Unreal Engine - Wild Life [v2025-02-20 - Full Shipping Build] [Adeptus Steve]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is coming along nicely the animations pay close attention to details. customization is great the basics are optimized well. There are no games like this out there. Cant wait to see the completed project.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The gold standard for a nsfw game. The animations and quality even at the earlier stages have been absolutely brimming with quality. Some content may not be to everyone's taste, but this game attempts to appease most. Downside is certainly development time but (almost) every update is worth the wait.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent visual quality, the models are great! There's some really solid customization to the models as well. All of the animations look nice, though the transitions aren't perfect. Story's not quite there, yet, but if great visuals are what you're looking for, this is a solid experience.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    awesome game. the amount of customizing is crazy. and its only going to get better. He is changing the way adult games will and can be played. I can't wait for other builds and to see where this game goes in the future
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a lot of yiff games out there, but this one's probably the best one despite furries not even being the game's main target demographic. Zuri and Rasha are bae.

    Also, if you own a VR headset, hit Alt + 0 to have your mind blown. You're welcome.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Can't wait to see this games full potential I kind of wonder what the story will revolve around it looks very promising I haven't really seen anything like it and the sex positions and fluids are pretty erotic.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This game may have the best skeleton in the gaming industry. Good texture, gorgeous models, good graphics, awesome sounds, best 3D adult animations. The list goes on.
    However the state of the game is pretty stale. A lot of content is available through a sandbox. Basically the great work of the animators and artists is screwed by absence of a game design. There is no plot, no good quest-line and no intensive to at-least do something, so player could be guided to all these tons of good content that is already present in the "game".
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Wild Life is ambitious adult game. The team has an impressive roadmap, but development is quite slow. I think the main reason is that patreons was their monthly dose of new sex animations, which I also support. Because those animations are incredible. I'm not into bestiality and furry, but they managed to turned me on.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! Just wow! This is hands-down the best interactive porn game I've seen. After only 2 years development by a small team it's already lightyears ahead of Skyrim with 8 years of full community modding under its belt.
    That Minotaur deepthroat animation is something else! Amazing - and right up my alley. Thanks to all concerned in bringing this to us.
    If they ever decide to add Minotaur x Minotaur x girl scenes I know I'm going to bust a nut :)
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    - Open world and free roaming
    - The best sex animations (comparing to patreon games), and there are a lot of them
    - Characters look awesome. (Girls are hot!)

    - This World of Warcraft quest system is dated, not fun anymore
    - The combat system is very bad. Too simple
    - There are no game mechanics (for combat, sex, or anything else)
    - Very little progress being made. The game still isn't in a playable state after 2 years of development

    My opinion:
    The devs have talent, but also they have no idea what they are doing in the adult gaming industry. They created some great animations to lure people into supporting, but they have nothing to show beyond that. And I fear that's all they can really do. No gameplay aspects whatsoever makes this a "scene selector", not a game.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I rate here one of the Amazing Game Creations i ever seen. With lacks and great Ideas, with boring Work and great Animations.

    Wild Life is a mixed Place with Frustration and Fapping also no Storyline ( at the Moment) Boring Enviroment for a such big Team. i write this because by Steve Adeptus are Specialists, they are able to do it better. And this is the Reason why im not impressed. Sadly i seems nobody there will make this Game finished in a good Time. They milk the Patreons. ok, i dont like it but its legit

    ok, now to the Rate from me:

    Story; not exist, at the moment 0 Stars, after so long time... anyway. i rate what i have seen

    Animation; Wtf ..... Work of Perfection, not possible todo it better

    Motivation, Gameplay: for fapping top, for play as rpg flop.

    Because of the long Time, the small Progress i give 3 Stars. A Game for create Money in Devs Wallet, thats ok and legit : Average
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game, the visual use of the persojanes handles barbaro, it is not yet a game proper, but it wants, for me it is excellent.
    every time an advance comes out I look forward to it.
    These guys achieved a visual quality never seen before in game programmers and in real time it is incredible. Hopefully when the game is over, keep creating even more games like this, this was a before and after with sex games.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1216335

    I'm really not into other than human/human love so my feedback is only based on that and not taking to consideration other content since there is not much.
    4# build:
    + The best graphic/animations of all sex games
    + Great poses though some have still weird face expressions
    + Like the ability to spawn more of the same character/twins

    - Missing face sliders in character creation
    - Where is cumming button for females...?
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    James Norm Lock

    This game looks very promising but it lacks content.

    There needs to be a storyline in this game and quests...

    You should also have to do something in order to get a worthy reward, just walking around and having sex isn't good enough for a game.

    The next most important thing in my opinion is to have more control over the sex scenes.

    This game gets a 3 at the current state but it really has a potential to get a 5.
    I'm going to rate it 4 though just because of it's potential.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best games for fap fast, tired of bad camera man? choose all positions you want and with furrys too, lesbian and gay content. Its heavy but worth it, you will not regret downloading this game.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The games looks pretty good and the animations are smooths. That's litteraly it, all you can do is run around the plane fucking people and a bunch of creatures, it's cool for 20 minutes and it looks good but so far thee is no gameplay or story what so ever and both matters a lot in any type of game, adult or not.
    The map is also completely empty, you can fly around and see by yourself that... there is actualy nothing to see.
    This game has been going on for years and still have 0 gameplay/story so it's woring tbh, even tho the techical base seems to be decent at some point you have to show more: No gameplay, no story, no dialogues, empty map. This is not acceptable after so much time of devellopement.

    And if you think that this is "good enough" because it's not made by a big AAA company you are completely false, there is a ton of non adults games made by the same amout of devs and often even less who showed that you don't need 200 people to show some very good gameplay/story/graphics within 3 years of devellopement. Don't try to find excuses.

    EDIT April 2021:

    I still don't understand the point of this game. All they do is keep adding animations and characters. Anything else is evolving extremely slowly since I started looking at this game almost 2 years ago.
    There is no story, no gameplay-loop, anything that makes a game a game. Eveytime I check a build I end up deleting it and moving on 10 minutes later.

    For people who didn't tried the latest build, here is "the plot": your ship crashed on a planet, you kill 3 mobs trough some of the worst TPS shooting I have seen in a video game, then you arrive in a village with your squad where a tribe talks like thugs, smoke weed and fuck bitches. :KEK:
    Yes it took them 5 years to come up with that shit. Unbelievable, and it's not like any of that is being turned into something funny either. It's just cringe af, there is a bunch of awfully ankward cut scenes of characters smoking week and other useless shit. It's so fucking bad that they didn't even managed to display the weed joint, it's not even showing in the hands of the characters. :FacePalm:

    If they want to do a 3D environement with the only purpose of toying with a bunch of characters and animations, they should tell people right ahead and focus on that. Some people are fine with it and that's ok.
    But for others players looking for a real game this project lost all its credibility. This is clearly going nowhere beside nice characters and animations.

    Oh and obviously the game weight over 8GB which is almost the size of a real, big AAA game and it runs like absolute shit on a 2000€ rig.I'm currently playing 3 games on BETA stage and it's the only one who manage to achieve such dogshit performances, theses devs surely know what they are doing.

    Playing adult game shouldn't mean lower your quality standard to such low degree, I really don't get people actually supporting that kind of project.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Don't get this a wrong way but...

    This is nothing more than a promo. Yes it has a some good and impressive parts as any promotional material would. Good visuals and good animations which is basically it. That is why you just can not look over some of the glaring issues this project has.

    It is just a promo, a showroom if you want, that has been in development since 2017 (almost three years now) and it has not shown much progress during these years. The story is still lacking, the quests are not there, RPG elements are not there, world itself is not there.

    For three years all that was shown is a small piece of environment with a few characters and a few animations (new characters/animations were added during these years but just a few). What is worse and what disturbs is that in the road map of this project it is promised that the Vertical Slice will be released in the middle of this summer. Three years to create a vertical slice, huh. Just thinking about it makes you sad.

    Because of all things mentioned above I just can not recommend this game (it is hard to call it that) to anyone. It doesn't have much to it, it doesn't have substance. If you want to just watch some animations then it will suit you, but if you want an adult rated game with gameplay story and other things, that is definitely not the place. It feels like in 5-10 years it might become a great adult RPG game, in the mean time tho don't get your hopes up.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has great potential. Animations are done beautifully, physics is very good, the ability to set any pre-projections and look into every nook makes the eggs explode: D For my part, I could give advice to developers (I know that they also read reviews in this forum after all):

    1- MOST IMPORTANT -the graphic is very good, it is pointless with every patch to turn it up more and more. At some point, a large part of consumers simply drop out because their PCs fail. It is better to leave the engine on which everything looks very good and on most average PCs work on high details, than to create a beautiful engine but designed only for new computers. That's how it was with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and developers in the end released a game with reduced graphics due to too strong base engine

    2 - many people are furious because there is no work towards a bloody RPG. look at the length of work best for the creators to work towards expanding this game as a sex simulator, because at the moment as such is unmatched. IS PHENOMENAL. The creation of a full rpg with the plot will last for centuries, because it is not the production of CD project or Blizzard who have hundreds of developers and the time of creating the game takes years. And work on the world must be at the expense of developing sex. AND 90% OF USERS WALK ABOUT SEX. In my opinion, the expansion of the world should head towards new buildings, houses, beds and nice places where sex will be even more juicy. So, building environments / posts for NPCs, in which sex will be even more real and stimulate the imagination, eg. Boats, bonfires, cozy house with a fireplace, some chairs, tables, other elements of the environment enabling sexual interaction. There are no restrictions.

    At the end, with respect for the creators. You create a game about which generations of people who are brought up in the era of computer games dream. There is no game on this forum which in terms of sex simulator would be any kind of competition
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Best graphics i have seen yet, physics are great, the attention to detail is way above any other lewd game i have seen on here if you find a better one let me know because i doubt one can top Wild Life. Plus the sex positions are well done. Currently it seems mostly like a sex simulator which is fine because like i said its quite beautiful to explore.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good animations and very good model variety. Too bad everybody can't fuck everybody. Very interested in where this goes. Great job so far.
    Would be great if the same animations can be made to work with all combination of characters.
    PS: Shey is bae.