It's a good art project that desperately need a touch of a game designer.
If you played previous game of this developer, almost everything is the same. Location, gameplay systems and all that. And yes, if you remember in first game you just max out the stats in the first day because time didn't move and collect scenes, well it's the exact same here.
It's a pure scene collector with barebones turbo minimal plot if you wanna call it that, if you just care about main story/events you can do it all within like 30-40 minutes.
The big difference this time is there actually ARE some events this time and much less days are spent doing absolutely nothing, having parents for some of the days is nice too because it changes the state of the house.
Artstyle is still great, animations are fluid and well done, audio design is mostly good. Can say nothing bad about the artistic part, but it's virtually unchanged from first game.
Gameplay wise it's still a pointless barely functional nightmare. As i said you can max out stats on day 1 within 5 minutes and all that's left is to randomly roam to find unique scenes, if that's your cup of tea it's an alright time waster. However that comes at a cost of not having any tension or progressing relashionships, even when parents are home scenes don't change.
As for the story, i was hoping it actually finally move somewhere, considering there is actually a little bit in here, but it completely preserves status quo and ultimately nothing happened or changed. Very dissapointing for a sequel.
it's also hard to feel anything when your female protagonist is still the most lethargic person in the multiverse.
But yeah, hire a gamedesigner, make an actual functioning gameplay system with progressing relashionship and this could work very well. As it stands it's a mediocre scene collector.