The games looks pretty good and the animations are smooths. That's litteraly it, all you can do is run around the plane fucking people and a bunch of creatures, it's cool for 20 minutes and it looks good but so far thee is no gameplay or story what so ever and both matters a lot in any type of game, adult or not.
The map is also completely empty, you can fly around and see by yourself that... there is actualy nothing to see.
This game has been going on for years and still have 0 gameplay/story so it's woring tbh, even tho the techical base seems to be decent at some point you have to show more: No gameplay, no story, no dialogues, empty map. This is not acceptable after so much time of devellopement.
And if you think that this is "good enough" because it's not made by a big AAA company you are completely false, there is a ton of non adults games made by the same amout of devs and often even less who showed that you don't need 200 people to show some very good gameplay/story/graphics within 3 years of devellopement. Don't try to find excuses.
EDIT April 2021:
I still don't understand the point of this game. All they do is keep adding animations and characters. Anything else is evolving extremely slowly since I started looking at this game almost 2 years ago.
There is no story, no gameplay-loop, anything that makes a game a game. Eveytime I check a build I end up deleting it and moving on 10 minutes later.
For people who didn't tried the latest build, here is "the plot": your ship crashed on a planet, you kill 3 mobs trough some of the worst TPS shooting I have seen in a video game, then you arrive in a village with your squad where a tribe talks like thugs, smoke weed and fuck bitches.

Yes it took them 5 years to come up with that shit. Unbelievable, and it's not like any of that is being turned into something funny either. It's just cringe af, there is a bunch of awfully ankward cut scenes of characters smoking week and other useless shit. It's so fucking bad that they didn't even managed to display the weed joint, it's not even showing in the hands of the characters.
If they want to do a 3D environement with the only purpose of toying with a bunch of characters and animations, they should tell people right ahead and focus on that. Some people are fine with it and that's ok.
But for others players looking for a real game this project lost all its credibility. This is clearly going nowhere beside nice characters and animations.
Oh and obviously the game weight over 8GB which is almost the size of a real, big AAA game and it runs like absolute shit on a 2000€ rig.I'm currently playing 3 games on BETA stage and it's the only one who manage to achieve such dogshit performances, theses devs surely know what they are doing.
Playing adult game shouldn't mean lower your quality standard to such low degree, I really don't get people actually supporting that kind of project.