren.bat works fine though.

>You can try it but be careful. Game shouldn't request special permissions or something like that. If you still have problems, I suggest you to try official games from my platforms. They are more safe and you can also help this project in order to continue preparing new updates. Thank you! :)

actually your wrong to a certain point. ntr is huge in asian community, chinese and japanese. it's small in the west but is growing in popularity. feel free to use search tag "ntr" games and there is a mass amount here on f95. the is also lot of not english translated games that are not on this site and contain lot of ntr. i use to play those just to see the scenes but i can't read chinese or japanese.
>Certainly. Good comment! Thank you! :)

A game called who's the father implies Incest but it's on Patreon so the better question should be where's the mother.

>Maybe she run away of Patreon... Just kidding... :D

So the file says Win-Free Version, so my question is anything missing?

>Of course! :)

do i need to dl ep 1 spererately? or is it included with the most recent dl

>Yes, needs to be "dl" separately. Not included.

~>Hmm title is confusing also the intro it's contradiction.

~>I was expecting u impregnate some1 maybe drunk/amnesia or whatever u can think of.

~>Looks like gotta try this game.

>Hmm... thanks for those ideas... Thank you! :)

I've heard it being called several things, from just some random feature the developer accidentally switched on, to some telemetry tool to figure out the most popular choices in the game, to bitcoin miner. No idea what it actually is, but I'm very hesitant to install such a thing, no matter how easy it may be to block its network access.

>Uhm... Okay!? :D

Uhm... i Wouldn't consider this NTR. But if you think: Any male character besides MC having sex is NTR and it bothers you, then sure... But I dont think of it that way. Actual NTR is someone watching his/her Boyfriend/Girlfriend having sex with someone else (or did I get it wrong?).
Since this game's story is, as you also realised, told from many different angles, I don't mind this scene at all. Honestly, for me it's kinda the best scene in the game.

>I like your point! Nice comment. Thank you! :) (y):coffee:

I thought maybe, the so-called Colonel wasn't our real dad and we would have to find out who it really was. Plus, the Dev's own tags didn't say 'NTR'. But, then reading all through the posts and the dev originally saying there wasn't any NTR, but, someone else posting that if you avoid the NTR choices, you get a game over. So, I decided not to play the game. I'm not here to start crap over it. It's just best if I move on to find a different game.
1.Maybe... Who knows... let's see :D
2.Yes, I didn't say "NTR" :D
3. No. You're not going the get a game over if you avoid NTR choices at all! :eek:
4. Alright, thanks for your comment :D

Mc friend bang mc mom? Or

>No (at the moment)... But maybe if I don't have enough patrons I will let him do it...! :D :D :D

so you could just spam get points????? what is the point in that do you need alot of point some points in the future?????

>Points are not important for that at the moment. It is a feature that I want to let ready for future upgrades, new scenes, bonues and extra content in the future if everything goes well. For now, it is useful as a hint.

excuse me, do i have to play episode 1 before anything or...?

>It is suggested to be played before Episode02 in order to follow storyline. But it is not absolutely necessary to play it.

From my playthrough I did not see anything that could be called NTR. tho' the multiple character lines got confusing...give it a go, I enjoyed it. {@,@}

>Yeah! Thank you for your comment! :) (y):coffee:

The latest version actually has a (basically) NTR scene, but it is avoidable.

>hmmm... Perhaps you mean Bobbie scene... :censored:

Is this a shitty game? I see that the renders are nice. But the reviews are bad.

>THose reviews are the dark side of the force... Use your instinct... Follow renders... Use the force, nihilist!! :D

Can you tell me how is the NTR here?

>There is a essence, they say... avoidable in other's opinion... preventable... bla, bla, bla.....

How doew the pregnancy tag work?

>Some female characters can get pregnant during storyline depending on your choices... But you won't find hot scenes with pregnant women.

Where's the mac version?

>Oh! In my ! It says that it is waiting for you too :)

russian translate please

>Yeah... Please kindly participate and vote in the poll on the top... Best languages will be considered for an eventual translation. Call your friends in order to participate and vote for your favorite language!!! Thank you! :)

I really want the translation to come out into Portuguese.

>Same than our Russian friend above: Please kindly participate and vote in the poll on the top... Best languages will be considered for an eventual translation. Call your friends in order to participate and vote for your favorite language!!! Thank you! :)

The Japanese games that featured a male MC that has NTR content usually are pretty short. They are meant to satisfy a sudden kink. If they are present in a larger game than they usually are avoidable as well. Unless you play as a female character and the whole point is to corrupt her.

>Yeah, but I only can say one thing for sure: This is NOT a short story and it's gonna be full of surprises..... :censored:
>Good point, but I can say that this game is pretty original in that way and is not following traditional lines of development. Be careful, because I didn't say that some female characters are not going to be corrupted in some ways during storyline, so.....

how many episode this game will have??
>Hmmm... :unsure: More than two :) :) :)

Thank you so much!!!
So happy to know you like my work!
Thank you!!!:coffee::love:(y)

I wish I can answer every comment but unfortunately I don't have enough time.
Happy to know you like my work and thank you for your comments! :)

Going back to work now!



Active Member
Jan 16, 2018
>Harem is one of the tags of this game. Actually MC needs to get all the ladies for him! Little content? :unsure:He's the MC, so "emphasis" is made on him.
Better late than never :ROFLMAO:.
But seriously, my questions are based on the comments for the game, so I hope this did not offend you (though I already found the answers in the comments, but thanks anyway).
Good luck with the game :).


Tifa's Dark Heaven - Developer
Game Developer
Dec 2, 2019
>There is a essence, they say... avoidable in other's opinion... preventable... bla, bla, bla.....
I like ntr so its that because I wanted to know, but thanks for answering me. Good luck with your work, mate!
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Reactions: Dopplyn


Jan 21, 2019
Who's the Father? [Ep. 02 v2.8] - Walkthrough Mod V0.3

Highlights best/correct answers in green.​
Removes "Brawl" from dialogs and replaces it with the MC name​
Removes the dialog timer (so you don't have to wait around for more text to display)​
Fixed the errors at the end of the game (Easteregg errors)​

Download: Workupload

Mod Preview
View attachment 1358013

Does it work on previous Episodes? Or individually?


Jan 20, 2019
hey everyone ! if I download the ep 2 (v 2.8) its including ep 1 ? or I need to download ep 1 too
thanks !

BBC King

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2021
Preview images look like grainy low res garbage, does not bode well for the game itself.


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
How does a game get 74 reviews with a 1.5-star average?

How do you compel that many negative reviews? A puppy-kicking simulator would have trouble getting that many negative reviews.

House Of Black

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
How does a game get 74 reviews with a 1.5-star average?

How do you compel that many negative reviews? A puppy-kicking simulator would have trouble getting that many negative reviews.
Simple. By shoehorning and lying to gamers. Using Harem and incest tags to lure them in, but having unflattering content. Then it’s the data issues, the Devs says on thing and does another and clearly has bots to use at their disposal. Not to mention the renders are subpar and the story is a mindfuck.
1.40 star(s) 84 Votes