harem is a big thing in adult games atm. like wvm (quite cool btw, props to the dev). but to be honest atm the moment i focus on mia, rachel and kinsey. maybe i will insert 1-2 more characters but the main focus will be our teen and milf. i wanna create a real character developement.
besides, my technical possibilities are also limited at the moment.
so step by step. Main focus are stunnings renders with a cool gameplay with the existing girls
Mia and Rachel content is balanced and that' what I try to do with each update. Of course there will be chapters where you will see more of Rachel or Mia. But I try to keep it balanced.
The voice artist will be for Mia at first. Nevertheless I'm looking for someone for Rachel as well. But let's be realistic. That's on the bucket list further down. So far I don't have the funds for it and the project is still very much in its early stages. So let's take one step) at a time and then I'll be able to implement these things as soon as the fanbase gets bigger
I am 100% focused on WoS right now and that will remain my focus. I have made about 1000 renders within 7 weeks.
I know that one should not get bogged down. And I won't do that either.
I don't want to burn out instead I want to create something sustainable.