- Mar 11, 2017
- 810
- 1,044
Firstly, I tested my own link and scanned a freshly downloaded copy. I have verified it is the exact same link as the one from my mega.nz account.i got the mod from here using mega download , and after downloading i got 2 trojans with it , i barred out my computer name.
so maybe someone edited your mod reposted it with virus or the modder is lying to cover the fact that some people get virus's from their mods (tbh modding is another word for hacking
Secondly we can not verify that the file in your screenshot is actually my mod, just that a mega file you attempted to download contains a Trojan. Also you claim that my mod contains two Trojans, but your screenshot only shows one file.
Also blocking out your computer name does nothing. Unless it contains your name in it and even then, the most data anyone would have seen is your name. Computer names are not exactly unique. I am fairly sure there are more than one computer in the world named "Michael's Laptop" for instance. And what would I do with knowing your name? Do you think yourself important enough that I would use my time to track down all your information just because I found out what your name was?
My first name is Danny in case anyone wants to know and my laptops computer name is imaginatively named "DannyLappy".
Thirdly, I want people to use my mod, so it would be counter-productive for me to add a virus of any kind to it. That would damage my reputation and people would stop using my mod. If I wanted to actually spread a Trojan virus, there are more popular games I could create mods for to spread said Trojans to more people.
Fourthly, you are ENTIRELY wrong about modding and hacking. Modding comes directly from the term Modify, which means to change or alter something. As in my mod (Modification) provides new content or alters current content in the game.
Hacking is gaining illegal access to software or hardware.
For a lot of games, making modifications is easy and does not require any kind of hacking. It could be anything from changing stats to the name of your character. Save Editing is a Mod. Changing data is not hacking.
The developers of the game ACTIVELY wants people to make mods. My mod has nothing to do with hacking. It deals with variables in the game, but you can access and change those through the in-game console.
I find it highly unlikely anyone would want to infect my files and change the link (which they have not). My mod is not popular enough for them to gain anything from doing that and my mod is updated regularly enough that even if someone did try that, the link would not be there for long. But the only ones that could do that would be this site's uploader team, moderators, administrators and the owner, but I doubt any of them would gain anything from infecting my file and tricking people to download it.
I do find it odd though, that you are the first to report my mod having a Trojan virus, in the entire time my mod has been available. If just one other person had reported anything similar, I would naturally fix it, but no one but you has reported anything. If you can not provide evidence that MY files ACTUALLY contains a virus of any kind, yet alone 2, please stop spreading lies about my mod. Otherwise I will have to report you to moderators of this website for harassment.
Indeed. I were most perplexed when a virus was reported. Naturally, even though I was sure my mod contained no virus, I did a virus scan locally and it found nothing. So I figured I needed something more credible than just my word, so Virus Total.Semeicardia posted the virustotal scans of his files. Nothing there, no idea what antivirus you're using but sounds like a false positive.