just saw a video about this game. looks like a ton of work and still a ton of work ahead. you think this will get finished?
also: i personally don't like very tall/big males and furries/bestiality. - are there other options to have adult scenes? can i turn of furries/bestiality?
As the Were monsters (werewolf, werebear, wereboar, Satyr/weregoat, Drake-dragonbiped, and minotaurs) are pretty much the whole point of this game .... I think the game is not really for you basically. if the focus isn't your cup of tea, well, that's that.
Really? I never knew that.
I know the dungeon you are talking about and I have been through it quite a few times, over the different updates, and I never noticed that. Just so accustomed to everything being a barrel, crate, or chest, I just never paid attention to it.
I think I shall check it out too - I did notice that some barrels are oddly named sacks and had an impression that maybe a dungeon I revisited had maybe respawned loot but then wasn't sure I might not have just missed those barrels before (very very possible).
Otherwise I hope that Rawdarkness addresses the Servant Token problem -it's quite annoying and I can't quite figure out why sometimes it works perfectly fine and sometimes you get totally random summoned (as like a slave-girl off of a minotaur summons). If it were possible to consistently rename servants and have that rename stick between reloads on saves it might be possible to track down, I have an impression it might be related to maybe save table mixing up if a servant token is inventory or not, but recently behaviour made me doubt that impression.