Unreal Engine - Completed - Wild Sex Wet Girls [Final] [Octo Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    The Flower

    It's just a hot girl simulator, the rape tag should be removed considering it's all just unlockable scenes and they're all obviously consensual. A hot girl simulator that also integrates not terrible SA if you're knocked down will be 100/10
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is kinda fun bet gets repetitive really quickly. There are 4 types of missions but it really feels like only one. The animations are pretty lifeless. The aesthetic of the game looks nice but the western theme doesnt really fit in with the hack and slash sword gameplay.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The term "Shovelware" comes to mind with this title. It's not a bad looking game on the surface but that is the only thing going for it as you quickly find yourself fighting 2 different enemies on 3 maps in one of a few "missions".

    There is no story beyond the opening scene. The hack and slash gameplay becomes "Hold down 'F' and 'W' and keep spinning the camera" to hack through the waves of enemies. Death means only death in this game with no hope of a game over rape, so some people might be into that.

    Your mission rewards are short prerendered clips with a single monster that isn't even of the type that you are killing that pretty much from the shoulders down looks like a fairly basic model.

    Overall this is a cash grab clearly and is only really good for someone to extract and post the clips and toss away the rest of the game.

    Edit: There is a 'creampie' tag which I can safely say doesn't exist in game.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Joe Steel

    God looking twitch fest. No sex that I encountered, but it may be that this was because I got bored with the twitchfest after the fourth or fifth fight. In any case, this is a game that, if it has anything interesting about it other than some visuals, hides it well.